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The lungs and breathing

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Presentation on theme: "The lungs and breathing"— Presentation transcript:

1 The lungs and breathing

2 Breathing is the process of moving air into and out of the lungs
Learning objectives Define breathing Label the structure of the respiratory system Describe some of the effects of smoking on the respiratory system Explain how muscles enable us to breath Breathing is the process of moving air into and out of the lungs

3 Structure and lung diseases
Copy the diagram. Suggest why the trachea is surrounded by rings of cartilage. Describe how the intercostal muscles and diaphragm help us to breathe in.


5 The trachea Goblet cells produce mucus
Ciliated epithelial cell The trachea Goblet cell Goblet cells produce mucus The mucus traps dirt and bacteria The cilia moves the bacteria up towards the throat where they are swallowed and digested People with cystic fibrosis produce very thick mucus that is difficult for the cilia to move Smoking contains chemicals that stop the cilia from moving mucus

6 Breathing Complete the cloze procedure against the clock activity
Copy the sentences into your notebook.

7 Breathing

8 Gaseous exchange Where is the oxygen concentration highest?
Biconcave red blood cell Where is the oxygen concentration highest? Explain how we maintain a high concentration of oxygen in the lungs. Suggest the way in which the structure of the alveolus and capillaries ensure rapid diffusion. How doe the shape of a red blood cell ensure rapid diffusion in and out of the cell?

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