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The strategy to strengthen on-line customer’s

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Presentation on theme: "The strategy to strengthen on-line customer’s"— Presentation transcript:

1 The strategy to strengthen on-line customer’s
Convenience by analyzing Product Review

2 Table of Contents Introduction What is Product Review?
Product Review Style Approach Minimalism and Product Review Empirical Study Conclusion

3 Introduction To activate the on-line purchase, most of shopping mall adopts a strategy which records the “Product Review” The opinions from people who have already bought the products give useful information to the potential purchaser, seller or manufacturer The type of purchase of E-Commerce, which applies Product Review, is the newest trend in the Internet shopping: Twinsumer The opinions after purchasing the product has been recorded for the potential purchasers, but there are lack of helpful and essential information to deliver to the potential purchasers for actual buying. Establishing the definition, characteristic, and function of help system for purchase is needed A lack of Technical Philosophy which makes Product Review to be the marketing strategy in the on-line shopping mall

4 Introduction Refinement of Product Review is needed to offer information that helps the actual buying Information which is not refined has a reverse effect In the circumstance of activating E-Commerce, a research of the type of Product Review is necessary

5 Why is Product Review? As using web is increasing, the amount of Product Review is exponentially growing Product Review is useful for potential customer and product manufacturer A hot item has hundreds and thousands of Product Review Text-Based Product Review can deliver enough information of Product, If Product Review has long passages with a small percentage of opinion section, it will increase the amount of review for potential customers. Reading the only minority opinion makes the bias for product Management problem of a great quantity of Product Review related to the products occurs to the product manufacturers It will be difficult for potential customer and manufacturer to attain and manage the necessary information as text-based Product Review is increasing

6 Why is Product Review? Some Change is needed For Product Review to
Difficulty of Decision Making Increasing of Product Information Increasing of Product Review and its Reader & Writer Some Change is needed For Product Review to Offer the Useful Information For Actual Buying Searching the Minority Product Review Creates Bias Difficulty of Searching because of a Great Quantity of Product Review

7 Representative Example of Product Review(overseas) : Let Product Review is recorded by purchasers for the first in 1995 Amazon.com의 Homepage & Product Review

8 Representative Example of Product Review(overseas)
: Third-Party

9 Representative Example of Product Review(overseas)

10 Representative Example of Product Review(home)
: Korea’s celebrate Online Shopping mall

11 Representative Example of Product Review(home)

12 Why is Product Review? Summary
On-line shopping mall adopts a strategy which purchasers record Product Review Most of Product Review is text-based Product Review is changing gradually into image-based Making Product Review with surveying the satisfaction of product Don’t survey the purchasers’ actual satisfactions, but items on-line shopping mall is needed Absence of methods that helps potential consumers to purchase when a great amount of Product Review is existed Appearance of professional review site not by on-line shopping mall, but by expert or a group of early adopter, carrying out the role of Third-Party

13 Product Review Style Approach
Documentation Style Characteristic Adopting by most of on-line shopping mall Offering text-based information relating to Product Limitless of amount of information which can be offered Providing information directly/indirectly relating to product Difficulty of achieving information relating to product when the amount of Product Review is huge Existing of Product Review which is meaningless or reiteration of simple vocabulary Difficulty of managing Product Review Difficulty of recovering the reliability of relating product when Product Review is biased Information Cascade

14 Product Review Style Approach
Image Style Characteristic Made by special reviewer such as early adopter Adopted by special review site rather than on-line shopping mall Providing information relating to product by both text and image Providing information relating to the specific design and function of product Difficulty of achieving information relating to product when the amount of Product Review is huge Difficulty of recovering the reliability of relating product when Product Review is biased Run a commercialized review site

15 Product Review Style Approach
Dashboard Style Characteristic Adopting to offer more implicative and faster information Making purchasers to record with Product Review Marking the core characteristic related to product by satisfaction measurement On-line shopping mall offers the category related to satisfaction measurement Making limited facts to express the purchasers’ opinions Easy to achieve information related to product when the amount of Product Review is huge Occurring the tendency of centralized if it’s made insincerely Type 5 or 7 Scale of Star, Bar type Inaccurate expression of Frequency

16 Minimalism and Product Review
In Product Review, introducing of minimalism is needed to provide essential information for potential purchasers to purchase Reason of introducing minimalism to Product Review Overcome limitation of standard form(Product Review) and offer actual reality What is Minimalism? The minimum, the least, and the smallest A principle of the smallest which is used in the field of art and music, it’s spreading into literature, fashion, architecture, and any single area Characteristic of Minimalism Denying traditional art concept which is based on abundance of emotion and self expression Free spirit and brevity

17 Minimalism and Product Review
The Blind Men and the Elephant Wrong Delivery of Information Makes the Distortion of Information

18 Minimalism and Product Review
Trend of “Minimalism” in the electronic products

19 Minimalism and Product Review
Minimalism is also adopted by web design Give up the flourish purple design in blog design and daringly select the design based of white with minimized image(D. Keith Robinson) Selecting minimalism rather than flourish to focus on the contents Exclude the unnecessary information and follow the simple design and concentrate on core before after

20 Minimalism and Product Review
Product review about Research trend Satoshi, et al(2002) “Mining Product reputations on the web”

21 Minimalism and Product Review
Product review about Research trend Dave et al(2003) “Mining the Peanut Gallery: Opinion Extraction and Semantic Classification of Product Reviews”

22 Minimalism and Product Review
Product review about Research trend Ming Hu and Bing Liu(2004) “Mining and Summarizing Customer Reviews”

23 Minimalism and Product Review
Product review about Research trend Bing, et al(2005) “Opinion Observer : Analyzing and Comparing Opinions on the Web”

24 Minimalism and Product Review
Product review about Research trend Gamon, et al(2005) “Pulse: Mining Customers Opinions From Free Text”

25 Minimalism and Product Review
Summary Product Review is used to activate E-Commerce and to help potential purchaser to buy Research puts emphasis on applying of actual comment from purchasers Different from information of on-line shopping mall in quality Trying to abstract necessary information from the text-based Product Review

26 Empirical Study Purpose Methodology Results
전자상거래 활성화 차원에서의 Product Review의 역할 조사 잠재구매자의 구매에 도움이 되는 Product Review의 유형을 조사 Minimalism이 적용된 Product Review의 선호도 조사 Methodology Questionnaire Survey 실시 Results 5 종류의 Product Review를 제시 제품 유형별 Product Review 선호도 조사

27 Empirical Study Demographical Characteristics 평균 1.13회 인터넷 쇼핑 횟수(월)
스포츠/레져용품, 컴퓨터/가전, 음반/서적 주요 구매 품목 평균 8.7만원 1회 평균 구매 금액 평균 1.32 시간 인터넷 사용시간(1일) 평균 65개월(5년 이상) Internet 이용 경력 푱평균 400만원 Incomes (a month) 대졸 이상 Education 3~40대 Age

28 Empirical Study 제시 유형

29 Empirical Study 선호도 필요한 정보를 최소한으로 요약한 Product Review (E형) 선호 확인 음반/서적
화장품 식품 유아/아동 의류/패션 여행 생활용품 스포츠/레져 컴퓨터/가전 필요한 정보를 최소한으로 요약한 Product Review (E형) 선호 확인

30 Empirical Study 소비자 관점에서의 Product Review 평가 E E 평 가 영 역 이용방법
유용성 이용방법 사용상 발생하는 문제에 대한 해결 다른 메뉴로의 이동 이용의 편리성 디자인 디자인 E 정확성 신뢰성 시기적절성 관련정보 제공능력 이해성 수준 형태 정보 신뢰성 평판

31 Empirical Study 소비자 관점에서의 Product Review 평가 E E 평 가 영 역 이용방법
유용성 이용방법 사용상 발생하는 문제에 대한 해결 다른 메뉴로의 이동 이용의 편리성 디자인 디자인 정확성 신뢰성 시기적절성 관련정보 제공능력 이해성 수준 형태 E 정보 신뢰성 평판

32 Conclusion promote the convenience of on-line shopping
Product Review’s role as intelligent help is needed Useful for all of potential purchaser, seller/manufacturer The ability of defining “what kind of information does really need” for potential purchasers is needed “Minimalism” which refines a great quantity of information is needed Manage Product Review in the circumstances of Minimalism promote the convenience of on-line shopping Promote the activation of E-Commerce

33 E-mail :
Q & A

34 Appendix Internet Experience 개월 빈도 퍼센트 유효 퍼센트 누적퍼센트 4 1 2.325581 5
12 2 24 36 48 50 60 23 70 80 84 120 6 123 150 100 합계 43

35 Appendix Internet using time / a day
빈도 퍼센트 유효 퍼센트 누적퍼센트 1 30 2 12 3 100 합계 43 Internet shopping frequency / a month 빈도 퍼센트 유효 퍼센트 누적퍼센트 5회 이하 40 10회 이하 1 15회 이하 15회 이상 100 합계 43

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