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Foreshock(Mj6.5) Main shock(Mj7.3) 28 hrs later

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1 Foreshock(Mj6.5) Main shock(Mj7.3) 28 hrs later
Figure 1. Seismic intensity distribution of the 2016 Kumamoto earthquakes

2 Figure 2. Surface faulting of the 2016 Kumamoto earthquakes on known active faults. Along the Futagawa fault zone, about 30 km long, a series of surface faults are found. The maximum faulting is 2.2 m right-lateral slip at Mashiki town, Dozon area. Photo taken on 2016, May 14th by Naoshi Hirata.

3 Figure 3.Kumamoto earthquakes on mapped active faults, the Futagawa and Hinagu faults, which are two of 98 major active fault among 2000 mapped active faults in Japan.

4 Central Kyushu North Central Whole Kyushu: 30-42% South
Cumulative distribution South Probability (%) Figure 4. Profanities of earthquake M6.8+ occurrence in 30 years. © Earthquake Research Committee, Headquarters for Earthquake Research Promotion (HERP)

5 28% Kumamoto City 14% Mashiki Town Probability
Figure 5. Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Assessment. A chance for Japanese Seismic Intensity 6- or larger in 30 years: as of Jan. 1, 2016

6 Figure 6. Estimated (a) [7] and observed seismic intensities at the 2016-April-16 Kumamoto earthquake (b)[14].

7 Figure 7(a). Labeling of active faults
Rank S (High) : >3% in 30 yrs Rank A (Fairly high) : 0.1 – 3 % in 30 yrs Rank Z: :<0.1 % in 30 yrs Rank X: unknown (not reject soon to occur) Name Rank Magnitude Figure 7(a). Labeling of active faults

8 Figure 7 (b)

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