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User Satisfaction Survey ESDS Germany Forsa Institute

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1 User Satisfaction Survey ESDS Germany Forsa Institute
Birgit Fischer, Daniel O‘Donnell International Statistics i-Punkt Berlin, Statistisches Bundesamt January 2010

2 Background Information Survey Design

3 ESDS Germany, key facts Participant in grant scheme since 2004
Treatment of approx 8000 requests per year No independent user survey so far Main user groups: educational sector and enterprises Results also wanted for public sector and media Media generally contact Media Support but we assist in certain cases

4 ESDS, profile of services provided
Telephone user support Written requests in German and English ESDS Germany maintains its own website Public relations: trade fairs, presentations, training sessions, publications, leaflets

5 ESDS Germany, No of requests

6 Reasons for carrying out survey
Identification of improvement potential Assessment of the ESDS network service Assessing how users perceive free dissemination Assessing how users perceive ESDS Germany Evaluating user perception of German EU website Evaluating user perception of Eurostat & its products

7 Method Independent, professional institute
Computer assisted telephone interview Number of user contacts provided: 1358 Sample size: 309 users were contacted Sample was divided into 5 strata (enterprises, educational sector, media, politics/admin, others) Sample size offers results with sampling error of 2.5% for all users 5.0% for each user category (media, enterprises etc)

8 Sampling plan Strata N s=0,05 s=0,025 Prop n Politics, Public Service
139 58 103 32 Education 405 80 201 92 Enterprises 662 87 249 151 111 Media 79 44 66 18 Others 72 16 Total 1358 93 309

9 ESDS Germany, tasks Forsa Institute, tasks
Preparation of client contact data Gaining approval from data protection officer Designing questionnaire Implementation of sampling plan (5 user categories) Informing users in advance by Forsa Institute, tasks Support in designing survey questionnaire Training of interviewers, pretest Telephone interviews Reporting, presentation of results

10 The whole process Preparation began in early 2009
Call for tender was necessary Criteria were laid down 3 companies sent us an offer All three offers were evaluated based on criteria Tender awarded to offer with best cost performance ratio Interviews were carried out in August (4 week period) Results presented in early October 2009

11 The Main Results of the Survey

12 Reason for contacting ESDS (%)
Multiple answers allowed

13 Frequency of use: Eurostat database
Basis: All respondents that are familiar with Eurostat database

14 Level of satisfaction: Telephone requests

15 Level of satisfaction: Written requests

16 Level of satisfaction: EDS website

17 Level of satisfaction: Eurostat databases

18 Availability of database and metadata in German language

19 Offering advice on EU statistics in German language

20 Service providing advice is part of official statistical system

21 Service also able to offer advice on other international statistics

22 Service and data free of charge
All respondents 94% Students

23 Thank you for your attention
Foto Auskunft: © / Rilo N. Foto Europa: © Photocase, ID:

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