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Advisory Westport Middle School

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1 Advisory Westport Middle School
Integrity Advisory Westport Middle School

2 Icebreaker- In the Manner of the Adverb
A student is selected to exit the room. The group comes up with an adverb that has an –ly suffix. Happily, sadly Quietly, loudly Quickly, slowly The student returns. She or he tries to figure out the adverb by asking people to act out a task in the manner of the adverb. “Jose, please wash the dishes in the manner of the adverb.” “Neela, please eat breakfast in the manner of the adverb.”

3 Learning Target and Agenda
I can learn what integrity is and what it looks like. Agenda: Video Discuss integrity Activities Exit Slip

4 Did you expect that outcome? What would you have done?
Video Did you expect that outcome? What would you have done?

5 Living with integrity means…
– Not settling for less than what you know you deserve in your relationships with family and friends. – Asking for what you want and need from others. – Speaking the truth, even though it might create tension. – Behaving in ways that are in harmony with your personal values.

6 What does integrity look like?
Integrity keeps commitments. Integrity is dedicated to a code of ethics. Integrity tells the truth. Integrity has inner strength. Integrity takes a stand for what’s right – even when it’s not popular. Integrity associates with people who have strong morals. Integrity has a strong sense of self. Integrity lends a helping hand. Integrity respects others, their beliefs and their skills. Integrity has discipline and self- control.

7 Activity: Doing What’s Right
Who do you admire? Is it because they use their talents and fame to do good things? With a classmate, choose someone famous and make a chart of bad choices and good choices he or she could make. For example, a basketball star could be mean to fans, hog the ball and speak badly of his teammates. Or he could raise money for charity, be a team player and visit children in hospitals. Possible Choices: Kanye West Meryl Streep Kevin Hart Beyoncé

8 Activity: Public Service Announcement
Make a PSA to convince your peers to use integrity. It should include A slogan A reason to use integrity A picture, cartoon, or other drawing

9 Exit Slip What is integrity? Why is it important?
Identify three ways you can show integrity.

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