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Knowledge Representation and Inference

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1 Knowledge Representation and Inference
CS 480/580 Fall 2009

2 Requirements for Knowledge Representation Languages
Well-defined syntax and semantics General requirements: Representational adequacy Inferential adequacy Inferential efficiency Clear syntax and semantics Naturalness

3 Semantic Networks Originally developed in 1960s to represent the meaning of English words

4 Frames Frames are a variant of semantic networks
Widely used in expert systems Semantic networks and frames are interchangeable Defaults and multiple inheritance Slots and procedures

5 Predicate Logic This is the most important knowledge representation
Syntax: P V Q P ^ Q ¬Q P → Q P ↔ Q P ^ (Q → R); (Q V ¬R) → P

6 Predicate Logic (cont.)
Notation: Begin with lower case letters for constants; Begin with a capital letter for variables; fatherof(allison, richard) Prolog uses , : and ;: OR More on Prolog …

7 Rule-based Systems If – then rules and facts Forward chaining system
Conflict resolution Backward chaining system

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