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Lesson 13: Epic Appointment Scheduling Reports

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1 Lesson 13: Epic Appointment Scheduling Reports

2 Epic Appointment Scheduling Reports
In this lesson you will learn how to access and navigate the: ─ Staff Daily Report ─ Department Appointment Report ─ Patient History Report ─ Future Appointment Report ─ Week at a Glance Report ─ Itinerary Report ─ Moved Appointment Report ─ Provider Template ─ Provider Calendar

3 Epic Appointment Scheduling Reports
Epic will provide access to a variety of scheduling reports. Each report is very flexible and allows you to request information in various formats. Epic reports available to you will vary based on your security access.

4 Epic Appointment Scheduling Reports
Staff Daily Appointments Report This report provides the ability to request appointment data for a specific provider or all the providers in a specific department. You can request the report for a specific date range and time range.

5 Epic Appointment Scheduling Reports
Staff Daily Appointments Report The Staff Daily Appointment Report can be accessed from several locations (depending on your configuration). The Scheduling menu command lists it as one of the menu options. The Staff Daily tab may be viewed on the Epic main button. From the Scheduling menu, or from Reports, click on Scheduling Reports and then select Staff Daily.

6 Epic Appointment Scheduling Reports
Staff Daily Appointments Report This report can be configured using the “Settings” icon to create a Private report. It is utilized by the clinical staff and can be printed by entering (Ctrl+P). The icons listed on the Activity toolbar perform the same functions where ever they appear.

7 Epic Appointment Scheduling Reports
Staff Daily Appointments Report The Staff Daily Schedule report provides a complete listing of appointments for a provider(s) and/or resource(s) for a specified date range.

8 Epic Appointment Scheduling Reports
Staff Daily Appointments Report The Staff Daily Report can also be displayed to show only slots with appointments in them. The Report columns displayed may vary by site.

9 Epic Appointment Scheduling Reports
Department Appointment Report The Department Appointment Report (DAR) is the most powerful report in Epic Scheduling, and like other reports, can be customized using the “Setting” button. It is used primarily by the front desk staff to quickly select patients scheduled for appointments on the specific date of the report.

10 Epic Appointment Scheduling Reports
Department Appointment Report Columns The column(s) will vary by department and user. You can choose different columns by clicking on Display from the settings window.

11 Epic Appointment Scheduling Reports
Department Appointment Report Columns If you adjust the column widths on the report, you can click “Layout” from the More button to save your settings.

12 Epic Appointment Scheduling Reports
Patient History Report: Allows you to view previous appointment history and statuses. This option can be accessed from several locations.

13 Epic Appointment Scheduling Reports
Patient History Report Select the Pat Hx button from the Menu command toolbar (from the Scheduling or Reports button) to view information on all of a patient’s past and future appointments. You can specify the Departments and Statuses you wish to view or select All departments and All statuses.

14 Epic Appointment Scheduling Reports
Patient History Report You can also select the Patient History from the patient’s appointment desk.

15 Epic Appointment Scheduling Reports
Patient History Report When you select the Patient History Report, the settings screen appears. To view the patient’s entire history, click Run.

16 Epic Appointment Scheduling Reports
Patient History Report You can view this history as a listing of all appointments, or as a breakdown that details totals by visit type, appointment status and provider/resource. When you open the Patient History report, two report tabs are displayed, History Listing and Appointment Totals.

17 Epic Appointment Scheduling Reports
Patient History Report - History Listing tab The History Listing tab lists all of the patient’s appointments and allows you several options for viewing and working with those appointments. You have additional options for working with appointments on the History Listing tab.

18 Epic Appointment Scheduling Reports
Patient History Report - History Listing tab You can: Choose how much information is displayed per appointment View, edit, enter, or delete messages for appointments. Expand an appointment to view more information. Cancel Check In for an appointment (provided End of Day Processing has not yet run on the appointment). Edit an appointment’s cancellation reason

19 Epic Appointment Scheduling Reports
Printing the Patient History Report You can print the patient history from the Setting Screen Print button or from the Toolbar Print option. Printing from the Setting Screen allows you to view text information containing either Full or Summary information. Printing from the Patient History screen will provide a GUI report listing appointment information similar to the view you see on a DAR.

20 Epic Appointment Scheduling Reports
Future Appointments Report Selecting the Future Appts button from the Reports tab in Epic will provide you the opportunity to view detail about future appointments for your patient.

21 Epic Appointment Scheduling Reports
Future Appointments Report This report resembles the Appointment Desk window, except that the only information displayed beneath the Patient Header is the patient’s future appointments.

22 Epic Appointment Scheduling Reports
Week at a Glance Report: Accessed via the main Epic menu..

23 Epic Appointment Scheduling Reports
Week at a Glance Report You have several options on this report: To view expanded information on any appointment, simply click on it. To print this report, click Print. To update the report to show the most-recently-scheduled appointments, click Refresh. To move the date forward use the arrows to the right of the date.

24 Epic Appointment Scheduling Reports
Week at a Glance Report Note: The start date for this report cannot be a past date; if you enter a date without a year (e.g., 2/14), or with only a partial year (2/14/01), Epic will always assume the nearest future date that matches. If you enter a specific past date using a full year (e.g., 2/14/1998), Epic will tell you that no past dates are allowed.

25 Epic Appointment Scheduling Reports
Patient Itinerary Report Selecting the Itinerary button from the Reports tab in Epic will provide you the opportunity to view an appointment itinerary for your patient.

26 Epic Appointment Scheduling Reports
Patient Itinerary Report For each of the patient’s appointments, the Patient Itinerary report displays the date and time of the appointment, the department, visit type, and provider, and any directions on how to get to the facility. If you opted to include them, any patient instructions associated with the appointment are also displayed.

27 Epic Appointment Scheduling Reports
Patient Locator Report Selecting the Locate Patient option from Epic/Reports/Scheduling in Epic displays information on your patient regarding their location based on their scheduled appointments.

28 Epic Appointment Scheduling Reports
Patient Locator Report This report allows you to determine the likely physical location of a patient in your facility based on appointment and check in information. An arrow in the first column indicates the likely location of the patient.

29 Epic Appointment Scheduling Reports
Moved Appointments Report Selecting the Moved Appts button from the Scheduling or the Reports tab in Epic allows you to view any appointments that have been reassigned to a different date using the Reassign Template feature in Epic. You can confirm or cancel appointments from this report. You cannot cancel a past appointment.

30 Epic Appointment Scheduling Reports
Moved Appointments Report Only appointments that have been moved to a different date will appear on this report, not appointments that were moved to a different provider on the same date. The Moved Appointments report does not include normal canceled/rescheduled appointments, only those appointments moved through the Reassign Template option. The cancel reason that defaults when an appointment is canceled from the Moved Appointment report is “Parent Canceled”.

31 Epic Appointment Scheduling Reports
Display Template The Display Template option can be accessed from the Scheduling or Reports menu command. The report allows you to view and/or edit provider template based on user security.

32 Epic Appointment Scheduling Reports
When the “Select Provider” window appears, type in the name of the provider whose template is to be viewed/edited. Your department will default in. Depending on user security, select the appropriate department.

33 Epic Appointment Scheduling Reports
Display Provider Template The Display Template form allows you to view a provider’s template. You can view it for a single date or the entire template. The Entire Template view is the default. To select the Single Date view, click the down arrow in the View field and select Single Date.

34 Epic Appointment Scheduling Reports
Provider Calendar The Provider Calendar displays a month’s schedule. Scheduled days will show the location and number of patients scheduled for that day. To access click on: Scheduling>Provider Calendar The calendar can also be accessed via the provider’s view schedules. Right click and select: Exceptions>Edit/View from the menu options.

35 Epic Appointment Scheduling Reports
Provider Calendar To view specific schedules on the Provider Calendar, click on the date located in the right hand corner of each date box.

36 Epic Appointment Scheduling Reports Printing Reports
You can print reports from the Report Settings screen by selecting the Print button and clicking Accept on the resulting screen. The format for this print version is not recommended for most reports.

37 Epic Appointment Scheduling Reports Printing Reports
You can also print a report you are currently viewing by selecting the Print button from the tool bar. From the resulting Print screen, you can select print options including: Header/Footer information, Orientation, Margins and the number of copies requested. Click Cancel or the Escape key to close the window. This is the recommended method for most of the scheduling reports.

38 End of Lesson 13 Click on the displayed mouse return to KDnet and take the test.

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