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District 55 Teams Need Training!

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Presentation on theme: "District 55 Teams Need Training!"— Presentation transcript:

1 District 55 Teams Need Training!
1 District 55 Teams Need Training!

2 2 Why Train As Teams?

3 Club Officers – Your Opportunity for Leadership
3 Club Officers – Your Opportunity for Leadership Lead by example Get training Demonstrate responsibility Plan for Success

4 Your best tool for club success:
4 Your best tool for club success: The Distinguished Club Program!

5 The 10 goals of the Distinguished Club Program:
5 The 10 goals of the Distinguished Club Program: 2 CCs 2 more CCs One ACB, ACS, or ACG One more ACB, ACS, or ACG One CL, ALB, ALS, or DTM One more CL, ALB, ALS, or DTM Four new members Four more new members Min of 4 officers trained 2x/year One dues renewal invoice and one club officer list submitted on time

6 6 Recognition Earned: Any club with at least 20 members or a net gain of five new members on June 30th and who achieve the following number of goals on their DCP will receive the following distinctions: Five of 10 Goals: Distinguished Club! Seven of 10 goals: Select Distinguished Club! Nine of 10 goals: President’s Distinguished Club!

7 The Distinguished Club Program And Club Success Plan
7 The Distinguished Club Program And Club Success Plan Ensures members needs are being met Helps guarantee club health now and into the future

8 Sergeant at Arms, DCP Success Depends on You!

9 As club Sergeant at Arms, you are…
9 As club Sergeant at Arms, you are… A leader by example as you are on time and prepared The first face most guests will see

10 As club Sergeant at Arms, you will…
1010 As club Sergeant at Arms, you will… Arrange room and equipment Greet members / guests Ensure meetings start on time

11 As club Sergeant at Arms, you will…
1111 As club Sergeant at Arms, you will… Schedule meeting location Arrange for food service Collect ballots/tally votes

12 Too much to do in too little time?
1212 Too much to do in too little time? Delegate! Gives members a chance to contribute while giving you valuable leadership experience!

13 Treasurer, DCP Success Depends on You!
1313 Treasurer, DCP Success Depends on You!

14 Creating your budget: Work with the president and the executive
1414 Creating your budget: Work with the president and the executive committee! Incomes Member dues Fundraising activities Expenses Trophies and ribbons Administrative supplies Educational materials

15 Fundraising – Questions to ask first!
1515 Is the product you wish to sell donated? Is the service you wish to provide voluntary? Is it the club rather than a member who receives monetary compensation? Is at least one-third of the club’s total support from member dues? Is the fundraising activity conducted on an infrequent and irregular basis? Is the fundraising activity legal in your city, state, province or country? Will the profits be used for the furtherance of Toastmasters International’s exempt purposes, which include: Building and improving clubs Training club and district officers Purchasing educational program materials Sending a voting delegate to district conferences or the International Convention Covering general administrative expenses connected with the operation of the club or district A “no” answer to any of these questions means the activity is prohibited!

16 As Treasurer, you will… Tell members when dues are due
1616 As Treasurer, you will… Tell members when dues are due Collect /submit dues to WHQ online Submit new applications / dues to WHQ online

17 As Treasurer, you will… Pay all bills promptly
1717 As Treasurer, you will… Pay all bills promptly Keep records of all financial transactions Present financial reports Submit accounts for audit upon request

18 Secretary, DCP Success Depends on You!
1818 Secretary, DCP Success Depends on You!

19 Maintaining Membership Roster
1919 Maintaining Membership Roster Ensures all members receive the Toastmaster magazine and club newsletter Keeps track of those eligible for educational awards and speech contests

20 2020 Tracking Attendance Helps the vice president membership follow up on absent members

21 Submitting records to World Headquarters
2121 Submitting records to World Headquarters When someone joins, a form 400 and dues should be mailed or submitted online immediately. Delays could make someone ineligible for educational awards and speech contests!

22 The Dues renewal invoice
2222 The Dues renewal invoice Submitted twice each year Lists all paid members on file at World Headquarters Due at World Headquarters on October 1 and April 1 Work with the president, vice president membership, and treasurer to turn it in on time and earn your club’s success in the DCP!

23 As club Secretary, you will…
2323 As club Secretary, you will… Record and read meeting minutes Assist with the semiannual membership report Report new officers to TI within 10 days Keep club constitution and standard bylaws with the club records

24 Vice President Public Relations, DCP Success Depends on You!!
2424 Vice President Public Relations, DCP Success Depends on You!!

25 The Goal of Public Relations:
2525 The Goal of Public Relations: To increase awareness and appreciation for the Toastmasters program.

26 Creating a Public Relations Program
2626 Creating a Public Relations Program Target your audience Develop a media list Send promotional material to media members

27 Writing a news release:
2727 Writing a news release: Tell a good story Use quotes Format for readability Get to the point first

28 Create a Club Newsletter/Web Site
2828 Create a Club Newsletter/Web Site Why? Documents and promotes current events Informs with educational material Provides visitors with “take- home” value

29 Resources You WANT & NEED!
2929 Resources You WANT & NEED! Website tool Club Automation Marketing Facebook!!!

30 As Vice President Public Relations, you will…
3030 As Vice President Public Relations, you will… Promote your club’s regular meetings and special events to local media Communicate upcoming events to your club members Maintain club’s publicity materials Publish and maintain your club’s newsletter and/or website

31 Vice President Membership, DCP Success Depends on You!
3131 Vice President Membership, DCP Success Depends on You!

32 Reaching for 20 – Charter membership strength!
3232 Reaching for 20 – Charter membership strength! Why 20? Keeps meetings exciting and varied Keeps the talents and energies of club members from being stretched too thin

33 How to get there… Make it a club goal to add 2/3 member each month
3333 How to get there… Make it a club goal to add 2/3 member each month Challenge club members and leaders to bring one guest every month – and then be the first to do just that!

34 Strategies for Membership Growth
3434 Strategies for Membership Growth Promote benefits to current members Promote Toastmasters benefits to others Hold at least two membership contests Offer recognition

35 Toastmasters Membership Contests:
3535 Toastmasters Membership Contests: Individual Recognition – The Annual Membership Program! Recognizes individuals who sponsor 5, 10, 15 or more new members during the year.

36 Toastmasters Membership Contests:
3636 Toastmasters Membership Contests: Club recognition for 5 or more new, dual, or reinstated members! The Smedley Award August thru September Talk Up Toastmasters February thru March Beat the Clock May thru June

37 Transform Guests into Members
3737 Transform Guests into Members Personally welcome guests and introduce them to others Explain benefits and follow up Complete application and submit online immediately Welcome new members into the club

38 Guarantee current member Satisfaction
3838 Guarantee current member Satisfaction Contact absent members Conduct surveys Distribute evaluation forms

39 As Vice President Membership, you will…
3939 Conduct an ongoing membership program Promote Toastmasters membership building contests Follow up with guests Attend club executive committee meetings

40 As Vice President Membership, you will…
4040 As Vice President Membership, you will… Attend and vote at area council meetings Ensure each guest completes a guest card Report on membership goals and achievements Ensure current members’ needs are being met

41 Vice President Education, DCP Success Depends on You!
4141 Vice President Education, DCP Success Depends on You!

42 You are the 2nd Highest ranking club officer!
4242 You are the 2nd Highest ranking club officer! Lead by example Monitor the club’s progress Preside when president is absent

43 Envision / Plan / Direct Club Meetings
4343 Envision / Plan / Direct Club Meetings Plan dynamic club meetings 3-6 weeks in advance Create varied programs Encourage effective evaluations

44 The Toastmasters Educational Program…
4444 The Toastmasters Educational Program… Promote participation in the communications and leadership tracks! Tracks are not mutually exclusive – members can work in both at the same time!

45 Tips for Integrating the Competent Leadership Manual
4545 Tips for Integrating the Competent Leadership Manual Display manual in club meetings Discuss evaluations Educate mentors Track progress

46 Orient New Members Introduce and explain materials & procedures
4646 Orient New Members Introduce and explain materials & procedures Match with mentor Get members participating

47 Educate members about other leadership opportunities!
4747 Educate members about other leadership opportunities! Become familiar with: Success/Leadership Success/Communication Youth Leadership High Performance Leadership Program

48 Boost Participation in Toastmasters Activities!
4848 Boost Participation in Toastmasters Activities! Explain training benefits Organize speech contests Promote area / district meeting attendance

49 Club President, DCP Success Depends on You!
4949 Club President, DCP Success Depends on You!

50 5050 Gather your team! Hold regular executive committee meetings with club officers. Give your club officers shared ownership and responsibility for the club mission! Monthly executive committee meetings are a good idea!

51 Create a vision: Ask yourself and your executive committee …
5151 Create a vision: Ask yourself and your executive committee … What is your idea for a club vision? What would you like to see at all club meetings? What specific things would you like to improve? Including your executive committee will give them shared ownership and responsibility for the vision!

52 Set your goals! Goals should be… Specific Measurable Action-oriented
5252 Set your goals! Goals should be… Specific Measurable Action-oriented Realistic Time-bound Use the Club Success Plan and the Distinguished Club Program to motivate performance and track progress!

53 Represent the Club Act as liaison between club / area / district
5353 Represent the Club Act as liaison between club / area / district Participate in and vote at area / district functions Vote at the International Convention or send proxy to district governor

54 As Club President, you will…
5454 As Club President, you will… Preside over club meetings Hold and chair executive committee meetings Know the Distinguished Club Program. Attend district and area council meetings

55 As Club President, you will…
5555 As Club President, you will… Ensure timely submission of semi-annual dues renewals and membership reports Oversee administrative operation of the club Assist with transition of new officers at the end of your term

56 Encourage and guide! Lead by example – others will follow!
5656 Encourage and guide! Give each club member and leader the attention and respect they deserve Demonstrate excellence as you carry out club goals and proceed through the Toastmasters educational tracks Lead by example – others will follow!

57 “Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress.
5757 “Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.” -Henry Ford

58 District 55 Teams Newly Trained!
5858 District 55 Teams Newly Trained!

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