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Bruxelles, 3rd October 2012 LIFE11 NAT/IT/00044 GESTIRE

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1 Bruxelles, 3rd October 2012 LIFE11 NAT/IT/00044 GESTIRE LIFE GESTIRE: Development of the strategy to manage the Natura 2000 network in the Lombardia Region Antonio Tagliaferri – Regione Lombardia Direzione Generale Sistemi Verdi e Paesaggio

2 LIFE+ project «GESTIRE»: objectives
LIFE11 NAT/IT/00044 GESTIRE LIFE+ project «GESTIRE»: objectives LIFE GESTIRE is a Natura 2000 management and restoration programme project Main objective: to develop a regional long term strategy to manage the Natura 2000 network in order to bolster the capacity to manage and/or restore sites, habitats and species at a favourable status, taking into consideration all potential sources of EU, national and regional funding and establishing a list of priority actions to be carried out in the next decade

3 LIFE+ project «GESTIRE»: managing aspects
LIFE11 NAT/IT/00044 GESTIRE LIFE+ project «GESTIRE»: managing aspects Partnership: Coordinating beneficiary: Regione Lombardia (regional body responsible for RN 2000 development) Associated beneficiaries: ERSAF (public body) FLA (regional foundation) CTS (private) Comunità Ambiente (private) LIPU (NGO) Co-financer : Fondazione Cariplo (private) Geographical coverage Definition and application of a strategy for the management of Natura 2000 network (241 SCI and SPA sites) at a regional scale.

4 LIFE+ project «GESTIRE»: strategy and level of details
LIFE11 NAT/IT/00044 GESTIRE LIFE+ project «GESTIRE»: strategy and level of details The two main outputs of the project are: Program for the management of the 241 Natura 2000 sites of the Lombardia Region Prioritised Actions Framework for the entire regional Natura 2000 network (PAF) The Program for the management of Natura 2000 will contain: -an evaluation of the conservation status of species and habitats (art.17) -infos on risks and threats on RN2000 sites -measures and legal provisions for managing of Natura 2000 -priority actions for the period

5 LIFE+ project «GESTIRE»: strategy and level of details
The PAF will define the need for financing of Natura 2000 and priority actions for priority habitats and species These outputs will be integrated with an estimate of the socio-economic value of Natura 2000 network (based on evaluation of ecosystem services) analysis of green jobs linked to Natura 2000 a financial plan for the management of Natura 2000 for the period 2014 – 2020 and an overview for implementation of the plan beyond 2020 a program for the scientific monitoring of Natura 2000 for

6 LIFE+ project «GESTIRE»: integration with other sectors
LIFE11 NAT/IT/00044 GESTIRE LIFE+ project «GESTIRE»: integration with other sectors The project foresees the creation of an integrated Natura 2000 group with members of the different regional directorates (agriculture and fishery, tourism, transport, environment and energy). The group will involve members of the regional office for EU programming and experts nature 2000, planning experts, naturalists. The group will discuss the programme for the management of Natura 2000 to verify the integration of the programme with the regional strategies in the various sectors and possible financial instruments (public and private).

7 LIFE+ project «GESTIRE»: ecology and economy
LIFE11 NAT/IT/00044 GESTIRE LIFE+ project «GESTIRE»: ecology and economy The project aims to build a profitable comparison with policy makers through the monetary valuation of ecosystem services provided by the Natura 2000 network. This objective is also the basis of an international initiative, "The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity" (TEEB): evaluation of the costs of the loss of biodiversity and the associated decline in ecosystem services by comparing them with the costs of conservation and sustainable use.

8 LIFE+ project «GESTIRE»: link with national PAF
The National authority is working on a national PAF and has presented a proposal to the 2012 LIFE+ call for tender regarding the implementation of a national PAF GESTIRE will be a pilot project/example for the national strategy The implementation of the strategy defined by the project will be part of the regional strategy and policy for the environment («post LIFE» plan) The Natura 2000 group will continue to work in a regional «task force» for biodiversity Conservation measures will be proposed to the regional government for formal approval and to the Ministry of the Environment for the final recognition in relation to SACs 8

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