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CA Statewide & Community Efforts

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1 CA Statewide & Community Efforts
CCLHO & MCAH Conference May 10, 2018 Gail Kennedy ACEs Connection

2 OBJECTIVES ACEs Connection Who we are and what we do
Tools and Resources Geographic and Interest-based Communities

3 Jane Stevens, Founder & Publisher
Over 5.5 MILLION page views per MONTH! ITs FREE ACEs Connection is a social network that accelerates the global movement toward recognizing the impact of adverse childhood experiences in shaping adult behavior and health, and reforming all communities and institutions -- from schools to prisons to hospitals and churches -- to help heal and develop resilience rather than to continue to traumatize already traumatized people. ACEs Connection Network, comprising ACEs Too High and ACEs Connection, receives generous support from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and The California Endowment. The network achieves this by creating a safe place and a trusted source where members share information, explore resources and access tools that help them work together to create resilient families, systems and communities. A companion site,, provides news to the general public as part of the ACEs Connection Network.

4 ister Sites Journalism Site Social Networking Site
Original writing about how ACEs sciences used/applied and studied. 22,5000 members from over 50 countries; bulk in US - started in CA with funding from The California Endowment Over 150 communities internationally Journalism Site ister Sites Social Networking Site

5 ACEs Science is the Foundation
EPIDEMIOLOGY the ACE Study and expanded ACE surveys Impact on the body Impact on the brain IMPACT ON THE BRAIN the neurobiology of toxic stress caused by ACEs on children’s developing brains Epigenetics IMPACT ON THE BODY Epidemiology Resilience the short- and long-term health consequences of toxic stress EPIGENETICS Based on ACEs Science. Based on ACE Study & Survey and expanded surveys study. How ACEs impact body, brain of individuals. Also, the historical, and generational impact of ACEs as well as adverse community experience which impact individuals, families and communities and ways people and communities cope, heal, are resilient. how the effects of ACEs are passed on from generation to generation RESILIENCE the brain is plastic and the body wants to heal

6 Supporting Communities to Accelerate ACEs Science
ACes Connection supports ACEs Initiatives in communities throughout California. The goal of ACEs initiatives in communities is to have every organization integrate trauma-information and resilience-building practices based on ACEs science. In this presentation, I’ll show you how ACEs Connection supports that goal.

7 ACEs Science resources, webinars, how-tos
The goal… Every organization in the community... ...integrates trauma-informed and resiliencbuilding practices… …b

8 The Resource Center for more info., video, presentations, links.


10 Geographic Communities
Interest-Based Communities Communities organized by discipline/field. Geographic Communities Communities organized within specific geographic area such as a neighborhood, city, county, region, state, or nation. Members are part of home page/site as well as smaller interest based and geo communities. Supporting our members through connecting with other communities of practice, providing tools and resources to support local capacity building, and curating the best practices and innovative approaches of sustainable systems of care, hope, and healing, ACEs Connection communities foster sharing and learning together through our living digital library.

11 Communities






17 The goal… Every organization in the community...
...integrates trauma-informed and resilience building practices… …based on ACEs science

18 Growing Resilient Communities 2.0
LINK and SHOW INTERACTIVE GRAPHICS within 4 phases of Community Growing. Some of the tools, available, that are free. Interactive way of growing communities culled from doing this for years and learning from other communities. Growing Resilient Communities 2.0



21 Sonoma County ACEs Connection Community Tracker
LINK TO SONOMA SITE This tracker measures the milestones of your organization, task force, steering committee, initiative’s ACEs Science journey. Mapping ACEs Science by location, sector, sub-sector, date, and presenter, the tracker maps the ACEs Science presentations and organizations’ trauma-informed journey. Using 11 milestones, you’ll track the progress of your community’s transitioning to a trauma-informed community. Sonoma County ACEs Connection Community Tracker



24 Interested in a Community?
Map of where all of our existing geo/interest based communities? Hyperlink to contacts & photos? Jane Stevens, Founder & Publisher

25 Join ACEs Connection: Go to and click JOIN!

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