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1 of 3 essays on your AP Language Test…

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1 1 of 3 essays on your AP Language Test…
The Argument Question

2 The Argument Question Asks you to read a passage or quote and then “refute, support, or qualify” the author’s idea. You are asked to identify the author’s argument correctly and then write your own argument. Refute=argue against Support=agree with the passage Qualify=to agree with part of the passage or to agree in some cases. “Yes, but…” Your evidence comes from literary, historical, and/or personal experience. You may use personal experience, but this IS NOT a personal essay.

3 Argument Tips Read the prompt carefully!
Be sure you can correctly identify what the prompt is asking you to have an opinion about. Annotate! Clearly establish your position in the introduction. It is a good rule of thumb to use some of the same language as the prompt. This ensures you know what is being asked of you and lets the reader know that, too! Make each paragraph connect to the argument. EXTEND each paragraph with specific, relevant examples.

4 Avoid 1st and 2nd person personal pronouns.
Do NOT get so caught up in defending a position that your tone becomes overzealous and loses its appeal to logic. Avoid 1st and 2nd person personal pronouns. Be concise, but make valid points.  Indent…CLEARLY. Your first two sentences should be interesting and grammatically perfect. Avoid deadwood (i.e. vague, blah) phrases such as: “People have been working from the beginning of time.”

5 Write for your audience
Write for your audience. Meaning you write what they want to hear instead of what you want to say. Remember that no reader knows or cares what you really think about an issue. This is an AP test, not a testimonial. You’ll want to take the stand that’s easiest for you to defend at that particular moment, based on the ideas that come to you.

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