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SVT detector electronics

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1 SVT detector electronics
Mauro Villa - INFN & Università di Bologna Overview: - SuperB SVT - Layer 0 peculiarities - SVT channels and reading chains - Rate, links and event size - SVT in trigger schema

2 SuperB SVT 40 cm 30 cm 20 cm Layer0 Layer Radius cm cm cm cm to 12.7 cm to 14.6 cm Baseline: use an SVT similar to the BaBar one adding a Layer 0 Layer 0 options: double layer thin MAPS pixels, striplets (double sided), single layer hybrid pixel. Load to DAQ calculated for MAPS double layer. Each layer has several modules, mechanically independent units (52+8) Each module has 2 half-modules, electrically independent units: Sensor, front-end chips, HDI with power/signal input and data output link Pixel half-module Strip(lets) half-module Data Pixel sensor + front-end chips HDI Power/Signal HDI Si Wafers Data Power/Signal Front-end chips Frascati, 2/12/09

3 Layer0 peculiarities MAPS Pixel sensors (40 um pitch)
Rad hard environment Large machine background ( 15 mm from beam line) Fundamental the first point of a track for vertexing MAPS Pixel sensors (40 um pitch) Apsel6D – or similar 320x216 pixels a 40 um pitch. Active Area = 110 mm2 Completely data driven architecture Space time coordinates Time granularity down to 100 ns from us Time ordered hits External Time stamp clock. Hit rate expected: 110 Mhit/s/chip (with a safety factor>5). Frascati, 2/12/09

4 SuperB Layer 0 MAPS Module
6 Chips: 1.1 cm^2 Signal lines: 180 in 1 cm width Hit Rate: 110 MHz/chip (safety>5) Module Rates: 660 MHz Bandwidth: 20 Gbit/s (design parameters) Thin aluminium bus for power and signals Main technological challenge: Line spacing (<100 um) Frequency (> 100 MHz) Frascati, 2/12/09

5 SuperB SVT in numbers 6 layers: Layer0 + 5 layers like BaBar SVT Layer
Modules HDI ReadOut Section (ROS) chips/ROS chips channels 0- Pixels 8 16 32 6 192 13.1E+06 1 12 24 7-8 180 23.0E+03 2 7-10 204 26.1E+03 3 10-14 288 36.9E+03 4 64 4-11 480 61.4E+03 5 18 36 72 4-14 648 82.9E+03 total 60 120 240 2052 13.4E+06 Frascati, 2/12/09

6 Bkgd Hit Rate (MHz/cm^2)
Present values … might change! L0 L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 Frascati, 2/12/09

7 General DAQ framework Frascati, 2/12/09

8 DAQ reading chain for L0 HDI with line drivers, copper cables, Rad-hard ram+L1 handling logic, optical links RAM and L1 logic Copper Link Buffers and line drivers Optical 1Gbit/s Optical Link 2.5 Gbit/s FEB ROM Transition card Near detector “soft” rad area Off detector low rad area Counting room Std electronics On detector High rad area Design limited by the large data rate on L0: 16 Gbit/s/ROS and the link bandwidth (1 Gbit/s/link) Simplicity: 1 ROS to 1 FEB 32 x1Gb/s links; Frascati, 2/12/09

9 DAQ reading chain for L1-L5
Full data shipment to FEBs; 1 FEB serves max 12 ROS; optical 1Gbit/s Links Line drivers Optical Link 2.5 Gbit/s HDI Si Wafers Data Power/Signal Front-end chips FEB ROM Transition card Near detector “soft” rad area On detector High rad area Off detector low rad area Counting room Std electronics Max 3 Gbit/s/ROS on L1, L2; Gbit/s/ROS on L3-L5 Grouping: up to 12 ROS to 1 FEB Resources: 252x 1Gbit/s links, 24 FEBs, 24x2.5Gbit/s links Frascati, 2/12/09

10 Rates, links & event size
Trigger rate: 150 kHz, SVT readout window: 396 ns Layer 1Gbit/s links FE Boards 2 Gbit/s DAQ links To ROM DAQ rate/FEB (Gbit/s) (*) Triggered event size (kB/ev) 0- Pixels 32 (*) 32 1.2 26 1 72 6 0.8 3.2 2 0.6 3.6 3 48 4 1.6 24 0.4 1.0 5 36 0.5 1.3 total 284 56 (*) Triggered data only Frascati, 2/12/09

11 SVT in trigger schema Purposes/Advantages
Thanks to the data-push architecture of FSSR, L1-L5 will be read out continuously L3-L5 could be used for online-track finding Purposes/Advantages Early (<2µs) identification of interesting events L1 triggering Background track identification tracks not coming from primary vertex region Bhabha veto (?) Back to back in r-phi Quick track finding might speed-up downstream processing Seeded track finding; reduction of reconstruction farm Many ideas, many possibilities, but no systematic study yet Frascati, 2/12/09

12 Conclusions and main numbers
Full SVT readout with 56 Front-End Boards 56 DAQ links, 56 ECS, 56 FTCS Large use of 1 Gbit/s Optical links (284 in total) Moderate use of DAQ links (2 Gbit/s) assuming suitable ROS data grouping SVT Time-tagging of events every 132 ns; Events span a time range of 3x132 ns=396 ns. Event size: 36 kB (with a safety factor of 5 on background rate at L0) Possibility for early (<2µs) track finding for L1 applications or seeded reconstruction at HLTs Frascati, 2/12/09

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