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Primary Longman Elect 1A Chapter 4 Plural ‘s’ Have / has.

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Presentation on theme: "Primary Longman Elect 1A Chapter 4 Plural ‘s’ Have / has."— Presentation transcript:

1 Primary Longman Elect 1A Chapter 4 Plural ‘s’ Have / has

2 Plural ‘s’ I have a pencil. I have a ruler.

3 Plural ‘s’ I have two pencils.

4 Plural ‘s’ When we have two or more, we need to put an ‘s’ at the end.
e.g. four erasers five pencils three crayons two rulers

5 Plural ‘s’ We can write the number when we are talking about more than one thing. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 one six two seven three eight four nine five ten

6 Practice Drag and drop the numbers at the bottom with the correct objects. ____ rulers ____ erasers ____ pencils Answer

7 Practice Do you get the answers right? three ____ rulers two
____ erasers six three ____ pencils

8 Practice Drag and drop the numbers at the bottom with the correct objects. ____ crayons ____ school bags Answer

9 Practice Do you get the answers right? ____ crayons seven
____ school bags four

10 Have and has I have a school bag. I have a school bag.

11 Have and has I have a red school bag. She has a pink school bag.

12 Have and has I have a pink school bag. He has a red school bag.

13 Key structure a / one pen. an / one eraser. I have He She has
two pens.

14 Practice Choose the correct answer. have has a an I ______ ___ ruler.

15 Practice Choose the correct answer. have has a an
She ______ ___ eraser. has an

16 Practice Choose the correct answer. four five book books
He has ______ ______. four books

17 The End

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