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Healthy Lifestyle Quiz !!!

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Presentation on theme: "Healthy Lifestyle Quiz !!!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Healthy Lifestyle Quiz !!!

2 Our fun plan Divide into two groups Each group must select a leader
The questions will be presented to both groups The group members must help their leader to answer the question in 60 seconds Every answer has a score The group with the highest score wins

3 Question 1. What is the best form of hydration?
Option 1. Soft drinks Option 2. Water

4 Question 2. What should I say to a friend with a toothache?
Option 1. Sleep Option 2. Visit the dentist

5 Question 3. What will help to reduce stress?
Option 1. Exercise Option 2. Relax and watch TV

6 Question 4. When the sun is hot we should...
Option 1. Stay in the shade Option 2. Sun bathe

7 Question 5. Which one is a healthy snack?
Option 1. Fast food Option 2. Simple Fruit

8 Question 6. What will help us reduce high blood pressure?
Option 1. Driving around Option 2. Walking often

9 Question 7. Which one is bad for our lungs?
Option 1. Soda Option 2. Smoking

10 Question 8. What will make us overweight if we eat too much?
Option 1. Food0 Option 2. Sugar

11 Question 9. What should we eat daily?
Option 1. Bread Option 2. Fruit and Vegetables

12 Question 10. When we are healthy we can…
Option 1. Play Sports Option 2. Be coach potatoes

13 Yeah!!! Well done!!

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