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Progression Pathways after GCE N (A) & N (T) Exams

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1 Progression Pathways after GCE N (A) & N (T) Exams

2 Progression Pathways for 4N (A)
Promotion to Sec 5. “Through-train” to poly for eligible students: Polytechnic Foundation Programme (PFP). ITE DES-to-Poly Programme (DPP). Progression to ITE.

3 Progression Pathways for 4N (A)
Promotion to Sec 5 ELMAB3 (English Language, Mathematics and best three other subjects) aggregate score of 19 points or less (ELMAB3 ≤ 19), and At least N (A)-level Grade 5 for all subjects used in computing ELMAB3. * Note: For students taking “O” Level subjects, you can compute your ELMAB3 score using a combination of N-Level grade and Prelim results to determine eligibility for promotion/detention. This applies to the DPP points calculation as well.

4 Conversion of Prelim grade to N (A)-level grade
School O-level Prelim Exam Grade N(A)-level Grade A1, A2, B3 1 B4, C5, C6 2 D7, E8 3 F9 4 * F9 grade cannot be used to compute for DPP eligibility.

5 Polytechnic Foundation Prog (PFP)
For N (A) students who are amongst the top 10% of the Sec 4NA cohort and who wish to enter polytechnic. It is offered by all five Polytechnics. PFP is a 1-year Foundation Programme that offers a practice- oriented curriculum. It is taught by polytechnic lecturers. **Eligible students will be invited to apply for PFP following the release of the GCE O-Level results in January. PFP eligibility: ELMAB3 ≤11, and Students must also meet the subject specific requirements stated in the PFP website.

6 ITE DES-to-Poly Prog (DPP)
Alternative to the Sec 5NA year. Direct enrolment into Higher Nitec course at ITE. Students will be assured of a place in related polytechnic diploma course, if they meet the Higher Nitec Grade Point Average (GPA) requirements. Eligible students can apply for DPP during the Joint Intake Exercise (JIE) following the release of the GCE N-Level results on 18 December.

7 ITE DES-to-Poly Prog (DPP)
Applications should be made online through the ITE website ( Successful applicants will be required to attend a 10-week preparatory course prior to commencing their Higher Nitec courses. DPP eligibility: ELMAB3 ≤ 19 points. Minimum grade of 4 in both EL and Maths.

8 Pointers on ITE’s admission process
There is keen competition for places in ITE Nitec. Not participating in the Main Application Phase greatly reduces a student’s likelihood of gaining a place in ITE. Students need to exercise the full 12 choices and include less popular options to maximise their chances of a successful posting. N (T) students with 0 or 1 pass can apply for e-NFP as an additional option. N (A) students need to understand that they are on ‘an equal footing’ with N(T) students in ITE’s admission process.

9 Overview of Pathways Pathways for Normal (Academic) Students
GCE N-Level Exam 4 years N(A) Course 2 years ITE Direct Entry Scheme (DES) to Higher Nitec 10 weeks Prep Programme Pathways for Normal (Academic) Students GCE O-Level Exam 1 year Sec 5 Polytechnic (3 years) 2 years ITE Nitec 2 years ITE Higher Nitec NAFA/ LaSalle (3 years) 1 year Foundation Programme Polytechnic (2 years) Junior College (2 years) / Centralised Institute

10 Offers for PFP and DPP Students who offer a mix of N- and O-level subjects are allowed to combine both sets of results for computation of ELMAB3. CCA bonus points are not factored into the ELMAB3 aggregate used for application to the PFP, but are taken into account for posting.

11 Application for PFP Only
Students who are interested in applying to the PFP should first progress to Secondary 5 on 2 Jan 2018. Upon the release of the 2017 GCE ‘O’ Level results in Jan 2018, eligible N (A) students will be invited to apply for the PFP. Applications for the PFP will commence after the release of the GCE ‘O’ Level results, at the same time as the annual Joint Admissions Exercise (JAE). Application results will be released by end Jan Students should only withdraw from Secondary 5 after they have accepted a PFP offer. Note: All PFP-bound students are required to attend classes up until the last Friday of Jan, i.e. 26 Jan).

12 Application for DPP Only
Upon the release of the 2017 GCE ‘N’ Level results in December 2017, eligible Sec 4N (A) students can apply to the DPP via the ITE application portal. Applications for the DPP will commence after the release of the GCE ‘N’-Level results. (From 18 Dec, 2.30 pm to Thu, 21 Dec, 5 pm). Application results will be released at 9 am on 29 Dec 2017, Friday (you may check your posting results via the ITE application portal). Successful applicants who accept the DPP offer will be posted to Higher Nitec DPP programmes. For more specific details, refer to Enrolment Letter from ITE. Note: You are required to log on to the portal to accept/reject the DPP offer

13 Application for both PFP and DPP
If you are certain that you do not want to continue with Sec 5 and pursue the GCE O Levels, you may apply for the DPP in December. Upon the release of the GCE O-Level results in January, eligible students may apply for the PFP. If you are offered and accept a PFP place, you may withdraw from the DPP. Alternatively, You may progress to Sec 5 first. Upon release of the GCE O Level results in Jan, you may then apply for the PFP and DPP concurrently. If application is successful, you may withdraw from sec 5N (A) by end Jan.

14 Progression Pathways for 4N(T)
Progression to ITE. Lateral transfer to Sec 4N(A): Grade A for both EL and Math, and Grade B or better for one other subject at N (T) level in one sitting. Starting from the 2013 cohort, Sec 4N T) students with 0 or 1 N level subject pass will be given the option to enrol into a pilot enhanced Nitec Foundation Programme (e-NFP). The e-NFP will help students build the necessary literacy and numeracy foundations that will enable them to successfully complete their Nitec courses. Repeat of GCE N (T) examinations is considered strictly on a case-by-case basis, subject to school’s approval (must have applied for ITE and cannot get a course at all, including e-NFP).

15 For further info On PFP: On DPP: Please read FAQs on these websites for more information.

16 Sec 4 N (A) students eligible for Sec 5N
Report for school on 2 Jan 2018, Tuesday, at 7.15 a.m. If you wish to apply to ITE or to discontinue Sec 5N education: Submit a letter from parent, stating the ITE course you intend to apply for or the reasons for discontinuation of studies. Make an appointment to see Principal/Vice-Principals (for discontinuation of studies).

17 Appeal for Review of Results
Candidates who do not have strong grounds for appeal should not do so. Cost per appeal per subject: $ Collect application form, get endorsement from subject HODs and submit to the school by 22 Dec 2017 (Fri).

18 Repeating 4N (A) Repeating 4NA
Not exceeding 21 points for ELMAB3 i.e.ELMAB3 ≤ 21, or Not exceeding 14 points for ELB3 (English Language and best three other subject) i.e. ELB3 ≤ 14, or Not exceeding 14 points for MAB3 (Mathematics and best three other Subject) i.e. MAB3 ≤ 14; and Sat for GCE N(A) Exam only once previously. Overaged by not more than 4 years for Singapore Citizens/ Permanent Residents (i.e. born on or after 2 Jan 1997) ; Overaged by not more than 2 years for International Students (i.e. born on or after 2 Jan 1999).

19 Sec 4 N (A) students eligible to repeat N-Levels (Retention)
Please collect an application form from the general office. Submit completed form to General Office by 22 Dec (Thu). Make an appointment to see Vice-Principal (Academic), Mr Mohd Azman bin Mohd Sidek for counselling. Reply form or application form?

20 Thank You Wish You All the Best!

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