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Report from the drafting team

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Presentation on theme: "Report from the drafting team"— Presentation transcript:

1 Report from the drafting team
TWG Statistical Units and Population Distribution / Demography GISCO 10. – 11. March 2011 Pieter Bresters - Udo Maack TWG Statistical Units / Population Distribution

2 Content INSPIRE TWG SU-PD Data Specification Road map Issues
Your contribution

3 INSPIRE Infrastructure for Spatial Information in the European Community European regulation / project Better dissemination spatial data in Europe 34 themes

4 INSPIRE Annex themes and TWG’s
Themes, Annex I Coordinate reference systems Geographical grid systems Geographical names Administrative units Cadastral parcels Addresses Transport networks Hydrography Protected sites Themes, Annex III Statistical units Population distribution – demography Buildings Soil Land use Human health and safety Utility and Government services Environmental monitoring facilities Production and industrial facilities Agricultural and aquaculture facilities Area mgmt./restriction/regulation zones & reporting units Natural risk zones Atmospheric conditions Meteorological geographical features Oceanographic geographical features Sea regions Energy resources Mineral resources Bio-geographical regions Habitats and biotopes Species distribution Themes, Annex II Elevation Land cover Orthoimagery Geology

5 INSPIRE Architecture Network services Metadata SpatialData Sets

6 Example This is the Dutch case!
We need Data specifications to define a harmonised model for the publishing and exchange of data Main goal of TWG SU-PD

7 TWG Statistical Units – Population Distribution TWG SU-PD
Udo, DE Pieter, NL Miro, PL Marie, SE Jean-Luc, FR Alina, former Facil. Julien, JRC Susanne Schnorr-Bäcker, DE; Ian Coady, UK, Roberto Bianchini, IT

8 Content INSPIRE TWG SU-PD Data Specification Road map Issues
Your contribution

9 Data Specifications Objectives (from Inspire directive article 6 and 8): Definitions Classification of spatial objects Georeferencing Unique identification Relationships Key attributes Temporal dimension Updates

10 Data Specifications They define: application schema (UML)
spatial object types, attributes, attribute values and relationships between spatial objects rules for unique identifiers theme specific metadata portrayal rules rules for unique identifiers for spatial objects, derived from national identifiers Metadata: including data quality portrayal rules: Simple and for the INSPIRE Viewing Service

11 Data Specifications They do NOT define: collection criteria;
scale and resolution, minimum quality requirements They do NOT define: Because INSPIRE aims at interoperability of data as it exist, and must not mandate collection of new data. Hopefully the dataspecification will influence the further development of the underlying systems to enhance the harmony

12 Data Specifications Framework documents D2.3 Scope of Themes
D2.5 Generic Conceptual Model Rules for Application Schema elements that are common to several themes D2.7 Encoding GML D2.6 Methodology for the development of data specifications established by the Drafting Team Data Specifications Guidance for the Thematic Working Groups (TWGs)

13 Data Specification development
Use case development Step-wise methodology As-is analysis Identification of user requirements and spatial object types Gap analysis Data specification development Implementation, testing and validation Cost-benefit analysis

14 Data Specification development
Step 1: Use Case Development Use case development responsibility of the Consolidation Team As-is analysis Identification of user requirements and spatial object types Major sources are: European environmental policies user requirements survey SDIC/LMO reference material EU-funded initiatives and projects Stress on EU-funded initiatives and projects: Geostat and SDMX Gap analysis Data specification development Implementation, testing and validation Cost-benefit analysis

15 Data Specification development
Step 6: Data specification development next round Result of version 2.0: Data product specification with application schema Explain we left out step 2 until 5

16 Data Specification development
Step 6: Data specification development second round Responsible party: TWG Result: Data product specification with application schema

17 Data Specification development
Use case development Step 7: Implementation, test and validation, cost-benefit analysis As-is analysis Identification of user requirements and spatial object types responsibility of the Consolidation Team. review by SDICs and LMOs test under real world conditions (by selected projects, SDICs and LMOs) costs and benefits as required by Article 7(2) of the Directive We come back to this later when we discuss your contribution! Gap analysis Data specification development 1. TWG considers the comments from review and test 2. final round of harmonisation between themes Result: Data specification version 3.0 Implementation, testing and validation Cost-benefit analysis

18 Content INSPIRE TWG SU-PD Data Specification Road map Issues
Your contribution

19 Roadmap Apr – Oct 2010 TWG DT DS SDICs/ LMOs MS CT/JRC EC DGs Phase 1
Data specs (DS) v1 DT DS Review DS v1 CT/JRC Prepare documents & tools SDICs/ LMOs Provide User requirements & reference material MS EC DGs Provide User requirements & reference material

20 Roadmap Apr – Oct 2010 Nov 2010 – Dec 2011 TWG DT DS SDICs/ LMOs
Phase 1 Phase 2 TWG Data specs (DS) v1 Data specs (DS) v2 Comment resolution DT DS Review DS v1 CT/JRC Prepare documents & tools SDICs/ LMOs Provide User requirements & reference material July – Oct Consultation and Testing MS EC DGs Provide User requirements & reference material

21 Roadmap Apr – Oct 2010 Nov 2010 – Dec 2011 Dec 2011 – Jan 2012 TWG
Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 TWG Data specs (DS) v1 Data specs (DS) v2 Comment resolution Data specs (DS) v3 Release candidate (RC) Data specs (DS) v3 DT DS Review DS v3 Review DS v1 CT/JRC Prepare documents & tools Stress out their role in testing and reviewing Consultation and Testing SDICs/ LMOs Provide User requirements & reference material MS EC DGs Provide User requirements & reference material

22 Roadmap Sep 2011 – Jan 2012 Feb – May 2012 TWG DT DS SDICs/ LMOs MS
Phase 3 Phase 4 TWG Data specs (DS) v3 Release candidate (RC) Data specs (DS) v3 Review IR v1 DT DS Review DS v3 CT/JRC Implementing Rule (IR) v1 IR v2 IR v3 IR v4 SDICs/ LMOs MS MS Feedback INSPIRE Committee vote EC DGs Inter-service consultation

23 Content INSPIRE TWG SU-PD Data Specification Road map Issues
Your contribution

24 Issues INSPIRE Data specifications INSPIRE Framework-Documents
ISO-Norms OGC-Standards

25 Open Issues GEOSTAT - Project Census - Hub

26 Open Issues Actual discussions: Time / Changes over Time
Services real time or static Where does PD end? Fixed / flexible

27 Open Issues 2. Search for services or data in the registry / catalogue
SDI Catalogue 1. Data and service registration 3. Catalogue returns result (URL) find publish Data- and Service provider 4. Request to the service User / application bind 5. Service returns the map or data

28 SDMX IT Architecture (Hub mode)
National Statistical Institute [Data consumer, Eurostat Census Hub, National Statistical Institute (en haut à droite), National Statistical Institute (en bas à droite), Petite page web dans Eurostat Census Hub] A hub is based on the concept of data sharing. Data is not previously collected and stored in a central repository but is directly accessed from the data providers’ databases through the central hub upon request of a data consumer. [Petite page web dans data consumer] The data consumer browses the Hub [Grande page web] to define the dataset of interest [Grande page web] [Document dans data consumer] [Flèche data consumer vers Eurostat Census Hub] via its structural metadata. [Document dans Eurostat Census Hub][Flèche data consumer vers Eurostat Census Hub] The Hub converts [SDMX Query message (<query:DataWhere>)] the user’s request into an SDMX Query message [SDMX Query message (<query:DataWhere>)] [Document dans Eurostat Census Hub] [Flèche Eurostat Census Hub vers National Statistical Institute (en haut à droite)] and sends it to an NSI Web Service. [Document dans rectangle du National Statistical Institute (en haut à droite)] The NSI Web Service converts the SDMX Query in a set of SQL queries [Changement de couleur du document dans rectangle du National Statistical Institute (en haut à droite)], fetches the data [Document dans DB du National Statistical Institute (en haut à droite) + changement couleur message] from the NSI database [Document dans rectangle du National Statistical Institute (en haut à droite)], dynamically constructs the SDMX-ML file [Changement de couleur du document dans rectangle du National Statistical Institute (en haut à droite)] and sends it back to the hub. [Document dans Eurostat Census Hub] [Même animation que précédemment mais entre Eurostat Census Hub et National Statistical Institute (en bas à droite) ] The same steps are repeated if the user has requested data from different NSIs. [ Même animation que précédemment mais entre Eurostat Census Hub et National Statistical Institute (en bas à droite)] [Replacer deux documents dans Eurostat Census Hub par un document plus gros] The Hub assembles all the SDMX-ML files received form the NSIs and presents the result to the user [Gros documents data consumer] in a readable format. Eurostat Census Hub National Statistical Institute Eurostat Unit B5 – Statistical Information Technologies SDMX Training for Statisticians – March 2010 28 28

29 Open Issues 1. Data and service registration publish
SDI Catalogue 2. Search for services or data in the registry / catalogue 1. Data and service registration 3a. Catalogue redirects to entry for selection publish Statistical-Data Base Data- and Service provider find 3b. Statistical Data Base returns URL of the selection process 4. Request to the service 5. Service returns the map or data User / application bind

30 Content INSPIRE TWG SU-PD Data Specification Road map Issues
Your contribution

31 Your contributions Be aware! you are affected by INSPIRE
Keep contact with your national contact point Participate: Register as SDIC / LMO Review Testing

32 Conclusions We described our TWG work We have shown some issues
Your contribution is vital!

33 ? Thank You!

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