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Twitter @StewFriedman The Wharton School Twitter @StewFriedman June 2017.

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Presentation on theme: "Twitter @StewFriedman The Wharton School Twitter @StewFriedman June 2017."— Presentation transcript:

1 Twitter @StewFriedman
The Wharton School June 2017 © Total Leadership. All rights reserved.

2 Total Leadership A systematic, flexible approach for creating sustainable change to improve performance in all parts of life. BEGIN BE REAL BE WHOLE BE INNOVATIVE REFLECT & GROW Act with creativity Act with integrity Act with authenticity Introduction Conclusion Detailed course plan in syllabus – with full schedule. HO syllabus now. Hard copy for your reference. Students say: Know what is coming in later exercises so you have a sense of where you are going and importance of being thorough/ thoughtful at start. Like learning a new instrument – a new way to think about the challenges of growing as a leader and becoming the leader you want in all parts of your life, integrating them for mutual gain. NO QUICK FIXES.

3 Radically new leadership landscape
Societal shifts Cultural changes The digital age Globalization

4 Leadership at work isn’t just about work.
It’s about life.

5 Be real: act with authenticity
Know what matters Embody values consistently Align actions with values Convey values with stories Envision your legacy Hold yourself accountable 6 key skills, we’re starting today to work on 6 more for each of the other 2 principles – whole, innovative Illustrated in the people I profiled in LTLYW (some covered in P3), and which we’ll get into when we spend a day in Q4 on learning from the lives of exemplary people, including one you’ll teach us about. At this site – qualtrics – you and anyone you know can do the skills assessment for free and get a report that tells you which of these 6 your skills profile is most like.

6 Self (mind, body, spirit)
Take the four-way view Importance Focus of Attention Satisfaction 1 = Not at all 10 = Completely Performance 1 = Poor 10 = Excellent Work / Career Home / Family Community / Society Self (mind, body, spirit) 100%

7 Be whole: act with integrity
Clarify expectations Help others Build supportive networks Apply all your resources Manage boundaries intelligently Weave disparate strands 6 key skills on which we’re now focused and you’re building. The key questions: who matters, why, mutual expectations. Start w what matters, now, who matters and how do you connect with them, build trust with them, strengthen your relationships now and for the future. Will report on how well Bruce does in clarifying expectations after I see him with my family this Friday – a complete 4-way win. BTW, if you’re a Bruce fan and want to here my E Street Radio Guest DJ session, in which I play and talk about 7 songs, let me know and I’ll provide link to it.

8 Who are the most important people in your life
Who are the most important people in your life? How do they fit with your values and vision? © Total Leadership. All rights reserved.

9 Stakeholder dialogues: build trust and gain support for moving toward your vision.

10 Be innovative: act with creativity
Focus on results, not time Resolve conflicts among domains Challenge the status quo See new ways of doing things Embrace change courageously Create cultures of innovation

11 Experiments: innovations to produce four-way wins
Increase results, satisfaction of stakeholder expectations Mobilize support to achieve goals that matter Find new ways of creating mutual value among domains How will your experiments result in your being a better leader and having a richer life?

12 Total Leadership experiments
Tracking and Reflecting Keeping record of activity, thoughts, and feelings (and in some cases distributing it) to assess progress on goals, increasing self-awareness and maintaining priorities. Planning and Organizing Taking new actions to better use time and plan by, for example, using a new tool for organizing, creating “to do” lists that involve all domains, or engaging in new career planning. Rejuvenating and Restoring Attending to body, mind, and spirit so that life tasks are undertaken with renewed power, focus, and commitment.

13 Total Leadership experiments
Appreciating and Caring Having fun with people (e.g., by doing things typically outside of work with co-workers), caring for others, and appreciating relationships as a way of bonding at a basic human level. Focusing and Concentrating Trying to be physically or psychologically present when needed to pay attention to those who matter most. This might mean saying “no” to opportunities or obligations. Revealing and Engaging Sharing more of your self with others – and listening – so they can better support both your values and the steps you want to take toward realizing your leadership vision.

14 Total Leadership experiments
Time-shifting and Re-placing Working remotely or during different hours to increase flexibility and thus better fit community, family, and self activities while increasing efficiencies. Delegating and Developing Re-allocating tasks in ways that increase trust, free up time, and develop skills in self and others; working smarter by reducing and/or eliminating low-priority activities. Exploring and Venturing Taking steps toward starting a new job, career, or other activity that better aligns your work, family, community and/or self domains with your core values and aspirations.

15 Game plan Basic idea for your experiment
Assistance, advice, information you need Obstacles and assets How this is innovative for you

16 Scorecard Goals Metrics Making It Happen Intended impact
How assess progress Making It Happen Action steps Work / Career Home / Family Community / Society Self

17 From one-way to four-way wins
One-Way Wins Four-Way Wins Performance and Satisfaction Sacrificed in One or More Domains Good Performance and Satisfaction in All Domains Performance and Satisfaction Sacrificed in One or More Domains Missed Opportunities to Capture Value Across Domains Mined Opportunities Shift in your mindset through action and reflection, coaching, and examples. Not ticket to C suite but rich life / success. “Executive” in title misnomer. Conflict Harmony

18 Shift in your mindset through action and reflection, coaching, and examples.
Not ticket to C suite but rich life / success. “Executive” in title misnomer.

19 The practice of Total Leadership – a means for change
Fake Unfocused Rootless Genuine Purposeful Grounded Be Real Act with authenticity Fragmented Resentful Overwhelmed Connected Supported Resilient Be Whole Act with integrity Stagnant Apathetic Pessimistic Curious Engaged Optimistic Be Innovative Act with creativity Focus here only on shift in how you think about yourself as a leader in different parts of life. Expect greater purpose, connection, optimism about change. Next slide, do review of course phases.

20 Mutual gains for performance + satisfaction in all domains
Benefits to work / career Benefits to the rest of life Not “either/or” but “both and more”

21 . Measurable, sustainable behavior change that drives business results and personal growth Business results Better attraction and retention of talent Productivity gains and cost reductions Enhanced engagement and resilience Greater focus on results that matter Greater commitment to organization Improved leadership skills Increased confidence and competence in creating sustainable change Stronger connections in networks Better reputation via community impact Personal results Fewer conflict-ridden tradeoffs Greater sense of control Improved health and wellness Lower stress, more energy More satisfied with personal growth, job, career, family Cisco, UHG, Deloitte, Dogfish, Google, Motley Fool, hundreds of others. Internationally – MOOC w 135K+, book in many languages.

22 Leading the life you want
Significant achievement results from using your talents to make the world better: Leading the life you want requires striving to help others. Professional accomplishment comes not at the expense of the rest of life, but because of commitments at home, in community, and to the self. You can develop the skills you need to lead the life you want. What’s your takeaway – the big idea? (1:1 w neighbor) Try to be kinder – use your talents to make things better for others Of course you must sacrifice, but not ALL the time You can grow – maintain a hunger for new knowledge, for that’s what keeps you vital.

23 Which leader has strengths like yours?
Go to site, register, and do the 18 item survey now. Handout for those who prefer paper. Let’s start with who your are most like and what their stories reveal about the skills you need to lead the life you want.


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