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New features dispersions function of the current material.

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Presentation on theme: "New features dispersions function of the current material."— Presentation transcript:



3 New features







10 dispersions function of the current material




















30 Start fit





35 Create materials

36 Create materials – n and k fix

37 Dispersion function Picture: wikipedia

38 amplifying k < 0 lasing materials Oscillator with neg. force Glass, Polymer Cauchy function Superposition of oscillators Semiconductor non absorbing k = 0 Forouhi-Bloomer function Dye Oscillator 0 < k ≤ 1 absorbing k > 0 Oscillator in UV + Metal k ≥ 1 Drude (Plasmon) Function

39 Cauchy: in general Picture: wikipedia

40 Cauchy: for n and k Picture: wikipedia

41 Cauchy:

42 Cauchy:

43 Cauchy:

44 Cauchy:

45 Cauchy:

46 Cauchy:

47 Cauchy: Thickness of a Cauchy layer (substrate = Si(100)

48 amplifying k < 0 lasing materials Oscillator with neg. force Glass, Polymer Cauchy function Superposition of oscillators Semiconductor non absorbing k = 0 Forouhi-Bloomer function Dye Oscillator 0 < k ≤ 1 absorbing k > 0 Oscillator in UV + Metal k ≥ 1 Drude (Plasmon) Function

49 amplifying k < 0 lasing materials Oscillator with neg. force Glass, Polymer Cauchy function Superposition of oscillators Semiconductor non absorbing k = 0 Forouhi-Bloomer function Dye Oscillator 0 < k ≤ 1 absorbing k > 0 Oscillator in UV + Metal k ≥ 1 Drude (Plasmon) Function

50 Lorentz – parameter study

51 Lorentz – parameter study

52 Lorentz – parameter study

53 Lorentz – parameter study

54 amplifying k < 0 lasing materials Oscillator with neg. force Glass, Polymer Cauchy function Superposition of oscillators Semiconductor non absorbing k = 0 Forouhi-Bloomer function Dye Oscillator 0 < k ≤ 1 absorbing k > 0 Oscillator in UV + Metal k ≥ 1 Drude (Plasmon) Function

55 Drude Picture: wikipedia

56 Drude – parameter study

57 Drude – parameter study

58 Drude – parameter study

59 Dispersion functions: Effective medium approach
Layers out of two components

60 Dispersion functions: Effective medium approach
Incomplete layers – material + void

61 Dispersion functions: Effective medium approach
Surface roughtness

62 Lorentz-Lorentz: eh = 1 The host is chosen as air.
This is the earliest EMA theory, and is based on the Clausius-Mossotti equation. It assumes that the individual constituents are mixed on the atomic scale, and is therefore of limited usefulness in describing real materials, which tend to be mixed on a much larger scale. Tompkins HG, Irene EA (2005) Handbook of Ellipsometry. William Andrew Publishing. NY

63 Maxwell-Garnett: eh = e1
The host material is the material that has the largest constituent fraction. This is the most realistic EMA theory when the fraction of inclusions is significantly less than the fraction of host material. This EMA is very useful for cermats or for certain types of nanocrystals embedded in hosts well below the perculation threshold. Tompkins HG, Irene EA (2005) Handbook of Ellipsometry. William Andrew Publishing. NY

64 Bruggeman: eh = <e >
the host material is just the EMA dielectric function. The Bruggeman EMA makes no assumption concerning the material that has the highest constituent fraction, and is therefore self-consistent. It is most useful when no constituent forms a clear majority of the material. Tompkins HG, Irene EA (2005) Handbook of Ellipsometry. William Andrew Publishing. NY

65 (Al2O3 + SiO2) | Si(100) = (host + guest) | substrate
Maxwell-Garnett, Volume fraction (guest) = 0, layerthickness 65 nm

66 (Al2O3 + SiO2) | Si(100) = (host + guest) | substrate
Maxwell-Garnett, Volume fraction (guest) = 0, layerthickness 65 nm

67 (Al2O3 + SiO2) | Si(100) = (host + guest) | substrate
Maxwell-Garnett, Volume fraction (guest) = 0-1, layerthickness 65 nm

68 (Al2O3 + SiO2) | Si(100) = (host + guest) | substrate
Maxwell-Garnett, Volume fraction (guest) = 0-1, layer thickness 100 nm

69 (Al2O3 + SiO2) | Si(100) = (host + guest) | substrate
Maxwell-Garnett, Volume fraction (guest) = 0-1, layer thickness 10 nm

70 Take home massage: Interactive and easy to use new thin film modeling software inspiring confidence by “see what you are doing as you do it” Better under

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