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Presentation on theme: "Asia."— Presentation transcript:

1 Asia

2 Explorers Europeans begin to expand Eastward
Seek trade, resources, etc. Goal: to make money Spread Christianity Major Countries trying to reach Asia: Portugal (Africa, Indian Ocean) Spain (Caribbean) Others: English Dutch French

3 China The Ming Dynasty (1368 - 1644) The Qing Dynasty (1644 - 1911)
Two Rivers: Yellow River (The Huang He) - Northern China Name from the yellowish silt left behind when it overflows This silt is actually fertile soil called loess Yangtze River (The Chang Jiang) - Central China Between the two are China’s most fertile plains

4 Japan Warring States Period (1467-1568)
Tokugawa Shogunate ( ) Feudalism Emperor Shogun Daimyo Samurai Peasants

5 Samurai: Isolation period: Warriors: use swords, spears, and archery
Bushido: code of discipline Loyal to Daimyos Isolation period: Turned away foreign ships Banned Christianity Pressured into opening its ports to trade Weakening of the Tokugawa Shogunate 

6 Emperor brings in Americans to help modernize military
Meiji Restoration ( ) Emperor regains power Begins westernizing Japan Breakdown of Japanese Feudalism Emperor brings in Americans to help modernize military Teaches use of modern weaponry and tactics Would replace Samurai warfare

7 Rice and Population Advances in rice cultivation:
Quicker developing varieties (multiple crop yields) Drought resistant varieties More people survived, more children born

8 Isolationism China and Japan both: Sought to limit outside influence
Retain power Retain cultural traditions Did not feel the need to seek out new trade partners

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