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Angela Y. Chung, Eric A. Arsenault, and Stewart E. Novick

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Presentation on theme: "Angela Y. Chung, Eric A. Arsenault, and Stewart E. Novick"— Presentation transcript:

1 Angela Y. Chung, Eric A. Arsenault, and Stewart E. Novick
Nitrogen splittings here, there, and everywhere: A Reinvestigation of the Electronic Properties of 2-Bromopyridine with High Resolution Microwave Spectroscopy Angela Y. Chung, Eric A. Arsenault, and Stewart E. Novick

2 High Resolution Microwave Spectroscopy and 2-bromopyridine

3 Predicted Rotational Spectrum of 2-bromopyridine
assigned transitions 81BrC5H4N 79BrC5H4N

4 14N Hyperfine Structure * * 𝐽 𝐾 𝑎 ′′ 𝐾 𝑐 ′′ ′′ 𝐹 1 ′′ 𝐹 2 ′′ ← 𝐽 𝐾 𝑎 ′ 𝐾 𝑐 ′ ′ 𝐹 1 ′ 𝐹 2 ′ F1 = J + I1    (I1 = 3/2; spin of 79Br, 81Br)  F2 = F1 + I2   (I2 = 1; spin of 14N) *Caminati, W.; Forti, P. Chem. Phys. Lett. 1972, 15,

5 Spectroscopic Parameters of 79BrC5H4N from ab initio and experiments
MP2/ G(d,p) aug-cc-pVTZ (anharmonic) Caminati & Forti This work A0 /MHz 5886 5886* 5869.7(2) (16) B0 /MHz 1020 1030* (3) (26) C0 /MHz 869 876* (2) (20) DJ /kHz -- * 0.0308(9) DJK /kHz 0.203* 0.203(11) DK /kHz 1.08* 1.52(39) d1 /Hz -5.3* -5.3(11) d2 /Hz -0.80* -0.81(19) 79Braa /MHz 553.65 474.72* 552.2(12) (27) 79Brbb /MHz * -304.4(6) (21) 79Brcc /MHz * -248.1(23) (32) |79Brab| /MHz 0.2885 * 14Naa /MHz * -0.085(12) 14Nbb /MHz -2.996 * -3.005(12) 14Ncc /MHz 3.026 3.1009* 3.090(17) |14Nab|/MHz 2.946 * 2.98(28) Nlines 44 172 RMS /kHz 50 2.5 *During the conference and in following communications we were clarified on an issue with our Gaussian calculations. Specifically that without the keyword “density=current” the calculation would run with the initial calculation wavefunction rather than the wavefunction of the specified theory level. The MP2/6-311G++(d,p) calculation presented here has been re-run, however  the MP2/aug-cc-pVTZ calculation is still in progress. We would like to thank Mark Marshall for his assistance. Caminati, W.; Forti, P. Chem. Phys. Lett. 1972, 15,

6 Spectroscopic Parameters of 2-bromopyridine
79BrC5H4N 81BrC5H4N Caminati & Forti This work A0 /MHz 5869.7(2) (16) 5869.9(3) (17) B0 /MHz (3) (25) (4) (28) C0 /MHz (2) (20) (3) (20) DJ /kHz -- 0.0308(9) 0.0304(10) DJK /kHz 0.203(11) 0.204(11) DK /kHz 1.53(39) 1.53(38) d1 /Hz -5.2(11) -5.2(12) d2 /Hz -0.81(19) -0.78(20) Braa /MHz 552.2(12) (23) 460.4(20) (23) Brbb /MHz -304.4(6) (19) -252.6(7) (21) Brcc /MHz -248.1(23) (32) -207.9(33) (32) 14Naa /MHz -0.085(12) -0.090(12) 14Nbb /MHz -3.005(12) -3.001(12) 14Ncc /MHz 3.090(17) 3.091(17) 14Nab /MHz -2.99(28) -2.73(34) Nlines 44 172 173 RMS /kHz 50 2.5 Caminati, W.; Forti, P. Chem. Phys. Lett. 1972, 15,

7 Structural Parameters for 2-bromopyridine
MP2/ G(d,p) aug-cc-pVTZ Caminati & Forti This work C-Br Bond Length r0 /Å 1.903 1.890 1.88(1) 1.8983(39) Br NQC Asymmetry Parameter a (79BrC5H4N, 81BrC5H4N) , *, * -0.102(4), -0.097(7) (5), (5) a is a measure of the asymmetry of the nuclear quadrupole coupling tensor, where  = 𝜒 𝑏𝑏 − 𝜒 𝑐𝑐 𝜒 𝑎𝑎 *During the conference and in following communications we were clarified on an issue with our Gaussian calculations. Specifically that without the keyword “density=current” the calculation would run with the initial calculation wavefunction rather than the wavefunction of the specified theory level. The MP2/6-311G++(d,p) calculation presented here has been re-run, however  the MP2/aug-cc-pVTZ calculation is still in progress. We would like to thank Mark Marshall for his assistance. Caminati, W.; Forti, P. Chem. Phys. Lett. 1972, 15,

8 Pyridine vs. 2-bromopyridine Structural Analysis
MP2/aug-cc-pVTZ results /Å pyridine 2-bromopyridine r1 1.341 1.325 C-H1 1.084 1.082 r2 1.343 C-H2 1.080 r3 1.393 1.390 C-H3 1.081 r4 1.391 C-H4 1.079 r5 1.389 C-H5 -- r6 1.394 C-Br5 1.890

9 Reinvestigation of 2-bromopyridine: Anticipating work

10 Acknowledgements Daniel A. Obenchain Wallace (Pete) Pringle
Stephen A. Cooke Susanna Stephens Wilman Orellana Eric A. Arsenault Angela Y. Chung Yoon Jeong Choi Stewart E. Novick Novick Group *not pictured above: Robert Melchreit

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