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Do Now & Announcements Turn in lab from last week if you did not do so last class Work on “Vapor Pressure Review”

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1 Do Now & Announcements Turn in lab from last week if you did not do so last class Work on “Vapor Pressure Review”



4 Label the following diagram indicating vapor pressure (VP) and air pressure (AP):

5 By putting ice on top of the flask
Temp of air inside flask: Pressure of air inside flask: **Explain, in terms of temperature change, atmospheric pressure, and vapor pressure, what happened in the demonstration

6 exothermic: release heat
Endothermic: require heat boiling condensation sublimation deposition melting freezing

7 3. Intermolecular Forces
Forces of attraction between molecules (dotted lines represents attraction between molecules)

8 Intermolecular Forces & Phase of Matter
For the same chemical substance, molecules in the SOLID phase will have stronger intermolecular forces between them than molecules in the GAS phase In order for a solid to change into a liquid (melt) or for a liquid to change into a gas (boil), the molecules must overcome the intermolecular forces holding them together.

9 Properties of Solids Demo

10 Covalent (Molecular) Compounds
Properties of Solids Ionic Compounds Covalent (Molecular) Compounds Metals Made up of… Electrons are…. Physical Properties: ________ melting point & boiling point Solids ______________ conduct electricity When dissolved in water: _______ conduct electricity Solids _____________ conduct electricity When dissolved in water: _____ conduct electricity _______ melting point & boiling point Solids _____ conduct electricity

11 Ionic Compounds Metal + Nonmetal Electrons are transferred
HIGH melting point & HIGH boiling point Solids DO NOT conduct electricity Ionic compounds dissolved in water DO conduct electricity (electrolytes)

12 Covalent Compounds 2 or more Nonmetals Electrons are shared
LOW melting point & LOW boiling point Solids DO NOT conduct electricity Covalent compounds dissolved in water DO NOT conduct electricity (nonelectrolytes)

13 Metals Made up several atoms of the same metal
Electrons are constantly moving HIGH melting point and HIGH boiling point Solids DO conduct electricity

14 Note Metals are found to the left of the “staircase” on the periodic table Nonmetals are found to the right of the “staircase” on the periodic table

15 Phase Diagram I.S.




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