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Home Care Association of New York State, Inc (HCA)

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1 Home Care Association of New York State, Inc (HCA)
Emergency Preparedness Conference 2007 “TRIPLE CROWN FLU” PANDEMIC TABLETOP EXERCISE Triple Crown Flu

2 Home Care Association of NYS

3 Home Care Association of NYS
Tabletop Early step in an organized, progressive exercise program Purpose: facilitated analysis of plan; identification of gaps, weaknesses and strengths in plan leading to improvement staff training 11/29/2018 Home Care Association of NYS

4 Other types of Exercises
Orientation – low stress, informal, used to introduce policies and procedures Drills – test a specific function, can involve deployment of people/equipment Functional –“simulated” real thing; takes place in EOC, involves multiple functions; groups Full Scale – as close to reality as possible; involves all response functions 11/29/2018 Home Care Association of NYS

5 Tabletop Outcome (what happens next?)
Theory: one step at a time Discussion; planning; plan Problem identification during tabletop Corrective action planning Drills to test improvement in specific, identified problems Tabletop (revisited) or functional exercise 11/29/2018 Home Care Association of NYS

6 Assumptions / Artificialities
Time is the only limiting factor – in order to stay “on-track”, the following apply: The scenario is plausible, and events occur as presented. No “hidden agendas” or trick questions. All players receive information at the same time. 11/29/2018 Home Care Association of NYS

7 Home Care Association of NYS
EXERCISE RULES There is no one “right answer.” Respond based on your knowledge, experience & training. Focus on problem solving efforts - suggestions and recommended actions that could improve response and preparedness efforts. Assume cooperation & support from other responders & agencies. 11/29/2018 Home Care Association of NYS

8 Home Care Association of NYS
EXERCISE RULES and most importantly… Varying viewpoints, even disagreements, are expected. This is intended to be a safe, open, stress-free environment. Processes & decision making are more important than minute details. The only limiting factors are time and open vs. closed minds… 11/29/2018 Home Care Association of NYS

9 Home Care Association of NYS
EXERCISE OBJECTIVES Discuss activation of your Emergency Response Plan Discuss and outline for implementation the management of personnel in support of surge needs Discuss implementation of occupational health response plan Discuss and list procedures to coordinate with regulatory bodies for relief relating to various requirements Work with Finance to implement billing & cost tracking Discuss and outline combined knowledge of community partners’ plans, assets, resources, and needs Discuss and outline a plan identifying responsible parties & reporting requirements for monitoring general health trends and illness in patients, staff, animals & pets 11/29/2018 Home Care Association of NYS

10 Home Care Association of NYS
EXERCISE OBJECTIVES Discuss the development of protocols for increasing surge capacity. Discuss and identify surge assistance needs. Discuss & outline plans & collaborations for any necessary Alternate Care Site / Sheltering planning, Evacuation and Patient Locator (tracking) procedures. Discuss working with Public Health to coordinate care for individuals who have been isolated or quarantined. Discuss and outline plans & procedures for Demobilization (de-activation). 11/29/2018 Home Care Association of NYS

11 Tabletop Coordinates with Pandemic Phases as established by WHO
11/29/2018 Home Care Association of NYS

12 MODULE 1: (March – May 2007) Off to the Races
The CDC has confirmed, along with the WHO, that the H3N8 sub-type that was transferred from horses to dogs, has again jumped species and has infected human beings through canines. The number of human cases in northeastern NY is increasing. (What’s the difference here between Avian Flu/Asia and this situation?) The WHO has issued a Phase 3 Pandemic Alert: human infections with a new sub-type, but no human-to-human spread, or at most rare instances of spread to a close contact. Go to Page 9 of your SITMAN and follow the facilitator’s instructions. Phase 3 11/29/2018 Home Care Association of NYS

13 Home Care Association of NYS
MODULE 1 Objectives Discuss activation of an Emergency Response Plan Discuss & outline for implementation, the management of personnel in support of surge needs Discuss implementation of an occupational health response plan 11/29/2018 Home Care Association of NYS

14 MODULE 2: (June 2007) Man’s Best Friend
Limited human-to-human transmission has begun in the northeastern and southern portions of New York State. The WHO has issued a Phase 4 Pandemic Alert: small clusters with limited human-to-human transmission, but spread is highly localized suggesting that the virus is not well adapted to humans. Go to Page 11 of your SITMAN and follow the facilitator’s instructions. Phase 4 11/29/2018 Home Care Association of NYS

15 Home Care Association of NYS
MODULE 2 Objectives Discuss & list procedures to: - coordinate with regulatory bodies for relief relating to (listed items). - Work with Finance to implement billing / cost-tracking Discuss & outline combined knowledge of community partners’ plans, assets, resources & needs Discuss & list a plan identifying responsible parties & reporting requirements for monitoring general health trends & illness in patients, staff, animals & pets 11/29/2018 Home Care Association of NYS

16 Home Care Association of NYS
BREAK 11/29/2018 Home Care Association of NYS

17 MODULE 3: (mid - July 2007) Dog Day Afternoon
Increasing numbers of human-to-human transmission is being reported throughout NYS. Animal control experts are attempting to enforce complete isolation & quarantine of all dogs, statewide, and the destruction of any animal exhibiting flu-like symptoms, or whose owners have acquired the disease. The WHO has issued a Phase 5 Pandemic Alert: larger clusters of human-to-human spread, however still localized. This suggests that the virus is becoming increasingly better adapted to humans, but may not yet be fully transmissible (substantial pandemic risk). Page 12 Phase 5 11/29/2018 Home Care Association of NYS

18 Home Care Association of NYS
MODULE 3 Objectives Discuss the development of protocols for increasing surge capacity Discuss & identify surge assistance needs 11/29/2018 Home Care Association of NYS

19 MODULE 4: (August 2007) The Dog Days of August
The numbers of human-to-human transmission throughout the State has increased dramatically. Hospitals and other healthcare facilities are overwhelmed. We are in a Phase 6 Pandemic: there is increased and sustained human-to-human transmission in the general population. Go to Page 15 of your SITMAN and follow the facilitator’s instructions. Phase 6 11/29/2018 Home Care Association of NYS

20 Home Care Association of NYS
Home Care Association of New York State MODULE 4 Objectives Discuss / outline plans and collaborations for any necessary alternate care site / sheltering planning, evacuation & patient locator (tracking) procedures. Discuss working with Public Health to coordinate care for individuals who have been isolated or quarantined - What about the dogs? 11/29/2018 Home Care Association of NYS Triple Crown Flu

21 MODULE 5: (October 2007 - ?) Snoopy Come Home
The pandemic phases and several cycles have been completed. No new human-to-human infections have been reported in over a month. The overall mortality rate for this pandemic has been slightly under 30% (28.5). Hundreds of thousands of dogs have been euthanized and disposed of in accordance with Federal, CDC & Animal Control guidelines. The quarantines and public gathering enforcement laws have been lifted. Go to Page 17 of your SITMAN and follow the facilitator’s instructions. 11/29/2018 Home Care Association of NYS

22 Home Care Association of NYS
Home Care Association of New York State MODULE 5 Objectives Discuss & outline plans & procedures for the following de-activation (demobilization) activities: - transition from surge to normal ops - discharge of surge patients - reconcile billing issues with Finance - After Action Reviews 11/29/2018 Home Care Association of NYS Triple Crown Flu


24 Contact Information Alexis Silver Home Care Association of NYS, Inc. (HCA) (518) 810 – 0658 Eugene Lucchese, MEP/CIC NYSDOH Health Emergency Preparedness Program (518) 11/29/2018 Home Care Association of NYS

25 Resources for Training
FEMA Independent Study Program State Emergency Management Training 11/29/2018 Home Care Association of NYS

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