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W and Z production: cross section and asymmetries at the LHC

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1 W and Z production: cross section and asymmetries at the LHC
Monika Wielers RAL On behalf of ATLAS and CMS

2 W and Z production LHC is W/Z factory Foreseen measurements
(Wl) ~ 15nb  107 events in L dt = 1 fb-1 (Zll) ~ 1.5nb  106 events in L dt = 1 fb-1 Foreseen measurements Measurement of W/Z inclusive cross section as well as W/Z+jet Constraining PDF’s Measurement of sin2W Measurement of W mass and width (see talk by M. Malberti later this morning) Measurement of gauge boson pair production (see talk by Z. Zhao tomorrow afternoon) Measurement of triple gauge couplings Understanding detector and performance In situ calibration of EM calorimeter using Zee Alignment via Z Extraction of trigger and offline lepton identification efficiencies Measurement of luminosity ICHEP, July 2006 M. Wielers (RAL)

3 ATLAS Detector Magnetic Field Inner Detector Calorimetry
2T solenoid plus air core toroid Inner Detector s/pT ~ 0.05% pT(GeV)0.1% in |h| < 2.5 Calorimetry Covers |h| < 5.0 EM Calorimetry s/E ~ 10%/√E(GeV)1% |h| < 3.2 with fine granularity Hadronic Calorimetry s/E ~ 50%/√E(GeV)3% in ||<3 Muon Spectrometer s/pT ~ 2-7 % in |h| < 2.7 Precision physics in |h|<2.5 ICHEP, July 2006 M. Wielers (RAL)

4 The CMS Detector Magnetic Field Inner Detector Calorimetry
4T solenoid Inner Detector s/pT ~ 0.015% ·pT(GeV) in |h| < 2.5 Calorimetry Covers |h| < 5.0 EM Calorimetry s/E ~ 5%/√E(GeV)2% in |h| < 3.2 Hadronic Calorimetry s/E ~ 65%/√E(GeV)5% in ||<3 Muon Spectrometer s/pT ~ 0.05 ·pT(TeV) (tracking+muon) Covers |h| < 3.0 ICHEP, July 2006 M. Wielers (RAL)

5 Status of ATLAS/CMS ICHEP, July 2006 M. Wielers (RAL)

6 New LHC machine schedule
Machine milestones Initial operation will be with 450 GeV beam energy with a static machine (no ramp, no squeeze) to debug machine and detectors Afterwards shut-down (~3 months) during which the remaining machine sectors will be commissioned without beam to full energy (7 TeV) In spring 2008 LHC will be brought into operation for the first physics run at 7+7 TeV, with the aim to integrate substantial luminosity by the end of 2008 SPC stressed that the goal should be several fb-1 integrated luminosity at the end of 2008 Last magnet delivered October 2006 Last magnet tested December 2006 Last magnet installed March 2007 Machine closed August 2007 First collisions November 2007 ICHEP, July 2006 M. Wielers (RAL)

7 W and Z production at the LHC
x xf(x,Q2) Large W/Z cross section at LHC (Wl) ~ 15nb (Zll) ~ 1.5nb Main (LO) contribution Sea-sea parton interactions at low-x will dominate At Q2~M2W/Z sea driven by the g  qq contribution gluon far less precisely determined for all x values x Q2 (GeV) ICHEP, July 2006 M. Wielers (RAL)

8 Measurement of W / Z cross-sections
Cross section measurement accuracies for CMS for L =1fb-1 s(Zmm + X) = 1160 ± 1.5 (stat) ± 27 (syst)  116 (lumi) pb s(Wmn + X) = ± 6 (stat) ± 485 (syst)  1470 (lumi) pb Systematics theory dominated (acceptance). At a later stage these processes can be used as luminosity monitor (Error on luminosity: ~5%) W CMS pT effects in LO/NLO 1.83 % Tracker efficiency 1 % PDF uncertainty 0.7 % pT effects in LO/NLO 2.29 % Missing ET 1.33 % Trigger efficiency 1 % Muon efficiency We ATLAS ICHEP, July 2006 M. Wielers (RAL)

9 We rapidity distributions
At LHC experimental uncertainty dominated by systematics Theoretical uncertainties, dominated by PDFs Exp. uncertainty sufficiently small to distinguish between different PDF sets PDF error sensitive to W→e rapidity distribution PDF uncertainties only slightly degraded after detector simulation and selection cuts CTEQ61 MRST02 ZEUS02 e- rapidity e+ rapidity Generated y ds(We)/dy Reconstructed ICHEP, July 2006 M. Wielers (RAL)

10 PDF constraining potential of ATLAS
Include ATLAS W Rapidity “pseudo-data” in global PDF Fits Simulate real experimental conditions: Generate 1M “data” sample with CTEQ6.1 PDF through ATLFAST detector simulation and then include this pseudo-data (with imposed 4% error) in the global ZEUS PDF fit (with Det.Gen. level correction). ZEUS-PDF AFTER including W data ZEUS-PDF BEFORE including W data e+ CTEQ6.1 pseudo-data ds/d (nb) e+ CTEQ6.1 pseudo-data |h| |h| low-x gluon shape parameter λ, xg(x) ~ x –λ : BEFORE λ = ± 0.046 AFTER λ = ± 0.027 41% error reduction (after few days of LHC Running at L=1033cm-2s-1) Normalisation free  independent of luminosity ICHEP, July 2006 M. Wielers (RAL)

11 High-Mass Lepton pair Production
Important benchmark process Deviations from SM cross section indicate new physics ds/dm() (fb/GeV) Di-lepton mass spectrum m() GeV m(ll) GeV # events Systematic error CMS Size of uncertainty m(ll) GeV ICHEP, July 2006 M. Wielers (RAL)

12 Determination of sin2θW(MZ2 )
Measure AFB = b { a - sin2θW( MZ2 ) }, a, b calculated to NLO QED and QCD Measure AFB with leptons in Z0 DY events. Can fit with Mt to constrain MH Require pTe > 20 GeV, 85.2 < Mee < 97.2 GeV For L = 100 fb-1 (ATLAS) Current error on world average 1.6x10-4 need small systematic error: PDF uncertainty, precise knowledge of lepton acceptance and efficiency effects of higher order QCD At LHC no asymmetry wrt beam, assume Qq collision quark Q direction from y(ll) measurement at high y(ll) Q q y cuts – e+e- (|y(Z)| > 1) ∆AFB (Stat) ∆sin2θW |y( l1,2 )| < 2.5 3.0 x 10-4 4.0 x 10-4 |y( l1 )| < |y( l2 )| < 4.9 2.3 x 10-4 1.4 x 10-4 [%] ATLAS y(ee) ICHEP, July 2006 M. Wielers (RAL)

13 Conclusions W and Z cross sections important early measurements at LHC
Instrumental systematics on W+Z cross-sections with Ds/s~few % for 1fb-1 W and Z production will help to understand Detectors and physics performance Calibration, alignment, efficiency extraction, optimisation of e/ isolation cuts, etc. Reduce theoretical errors Gluon pdf’s measured via W rapidity distributions will reduce significantly the error on gluon shape parameter Measure sin2qW from Zee decays Potential for measurement comparable with current limits, requires extending electron coverage at large h ICHEP, July 2006 M. Wielers (RAL)

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