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Essay Rubric Teacher-Conference Sheet

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2 Essay Rubric Teacher-Conference Sheet

3 Minds-On Find the PEE of this body paragraph.
What do you think the thesis would be?

4 It can be easily argued that cats are naturally cleaner than dogs
It can be easily argued that cats are naturally cleaner than dogs. Being clean is in the cat’s nature. As illustrated by Liza Blau from Demand Media, “You can give a dog a million baths and spray him with doggy cologne, but his distinct ordure never seems to go away... But cats, both wild and domestic, spend up to one-third of their time self-grooming, according to Animal Planet” ( As this evidence demonstrates, it is difficult for owners to clean their dogs because no matter what they do, the smell could still remain. It would be embarrassing for someone to invite friends and loved ones over to their home, if their home smells like a dog house. On the other hand, cats make the lives of their owners easier by not smelling. Healthy cats do not have an ordure, and it is in their nature to be hygienic. This cleanliness is especially apparent with indoor cats because cats do not need to be walked like dogs do, which further illustrates how much easier it is to take care of cats compared with dogs.

5 How do I prove my argument?
To know what PEE is. To understand how to PEE and its importance in essay writing. To be able to apply PEE to the body paragraphs and finding evidence to support your thesis. Thesis; Issue Point; Evidence; Explain; Persuade; Link

6 To understand how to PEE and its importance in essay writing.
To be able to apply PEE to the body paragraphs and finding evidence to support your thesis. Should post-secondary education (i.e., colleges and universities) be free? Should there be free/more affordable daycares for Canadian families? Should the Ontario/Toronto government invest more money in public transit? Should Ontario’s minimum wage be increased? AGREE DISAGREE

7 To understand how to PEE and its importance in essay writing.
To be able to apply PEE to the body paragraphs and finding evidence to support your thesis. Post-secondary education (i.e., colleges and universities) should be free There should be free/more affordable daycares for Canadian families 3. The Ontario/Toronto government should invest more money in public transit 4. Ontario’s minimum wage should be increased AGREE DISAGREE

8 Point; Evidence; Explain;
To know what PEE is. To understand how to PEE and its importance in essay writing. To be able to apply PEE to the body paragraphs and finding evidence to support your thesis. Are you feeling more confident about PEE now? Summary Stars – I want you to think of directional statements to support your thesis. In the middle of the star, you write your thesis. If you can’t choose one side, you can explore both sides of the argument. Then you can work on your writing frames. Thesis; Issue Point; Evidence; Explain; Persuade; Link


10 Teacher-Student Conference
Teacher-student conference starting on Tuesday November 25th This will go towards your ORAL grade. What is your thesis? What are you directional statements? You must explain the different types of research that you have conducted for this essay: What qualitative and/or quantitative research have you found? What primary and/or secondary research have you found? Have you faced or are you facing any challenges in your research or in your writing? Remember, there is no such thing as a stupid question. This conference is the time for you to get clarification. Based on the rubric and the progress you have made thus far, what Reading and Writing grade would you give yourself? Explain your reasons. Please note that you’re probably not going to get perfect because you have not fully completed your essay. So, you must explain what you need to do in order to achieve the best grade.

11 Primary Research Primary research is when you get it first hand. In other words, when you get the information then and there from a person. E.g., Questionnaire Survey Interview Focus Groups Newspapers during the event

12 Secondary Research This research already exists. It already exists.
E.g. Review Report Evaluation Documentaries Reference books, including dictionaries, encyclopedias, and atlases Newspaper Article after the event Analysis

13 Mini-Quiz A Questionnaire is... Quantitative & Primary Research
Qualitative & Secondary Research Quantitative & Secondary Research Qualitative & Primary Research

14 Mini-Quiz An essay is... Quantitative & Primary Research
Qualitative & Secondary Research Quantitative & Secondary Research Qualitative & Primary Research

15 Mini-Quiz Research on websites is... Quantitative & Primary Research
Qualitative & Secondary Research Quantitative & Secondary Research Qualitative & Primary Research

16 According to Liza Blau from Demand Media, approximately 7 million cats and dogs arrive in animal shelters in the United States every year; however, 70 percent of the 4 million who are eventually euthanized are cats ( Granted, some people would argue that dogs do make great pets because they are loyal and have a better capacity to follow instructions. Be that as it may, cats do make better household pets than dogs. There are two reasons why they make better pets: first, cats are quieter than dogs; second, cats are more hygienic than dogs.

17 As society progresses more into the 21st-century, we become increasingly involved with the way we look. If you don’t believe me, then go to your facebook account and check how many friends and pictures there are of you. Giving teenagers the opportunity to explore and find themselves through the internet and social media can be an empowering experience; however, it can also be a dangerous one. The purpose of this essay is to argue why media education must be taught in schools to better inform students how to responsibly use the internet. Specifically, this essay will outline how media education can develop students’ learning skills through the use of social media; further, students can learn how to use social media to create positive changes in their communities.

18 Consolidation What are some transitional devices?
Tomorrow – we will be in the computer lab. You will be conducting research. IF POSSIBLE Bring a USB Bring your own laptop Yahoo accounts are not compatible with TDSB laptops.

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