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1 Edit this text for your title
Planer for MEK 4450 Marine operasjoner Edit this text for your sub-title Presenter name, location, date etc. Kværner ASA, June 2011

2 Mathematical models Motivation Catenary theory Morisson formula
Linear harmonic oscillator

3 Why hand calculations? To provide input to more complex numerical analyses. To provide quick estimates in an early project phase. To clarify if a complex numerical models gives reasonable results To gain increased physical in the involved phenomenon's

4 Structural analysis Beams. Welds. Bolts and nuts More complex: FEM



7 Catenary shape

8 Typical ”offshore catenaries”

9 Catenary formulas. Gitt R

10 Using blackboard Chain lay- an example
Towing object with constant speed Towing object, acceleration dominated Morissons law Dynamic model

11 Torpedo Anchor Installation

12 Deep Penetrating Anchor
Situation before dropping Typical anchor behaviour : anchor chain do not interfere with anchor stability or velocity

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