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Resuscitative Endovascular Balloon Occlusion of the Aorta and Resuscitative Thoracotomy in Select Patients with Hemorrhagic Shock: Early Results from.

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Presentation on theme: "Resuscitative Endovascular Balloon Occlusion of the Aorta and Resuscitative Thoracotomy in Select Patients with Hemorrhagic Shock: Early Results from."— Presentation transcript:

1 Resuscitative Endovascular Balloon Occlusion of the Aorta and Resuscitative Thoracotomy in Select Patients with Hemorrhagic Shock: Early Results from the American Association for the Surgery of Trauma’s Aortic Occlusion in Resuscitation for Trauma and Acute Care Surgery Registry  Megan Brenner, MD, FACS, Kenji Inaba, MD, FACS, Alberto Aiolfi, MD, Joseph DuBose, MD, FACS, Timothy Fabian, MD, FACS, Tiffany Bee, MD, FACS, John B. Holcomb, MD, FACS, Laura Moore, MD, FACS, David Skarupa, MD, FACS, Thomas M. Scalea, MD, FACS Todd E. Rasmussen, MD, FACS, Philip Wasicek, MD, Jeanette M. Podbielski, RN, CCRP, Scott T. Trexler, MD, Sonya Charo- Griego, RN, Douglas Johnson, LVN, Jeremy Cannon, MD, FACS, Sarah Matthew, MD, David Turay, MD, FACS, Cassra N. Arbabi, MD, Xian Luo-Owen, PhD, David Skarupa, MD, FACS, Jennifer A. Mull, RN, CCRC, Joannis Baez Gonzalez, MD, Joseph Ibrahim, MD, FACS, Karen Safcsak, RN, BSN, Stephanie Gordy, MD, FACS, Michael Long, MD, Andrew W. Kirkpatrick, MD, FACS, Chad Ball, MD, FACS, Zhengwen Xiao, MD, MSc, PhD, Elizabeth Dauer, MD, FACS, Jennifer Knight, MD, FACS, Nicole Cornell, BS, MS, Joseph Skaja, MD, Rachel Nygaard, PhD, Chad Richardson, MD, FACS, Matthew Bloom, MD, FACS, Nam T. Tran, MD, FACS, Shahram Aarabi, MD, Eileen Bulger, MD, FACS, Jeannette G. Ward, MS-CR, John K. Bini, MD, FACS, John Matsuura, MD, FACS, Joshua Pringle, MD, Karen Herzing, BSN, RN, Kailey Nolan, BS, Nathaniel Poulin, MD, FACS, William Teeter, MD Megan Brenner, MD, FACS, Kenji Inaba, MD, FACS, Alberto Aiolfi, MD, Joseph DuBose, MD, FACS, Timothy Fabian, MD, FACS, Tiffany Bee, MD, FACS, John B. Holcomb, MD, FACS, Laura Moore, MD, FACS, David Skarupa, MD, FACS, Thomas M. Scalea, MD, FACS Todd E. Rasmussen, MD, FACS, Philip Wasicek, MD, Jeanette M. Podbielski, RN, CCRP, Scott T. Trexler, MD, Sonya Charo-Griego, RN, Douglas Johnson, LVN, Jeremy Cannon, MD, FACS, Sarah Matthew, MD, David Turay, MD, FACS, Cassra N. Arbabi, MD, Xian Luo-Owen, PhD, David Skarupa, MD, FACS, Jennifer A. Mull, RN, CCRC, Joannis Baez Gonzalez, MD, Joseph Ibrahim, MD, FACS, Karen Safcsak, RN, BSN, Stephanie Gordy, MD, FACS, Michael Long, MD, Andrew W. Kirkpatrick, MD, FACS, Chad Ball, MD, FACS, Zhengwen Xiao, MD, MSc, PhD, Elizabeth Dauer, MD, FACS, Jennifer Knight, MD, FACS, Nicole Cornell, BS, MS, Joseph Skaja, MD, Rachel Nygaard, PhD, Chad Richardson, MD, FACS, Matthew Bloom, MD, FACS, Nam T. Tran, MD, FACS, Shahram Aarabi, MD, Eileen Bulger, MD, FACS, Jeannette G. Ward, MS-CR, John K. Bini, MD, FACS, John Matsuura, MD, FACS, Joshua Pringle, MD, Karen Herzing, BSN, RN, Kailey Nolan, BS, Nathaniel Poulin, MD, FACS, William Teeter, MD  Journal of the American College of Surgeons  Volume 226, Issue 5, Pages (May 2018) DOI: /j.jamcollsurg Copyright © 2018 American College of Surgeons Terms and Conditions

2 Figure 1 Summary of study design and findings. AIS, Abbreviated Injury Scale; AO, aortic occlusion; AORTA, aortic occlusion in resuscitation for trauma and acute care surgery; ED, emergency department; REBOA, resuscitative endovascular balloon occlusion of the aorta; RT, resuscitative thoracotomy; SBP, systolic blood pressure. Journal of the American College of Surgeons  , DOI: ( /j.jamcollsurg ) Copyright © 2018 American College of Surgeons Terms and Conditions

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