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Fetal Pig Dissection.

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1 Fetal Pig Dissection

2 Where the pigs come from:
They are NOT from animals who were raised to be dissected! When pigs are slaughtered for meat (bacon, ham, pork chops, etc.), sometimes a female is pregnant. Instead of not using the fetal pigs, they are sold to biological supply companies & this is where we get them.

3 Things to look for: CRANIAL CAUDAL Different for 4 legged animals!

4 Male: look for scrotum

5 Female: look for “bump” under anus


7 Wear gloves Rinse specimen Handle the scalpel with extreme care Always cut away from others and yourself.

8 Do NOT cut off the umbilical cord.
CUTS TO MAKE Make these incisions superficially so you don’t puncture organs (especially the liver)! Do NOT cut off the umbilical cord.

9 IDENTIFYING MUSCLES Gently cut superficially through the skin & peel it back to expose the muscles you are asked to identify. Afterwards, you will add the string to tie your pig to the pan.




13 Clean Up Procedure Label Ziploc bag with a name and Per. #
Slip pig off of the tray & place inside bag with a little bit of the preservative solution. Keep string on! Bring pig to me. Tray & dissecting instruments: clean with soapy water & sponge and then dry. BE CAREFUL!!! SCALPEL IS SHARP!! Spray down countertop . Wash hands. Answer questions for the day as a group afterwards.

14 Pig Practical Your lab group will have 4 people (A, B, C or D)
Your test will be an individual test/score (35 pts) There is a multiple choice and short answer section.

15 Ex Questions: 1) Identify structure #6. 2) List 2 functions of structure #6.

16 Each group’s “A” test taker will start at the pig and answer the identification questions while looking at the pig while the “B,” “C,” and “D” test takers start on the multiple choice questions. The “A” test takers will have about 3-4 minutes to look at the pig before I rotate them out so that the “B” test takers can look at the pig. After we do this for C and D, if someone in the group needs to go back and look at the pig, then they can take turns to do so.

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