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Growing Up Fit Together for 1st grade

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1 Growing Up Fit Together for 1st grade
Lesson 2 my plate Growing Up Fit Together for 1st grade

2 MyPlate What do you see? What is it a shape of?
Each color represents a food group.

3 Food Groups Orange ----> Grains Group
Foods in this group include: cereal, bread, pasta, and crackers. To move like grains, we will wave our arms in the air.

4 Food Groups Green ----> Vegetables Group
Foods in this group include: potatoes, carrots, lettuce, and cucumbers. Can you name more vegetables? To sound like we are munching on a crunchy vegetable, we will clap our hands together.

5 Food Groups Red ----> Fruit Group
Foods in this group include: apples, grapes, watermelon, and pineapples. Can you name more fruits? Fruits have important vitamins in them that can help heal your body if you are sick. To sound like we are eating our fruits, we will smack our lips together. .

6 Food Groups Blue ----> Dairy (Milk Group)
Foods in this group include: milk, cheese, yogurt, and ice cream. Can you name more milk foods? Milk helps to give you strong bones and teeth. To sound like we are drinking our milk, we will act like we are drinking out of a glass while making a gulping sound . .

7 Purple ----> Protein
Food Groups Purple ----> Protein (Meat & Beans Group) Foods in this group include: eggs, seafood, meat, beans, peanuts, and peanut butter. Can you name more meat and beans foods? These foods are good for your muscles. To show how the foods in this group help our muscles, we will curl our arms to show our muscles. .

8 Try This!!! Hop 5 times on your right foot. Feet together.
Hop 5 times on your left foot. Stretch up… reach high to the sky!! Do 5 toe touches. Be sure to raise your hands above your head when you come up. Now take 2 deep breathes. Breathe in through your nose, and out through your mouth.

9 Newsletters Be sure to take the newsletter home and share it with your parents and family.

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