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Mary T. Brownell, Director

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1 Mary T. Brownell, Director
Collaboration for Effective Educator Development, Accountability and Reform Mary T. Brownell, Director H325A120003

2 Disclaimer This content was produced under U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs, Award No. H325A Bonnie Jones and David Guardino serve as the project officers. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent the positions or polices of the U.S. Department of Education. No official endorsement by the U.S. Department of Education of any product, commodity, service, or enterprise mentioned in this website is intended or should be inferred.

3 CEEDAR’s Mission To create aligned professional learning systems that provide teachers and leaders effective opportunities to learn how to improve and support core and specialized instruction in inclusive settings that enable students with disabilities to achieve college and career readiness standards To develop into an expert teacher or school building leader takes seven to ten years of experience plus high quality opportunities to learn. Thus, the mission of CEEDAR is to develop a system of policies and preparation practices that can be extended into induction and ongoing professional development.

4 What are Professional Learning Systems?
Initial preparation Induction Professional Development Although we acknowledge this continuum of learning and the need to support it. CEEDAR focuses most on initial preparation of teachers and leaders. Continuum of Learning

5 Research Evidence Our work with states and IHEs is founded in the research evidence.

6 Our Tools High leverage practices Innovation configurations
Link to High Leverage Practices Review Innovation configurations Link to Innovation Configurations Course enhancement modules Link to Course Enhancement Modules These are the tools that are based on the research evidence. Tell them about each one. Let them know that the first one is a paper about what HLPs are.

7 High Leverage Practices
Cut across content areas and grade levels Powerful in improving student learning Have a strong legal foundation They are often the effective teaching principles that are used to enact an evidence-based practice, such as teaching students a comprehension or writing strategy. Here we have two – explicit instruction and corrective feedback (or at least a poor example of corrective feedback)

8 Why HLPs? Core curriculum
Core curriculum for educating teachers Analysis of teachers’ learning opportunities Analysis of teacher performance Core curriculum Analysis of learning opportunities and teacher performance

9 High Leverage Practices
Assessment Instruction Social/emotional/behavioral Collaboration Representative assembly Friday at 1:15 CEEDAR in collaboration with CEC has developed HLPs in four areas.

10 Innovation Configurations
Analyze the research to identify evidence based practice Allow preparation and professional development programs to analyze content and how it is delivered Link to Innovation Configurations

11 HLPs and EBPs What are the differences? One is content specific (EBPs)
One cuts across practice (HLPs)

12 Course Enhancement Modules (CEMs)
Nancy What are the CEMs? A compilation of immediately usable and adaptable materials, activities, and links to online resources that focus on different instructional and behavior topics. Designed to provide teachers and leaders with support materials to prepare students with disabilities and those who struggle to meet college and career-ready standards. Each CEM is developed by a team of content experts and vetted through a peer review process. Who is the intended audience? The audience is intended to be teacher and leader candidates within pre-service programs at the undergraduate or graduate levels and/or district teachers and leaders participating in in-service professional learning opportunities. When do you use them? How do you use them and how are they organized? Facilitator’s Guide Each CEM has a facilitator guide that accompanies it. The facilitator’s guide consists of anchor presentation slides with a script to support facilitators as they present the content and learning activities within the anchor presentation. Facilitator’s notes and talking points are included. The speaker notes are intended as a guide for a facilitator who is using the PowerPoint slides and may be modified as needed. Reviewing the entire guide prior to facilitating the training is highly recommended. The facilitator’s guide is designed as a blueprint to support faculty and professional development providers charged with providing teachers and leaders with training in a selected topic. The training can be conducted by faculty and by state and local professional development providers. Anchor PPT presentation Speaker notes Sample assessment activities Multimedia Course & professional development outlines References Why should you use them? Enhance PD and IHE course syllabi Where can you find them? CEEDAR Website CEMs are aligned with MTSS

13 CEEDAR Website CEMs are located at the following website
Link to CEMs Let’s have a look. Nancy Use hyperlink to take participants to the actual site and discuss the CEM materials that are online. Specifically, use the reading CEM as an example.

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