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CFI John R Evans Leaders Fund Assessment Criteria – Researchers

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1 CFI John R Evans Leaders Fund Assessment Criteria – Researchers

2 CFI Requirements - Researchers
“Compared to researchers at the same stage in their career, the candidate(s) demonstrates excellence and leadership. The candidate has the necessary expertise and relevant collaborations in place to successfully conduct the research or technology development program proposed.” Describe the expertise and ability of the candidate(s) to lead the proposed research or technology development program. Describe the technical expertise of the candidate(s) that will allow them to make the best use of the requested infrastructure. Describe the existing collaborations and partnerships essential to the success of the research or technology development program. * Ref: John R. Evans Leaders Fund Guidelines – March 2017 version

3 Suggested Structure for this Section
Describe expertise of Project Leader/co-PIs with regards to the proposed research activities and requested equipment Describe what makes project leader and co-PIs leaders in their fields What other collaborations and partnerships are in development? How might these benefit the project? Descriptions should be specific (provide names) Ensure that existing or potential collaborators that are named are aware that their names will be stated in the proposal

4 Feedback from Reviewer Comments
(for UofA JELF Applications submitted Oct 2013 to June 2016) Analysis of reviewer feedback from submitted JELF applications indicated that: A common concern raised by reviewers of rejected JELF applications is that applicants lack experience in the use of the requested equipment, and/or lack expertise required for key facets of the research plan At least one reviewer raised concerns on the applicants’ lack of expertise for 42% of the proposals during this period that were rejected or partially funded Multiple reviewers raised concerns for 33% of the proposals that were rejected or partially funded

5 CFI Reviewer Concerns Rejected/Partially Funded Applications (n=12) %
(JELF submissions Oct to June 2016) Rejected/Partially Funded Applications (n=12) Research or Technology Development Researchers Need for Infrastructure Training of HQP Benefits to Canadians Sustainability %

6 Tips for Success Strong collaborations may help alleviate concern that applicants have insufficient expertise This does not necessarily mean adding additional co-PIs to the proposal Avoid describing tentative collaborations

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