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How does the world protect your HOME?

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Presentation on theme: "How does the world protect your HOME?"— Presentation transcript:

1 How does the world protect your HOME?
Sustainability How does the world protect your HOME?

2 By the end of this lesson you will be able to:
Learning Intentions: By the end of this lesson you will be able to: Describe sustainable development. Discuss the ethical and sustainable issues that arise from our current generation. Identify sustainable development initiatives that have been undertaken across the world. Links to Science LO: 2.7, 2.6, 3.10 CSPE LO: 2.2, 2.4

3 What do you think is meant by the term ‘Sustainable’?
Create a class mind-map to show your ideas. ADD A FOOTER

4 Sustainable Development
‘Development that meets the needs of the future without compromising the ability for future generations to meet their own needs’ WCED, 1987, Our Common Future Report. What words stand out in this definition and why? More Information

5 Activity: Watch the video. From watching the video, where is home
Activity: Watch the video. From watching the video, where is home? Who can help protect home? Video Link: Link

6 9 Ways to Live Sustainably
Rank the statements on the next slide using this diamond shape. Place the most important statements on top and the least important statements at the bottom. Most Important Least Important

7 9 ways to Live Sustainably
Buy products that use recyclable/biodegradable packaging. Be informed on what material can be recycled and recycle them correctly. Re-discover waste by re-using them, re-inventing them or bringing them to a second-hand shop. Buy local food to reduce food miles. Dispose of organic material (food/plants) by using a compost bin. Research products before buying them and buy the most energy efficient product. Insulate to prevent unnecessary heat loss. Use renewable energy over non-renewable energy sources Aim for a low carbon footprint by reducing the amount of energy used daily

8 Our Home, Our Life …Our Dumping Ground
Read this excellent article written by Cillian Molloy, Sárán Fogarty and Niall Groves of Presentation College Bray in County Wicklow. Click here Divide the article into parts. Give one part to each group to read. Each group must nominate a reader for their article section. Bring the article together by getting the nominated readers to read their section to the class. Answer the questions on the following slide...

9 Questions based on the previous article:
Charles Darwin once said ‘It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is most adaptable to change.’ Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Explain your reasoning. From reading the article, how can we learn from the last generation? Explain how there is a connection between war and climate change. The Irish Government imports an incredible 85% of the country’s energy needs, how could Ireland become more energy independent? From reading the article, are we a society of waste? Is there a correlation between the population of a country and the countries consumption of energy? The article refers to our generation as ‘the lost generation’, ‘the last generation’, ‘the generation of leeches’ and ‘the technological generation’. Now, it is your time to name our generation. What title would you give our generation and why? (Rule - You cannot use the names already mentioned.) We must educate ourselves on what we are doing to damage our planet and what we are doing to protect our planet. The article mentions ways in which we are damaging our planet and the ways in which we are protecting our planet, can you list them? Do you agree or disagree with the statement ‘It’s easier for a large group of people to make small changes than for a small group of people to make large ones.’ Explain your reasoning. Questions based on the previous article: Charles Darwin once said ‘It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is most adaptable to change.’ Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Explain your reasoning. From reading the article, how can we learn from the last generation? Explain how there is a connection between war and climate change. The Irish Government imports an incredible 85% of the country’s energy needs, how could Ireland become more energy independent? From reading the article, are we a society of waste? Is there a correlation between the population of a country and the consumption of energy of a country? The article refers to our generation as ‘the lost generation’, ‘the last generation’, ‘the generation of leeches’, ‘the technological generation’, ‘the generation of leeches’. Now, it is your time to name our generation. What title would you give our generation and why? (Rule - You cannot use the names already mentioned.) We must educate ourselves on what we are doing to damage our planet and what we are doing to protect our planet. List the ways in which we are damaging our planet and the ways in which we are protecting our planet. Do you agree or disagree with the statement ‘It’s easier for a large group of people to make small changes than for a small group of people to make large ones.’ Explain your reasoning.

10 Humans worldwide need to unite and work together on Sustainable Development.
Individually Locally Nationally Internationally

11 Research Task Individual Initiatives School/ Community Initiatives National Initiatives International Initiatives Document sustainable development initiatives that are happening locally, nationally and internationally.

12 Individual Initiatives
School/ Community Initiatives National Initiatives International Initiatives See Slide 9 Competitions/ projects? School posters/signs? School recycling or composting? Mentoring system with primary schools? Ban on plastic cups in canteen? School garden Green Schools programme Carpooling/ students cycling to school? Lessons on sustainability What are the EU 2020 targets for renewables, energy savings and non-ETS emissions? What are the EU greenhouse gas emission reduction target? What is the Fossil Fuel Divestment Bill? Campaigns What was the Kyoto Protocol? What is the Earth Hour initiative? What is the aim of the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)? What was agreed at the Paris Climate Conference in 2015? What are the UN Sustainable Development Goals? Research Guidance Here are some questions to accelerate students on their research journey.

13 Individual Initiatives
School/ Community Initiatives National Initiatives International Initiatives See Slide 9 Competitions/ projects? School posters/signs? School recycling or composting? Mentoring system with primary schools? Ban on plastic cups in canteen? School garden Carpooling/ students cycling to school? Lessons on sustainability 16% of all energy being used must be from a renewable energy source. 10% of energy used in the transport sector must from a renewable energy source. 30% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions. Divest public money from fossil fuels Agreement between countries to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions. (Japan, ) World Wildlife Fund (WWF) ask people all over the world to switch off their power for 1 hour. (Happens in March) An international body for assessing science related to climate change. Provides reliable information to decision makers. Governments agreed to set an action plan to keep the increase in global average temperature to well below 2 ℃. Governments to meet every 5 years to assess and set targets. The UN Sustainable Development Goals are a collection of 17 global targets for countries to focus on by The goals were set by UN. Teacher Reference Check whether your students are on the right track by referring to this sample guide.

14 Additional Reading Reports World Book Online
Students could use the following links as a reference to their research on national and international initiatives. Reports World Book Online SEAI – Irelands Energy Targets Climate Action Network Report – Read the Report on Ireland EPA Report – Read the Executive Summary EirGrid All Ireland Generation Capacity Report The Kyoto Protocol World Agreements - Back in Time Article Paris Agreement

15 THANK YOU! Lesson activities by: Inspired by: PPT Template by:
Alexander Martensson

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