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Clash of Powers Acts 19 5 February 2017.

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1 Clash of Powers Acts 19 5 February 2017


3 Trump’s politics

4 Putin

5 Trudeau

6 power

7 Book of Acts

8 Catch you on where we are

9 Acts 19:13 A group of Jews was traveling from town to town casting out evil spirits. They tried to use the name of the Lord Jesus in their incantation, saying, “I command you in the name of Jesus, whom Paul preaches, to come out!”

10 Acts 19:14-16 Seven sons of Sceva, a leading priest, were doing this. But one time when they tried it, the evil spirit replied, “I know Jesus, and I know Paul, but who are you?” Then the man with the evil spirit leaped on them, overpowered them, and attacked them with such violence that they fled from the house, naked and battered.

11 Seven sons of Sceva Itinerant Jewish exorcists

12 Acts 19:13, 16 “I command you in the name of Jesus, whom Paul preaches, to come out!” “I know Jesus, and I know Paul, but who are you?” [CLICK] 2nd section

13 Acts 19:16 Then the man with the evil spirit leaped on them, overpowered them, and attacked them with such violence that they fled from the house, naked and battered.

14 spiritual power Spiritual power is not something you can imitate or claim 2nd hand

15 Lots of people would like spiritual power

16 but

17 God calls us to die to self

18 …serve others …bless others …love others …minister to others
Power to… …serve others …bless others …love others …minister to others

19 Acts 19:17 The story of what happened spread quickly all through Ephesus, to Jews and Greeks alike. A solemn fear descended on the city, and the name of the Lord Jesus was greatly honoured. Then it says the city is filled with fear and awe,

20 Acts 19:18-20 Many who became believers confessed their sinful practices. A number of them who had been practicing sorcery brought their incantation books and burned them at a public bonfire. The value of the books was several million dollars. So the message about the Lord spread widely and had a powerful effect.



23 Revelation 2:4-5 But I have this against you, that you have abandoned the love you had at first. Remember therefore from where you have fallen; repent, and do the works you did at first. If not, I will come to you and remove your lampstand from its place, unless you repent.

24 repentance confession

25 authentic honest legitimate community

26 Truth & Meaning Beauty & Worship Authentic Community Missional Journey
OCC Core values Truth & Meaning Beauty & Worship Authentic Community Missional Journey [CLICK] each line

27 Acts 19:23-24 About that time, serious trouble developed in Ephesus concerning the Way. It began with Demetrius, a silversmith who had a large business manufacturing silver shrines of the Greek goddess Artemis. He kept many craftsmen busy.

28 Acts 19:25 He called them together, along with others employed in similar trades, and addressed them as follows: “Gentlemen, you know that our wealth comes from this business.”

29 Acts 19:26 “But as you have seen and heard, this man Paul has persuaded many people that handmade gods aren’t really gods at all. And he’s done this not only here in Ephesus but throughout the entire province!”

30 Acts 19:27 Of course, I’m not just talking about the loss of public respect for our business. I’m also concerned that the temple of the great goddess Artemis will lose its influence and that Artemis— this magnificent goddess worshiped throughout the province of Asia and all around the world— will be robbed of her great prestige!”

31 Sometimes we think of the big battles as being between



34 economic religious political cultural impact of the gospel

35 Our challenge… being so definite in our witness to the powerful name of Jesus that people will find their vested interests radically challenged being so innocent in our behaviour that there is nothing to accuse us of

36 hyper politicized

37 Matthew 5:9 Blessed are the peacemakers, …those who work for peace …when you can show people how to cooperate instead of compete or fight for they will be called the children of God.

38 Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Letters from Prison
We have been silent witnesses of evil deeds; we have been drenched by many storms; we have learnt the arts of equivocation and pretence; experience has made us suspicious of others and kept us from being truthful and open; intolerable conflicts have worn us down and even made us cynical. Are we still of any use? Will our inward power of resistance be strong enough, and our honesty with ourselves remorseless enough, for us to find our way back to simplicity and straightforwardness?

39 We are in a war

40 Ephesians 2:10 For we are God's masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.

41 rescued to become the rescuer

42 rescuing looks like loving


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