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Super-B Overview John Seeman Accelerator Systems Division

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1 Super-B Overview John Seeman Accelerator Systems Division
SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory Feb 15, 2009 Super-B Orsay Meeting

2 Outline Overview Results from Mini-MAC Meeting July 2008
Super-B parameters and updates Interaction region Lattice Polarization RF Collective effects Feb 15, 2009 Super-B Orsay Meeting

3 Super-B Project Super-B aims at the construction of a very high luminosity (1 x 1036 cm-2 s−1) asymmetric e+e− flavor factory, with the location at the campus of the University of Rome Tor Vergata, near the INFN Frascati National Laboratory. Aims: Very high luminosity High reliability Polarized e- at IP Ability to collide at the Y4S and the J/Psi Flexibility in achieving the luminosity goals Feb 15, 2009 Super-B Orsay Meeting

4 Super-B Accelerator Contributors
M. E. Biagini, M. Boscolo, T. Demma, A. Drago, S. Guiducci, M. Preger, P. Raimondi, S. Tomassini, C. Vaccarezza, M. Zobov (INFN/LNF, Italy) K. Bertsche, Y. Cai, M. Donald, A. Fisher, S. Heifets, A. Krasnykh, A. Novokhatski, M. Pivi, C. Rivetta, J. Seeman, M. Sullivan, U. Wienands, W. Wittmer, G. Yocky (SLAC, USA) E. Levichev, I. Koop, S. Nikitin, P. Piminov, D. Shatilov, M. Zobov (BINP, Russia) A. Wolski (Liverpool University, UK) M. Venturini (LBNL, US) S. Bettoni (CERN, Switzerland) A. Variola (LAL/Orsay, France) G. Marchiori, E. Paoloni (Pisa University, Italy) T. Agoh, K. Ohmi, K. Oide, Y. Ohnishi (KEK, Japan) Feb 15, 2009 Super-B Orsay Meeting

5 SuperB footprint on Tor Vergata site
SuperB Ring (about 1800m) SPARX Roman Villa 100m SuperB Injector (about 400m) SuperB Main Building Feb 15, 2009 Super-B Orsay Meeting

6 Sky View Feb 15, 2009 Super-B Orsay Meeting

7 Crab Waist (Raimondi) Feb 15, 2009 Super-B Orsay Meeting

8 Beams distribution at IP
E. Paoloni Crab sextupoles OFF Without Crab-sextupoles waist line is orthogonal to the axis of one bunch Crab sextupoles ON With Crab-sextupoles waist moves to the axis of other beam All particles from both beams collide in the minimum by region, with a net luminosity gain Feb 15, 2009 Super-B Orsay Meeting

9 Lattice layout, PEP-II magnets reuse
Biagini Lattice layout, PEP-II magnets reuse Lmag (m) 0.45 5.4 PEP HER - 194 PEP LER SBF HER 130 SBF LER 224 18 SBF Total 148 Needed 30 Total length 1800 m 280 m 20 m Dipoles Available Needed Quads Lmag (m) 0.56 0.73 0.43 0.7 0.4 PEP HER 202 82 - PEP LER 353 SBF HER 165 108 2 SBF LER 88 SBF Total 253 216 4 Needed 51* 134 Lmag (m) 0.25 0.5 PEP HER/LER 188 - SBF Total 372 4 Needed 184 Sexts All PEP-II magnets are reused. Dimensions and fields are properly sized. Feb 15, 2009 Super-B Orsay Meeting

10 Suggestions from Mini-MAC July 2008
Exciting project! Establish a management team Focus design on 1 x 1036 collider as a base line Plan for parameter flexibility Finish tests of crab-waist at DAFNE Perform beam-beam simulations (strong-strong) Evaluate tolerances Work on dynamic aperture calculations Design IR layout Develop a polarization rotation scheme Add details to the site layout Define the injection scheme Feb 15, 2009 Super-B Orsay Meeting

11 DAFNE Luminosity versus Ib2: Very positive! Congratulations!
Feb 15, 2009 Super-B Orsay Meeting

12 Crab Sextupoles Improve luminosity
Feb 15, 2009 Super-B Orsay Meeting

13 Beam-Beam Simulation of DAFNE (Ohmi)
Feb 15, 2009 Super-B Orsay Meeting

14 July 2008 Feb 15, 2009 Super-B Orsay Meeting

15 Biagini Feb 15, 2009 Super-B Orsay Meeting

16 SuperB Interaction Region Layout View (Jan 2009)
Sullivan Sullivan Feb 15, 2009 Super-B Orsay Meeting

17 SC Quadrupoles at the IP (Paoloni, Bettoni)
Feb 15, 2009 Super-B Orsay Meeting

18 Initial Lost Particles backgrounds (M. Boscolo)
Feb 15, 2009 Super-B Orsay Meeting

19 Locations of Fast Kickers for Luminosity Feedback
K. Bertsche Feb 15, 2009 Super-B Orsay Meeting

20 Super-B Beam-Beam Simulation (Ohmi)
Feb 15, 2009 Super-B Orsay Meeting

21 Beam-Beam Simulation (Ohmi) (Feb 10, 2009)
Super-B Orsay Meeting

22 Lattice overview LNF, BINP, KEK, LAL, CERN
The SuperB lattice as described in the Conceptual Design Report is the result of an international collaboration between experts from BINP, Cockcroft Institute, INFN, KEKB, LAL/Orsay, SLAC Simulations were performed in many labs and with different codes: LNF, BINP, KEK, LAL, CERN The design is flexible but challenging and the synergy with the ILC Damping Rings which helped in focusing key issues, will be important for addressing some of the topics Further studies after the CDR completion led to an evolution of the lattice to fit the Tor Vergata Site and to include polarization manipulation hardware. Dynamic aperture calculations have continued. Feb 15, 2009 Super-B Orsay Meeting

23 Arc cells layout LER HER M. Biagini Cell #1 Cell #1 Cell #2 Cell #2
Feb 15, 2009 Super-B Orsay Meeting

24 Feb 15, 2009 Super-B Orsay Meeting

25 IR Longitudinal Polarization
Polarization of one beam is included in SuperB Either energy beam could be the polarized one The LER would be less expensive, the HER easier HER was chosen for now. Longitudinal polarization times and short beam lifetimes indicate a need to inject vertically polarized electrons. The plan is to use a polarized e- source similar to the SLAC SLC source. There are several possible IP spin rotators: Solenoids look better at present (vertical bends give unwanted vertical emittance growth) Expected longitudinal polarization at the IP of about 87%(inj) x 97%(ring)=85%(effective) Polarization section implementation in lattice: in progress with initial success Feb 15, 2009 Super-B Orsay Meeting

26 Example of spin rotators
Summer 2008 U. Wienands Proof-of-principle scheme No V-emittance growth. Maybe possible to incorporate into lattice using the Final Focus bends to provide the spin rotation. Work in progress Feb 15, 2009 Super-B Orsay Meeting

27 Winter 2009 W. Wittmer Feb 15, 2009 Super-B Orsay Meeting

28 Polarization versus Energy of HER (Wienands)
Feb 15, 2009 Super-B Orsay Meeting

29 Possible layout with spin rotators near IR (Wienands)
Feb 15, 2009 Super-B Orsay Meeting

30 RF Plan: Use PEP-II RF system and cavities
Feb 15, 2009 Super-B Orsay Meeting

31 Super-B RF: Supply power Jan 2009
S. Novokhatski Super-B RF: Supply power Jan 2009 31 Feb 15, 2009 Super-B Orsay Meeting 01/26/09

32 Impedance budget from S. Novokhatski
In progress Feb 15, 2009 Super-B Orsay Meeting

33 Super-B Feedback Parameters (A. Drago)
Feb 15, 2009 Super-B Orsay Meeting

34 New feedback Kicker design (A. Krasnykh)
Feb 15, 2009 Super-B Orsay Meeting

35 Conclusions The Super-B parameters are being optimized around 1 x 1036. The Mini-MAC in July made good suggestions. All being addressed. IR design (Jan 2009) has a strong basis to start adding subtle features. IR polarization (spin) rotators have now been added to the HER lattice. Ring geometrical layout changed a bit. Beam-beam and dynamic aperture calculations have started. Need to make this work well. Beam loading and RF parameters have taken the next step. Looks ok. Next Mini-MAC in late April. Planning for the Technical Design Report has started. Feb 15, 2009 Super-B Orsay Meeting

36 Oide Feb 15, 2009 Super-B Orsay Meeting

37 Summary of KEK Roadmap J-PARC KEKB Photon Factory ERL R&D 1st results
Suzuki 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 operation & completion of 1st goal J-PARC power upgrade upgrading to Super-KEKB KEKB Photon Factory & upgrade operation continue R&D and compact ERL ERL R&D construction operation 1st results LHC LHC upgrade ILC R&D TDP1 Feb 15, 2009 Super-B Orsay Meeting lots and lots of R&D’s TDP2 37

38 Conclusion Image of the Roadmap for Particle Physics
in the Next Decade guerilla boats K-decay, MEG, m: g-2 ….. KEKB --> Super-KEKB --> ILC     T2K     LHC     KamLAND Super-Kamiokande Feb 15, 2009 Super-B Orsay Meeting 38

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