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Music Makes It Memorable: "Scientific Method"

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Presentation on theme: "Music Makes It Memorable: "Scientific Method""— Presentation transcript:

1 Music Makes It Memorable: "Scientific Method"
Why do scientists use the scientific method? Music Makes It Memorable: "Scientific Method" What do scientists do when using the scientific method? Engage: Open up the DE link to the scientific method song. Sing along with the students. Ask why do scientists use the scientific method? ( They have a question – a reason – they want to find information about – answer.) What do scientists do when using the scientific method? (reason, observe, collect information , hypothesize, experiment, collect data, analyze, conclude, apply to real life) Office of Academics and Transformation Department of Science

2 District Science Pacing Guide Grade 5 Quarter 1 Topic 6
Science Fair Resource Grade 5 Quarter 1 Essential Lab # 4 Which brand of paper towels do you think is best? Most Expensive Use this power point with the Essential lab #4 Teacher Edition. For questions and/ or concerns about this power point, contact Mary Tweedy at For questions and/ or concerns about doing a science fair project, holding a school science fair or on the District Science Fair Competitions site contact Dr. Millard Lightburn, Noreyda Casanas, Yusimi Osteen Perez or Mary Tweedy. For questions, comments, and/or additional suggestions on this lesson, feel free to contact Mary Tweedy, Curriculum Support Specialist, Division of Science at Strongest Most Absorbent Cheapest Office of Academics and Transformation Department of Science

3 Which brand of paper towels do you think is best?
Use your science notebook to record all information collected for this project. Which brand of paper towels do you think is best? Viva Bounty Brawny Publix Ultra Sparkle Scott Explore: Students need to use their science notebook to record all information collected for the project. Check out the hyperlink Paper Towel Brand Comparisons to find out the paper towel companies say about their brand of paper towel. GreenWise Check this link for information  Paper Towel Brand Comparisons Office of Academics and Transformation Department of Science

4 Paper Towel Brand Comparisons
Bounty Sparkle Ever try one of those 'bargain' paper towels and go through so many sheets that the roll just disappears? With Bounty, the roll doesn't disappear. Bounty Select-a-Size paper towels are 2X more absorbent,* so you can use less. Bounty quickly absorbs messes, so you can clean up and move on without wasting time or towels. Choose the paper towel you can count on: Bounty, the longer-lasting Quicker Picker Upper.* 2-ply Paper Towels come in white and decorative prints to brighten up your house. Best of all, they're priced just right. So, you won't be wasting money you can spend on something more fun than paper towels. Explore/Explain: Have students identify each brands’ claims. Then discuss and identify the attribute the brand’s claim refers to. Office of Academics and Transformation Department of Science

5 Comparing Paper Towel Claims
Brawny Scott® Cleanup Done Right Scott® Towels feature unique ridges that quickly and effectively absorb messes and leave surfaces clean and dry. That’s why you and your family can count on Scott® Towels to provide a sensible balance of value and performance. That’s Cleanup Done Right. Since 1974, Brawny has been an American icon of strength and durability. It is the original, big, tough towel. Made to be gentle. But engineered to handle the tough messes life can dish out. Giving you the confidence to accept all challenges. Allowing you to meet the worst moments with your best self. So, stay strong. Stay resilient. STAY GIANT. Have students identify each brands’ claims. Then discuss and identify the attribute the claim refers to. Office of Academics and Transformation Department of Science

6 How are the paper towels different?
Cost Absorbency Strength Texture Content Explain: Talk about which ones we just read about and any others that are used at home and at school. How are they different? What are their different attributes? (cost, content, ply, absorbency, strength, etc.) What else have they seen in print and/or TV ads for paper towels? Office of Academics and Transformation Department of Science

7 Paper Towel Comparisons
Brand Cost Per Sq. Ft. * Price* # of Rolls Ply Claims Explain continued (Research background information) Have students copy this chart in their science notebook. To record research collected on each brand being tested. Give each group of students a roll of paper towels so that each group has a different brand to present to the class. Students can: observe a single sheet and describe its properties; read the package for facts and claims(advertisement info). If online access is available, groups can look for more information. For example, The World’s Strongest Paper Towel: Another slide could be added to share additional background information on the different brands. Office of Academics and Transformation Department of Science

8 Paper Towel Comparisons Sample* Cost and price from Publix’s 6/11/11
Brand Cost Per Sq. Ft. Ply Claims Bounty 3.28 cents (2011) 4.11 cents (2016) 2 Quicker picker upper, reusable, durable, quilted, flower print, Brawny 2.92 cents (2011) 4.04 cents (2016) Soft and strong, flex tech embossed design, strength and durablity, premium performance GreenWise 1.69 cents (2011) Strong, soft, free of ink, dyes, frangences, 100% recycable Publix Ultra 1.33 cents (2011) Ultra absorbent, folds easily, colorful Scott 2.53 cents (2011) 1.81 cents (2016) Feature unique ridges that quickly and effectively absorb messes and leave surfaces clean and dry. Sparkle 2.17 cents (2011) 2.29 cents (2016) Registered thirst pockets, advantage of no color Office of Academics and Transformation Department of Science

9 Which paper towel is best? Using the Scientific Method
Ask a question Do research Form hypothesis Identify the variables Gather materials Identify the procedures Conduct the experiment Collect and record data Analyze data/results Draw conclusions Communicate results (project presentation) Identify new questions This 5 E’s lesson asks students to consider a concept that is subjective and then develop an experiment that is testable and repeatable. It develops critical-thinking skills and an understanding of the use of the Scientific Method as a guide to inquiry. Show students various brands of paper towels with purchase prices (name brands, store brands, school paper towels) and ask them “Which brand of paper towels do you think is best? Ask them to explain their responses. Office of Academics and Transformation Department of Science

10 Office of Academics and Transformation Department of Science
Online Sources Paper Towel Brand Comparisons: The World’s Strongest Paper Towel: How to Test Paper Towels Absorbency: Check on line for information on paper towels and for specific brand name ads. Office of Academics and Transformation Department of Science

11 Office of Academics and Transformation Department of Science
Plan a test to determine the best paper towel. Will you test absorbency or strength or …? Problem Statement: One testable question that can be answered by performing an experiment. (Are you testing absorbency or strength or …?) Hypothesis (“If (I do this) then (this) will happen.”) Test(Independent/manipulated) Variable (one variable that will change) Outcome(Dependent/responding) Variable or what you plan to measure and how Control(Constant) Variables or all the factors to be kept the same in the experiment List of materials you think you will need Engage cont. Show students a variety of materials you have collected that are available for testing to see which paper towel is best. You’ll need to include measuring cups, graduated cylinders, droppers, rulers, stopwatches, scissors, balances, gram cubes, pennies, marbles, hand lens, deli containers, plastic bowls, rubber bands, blue trays, and anything else you can think of that could be used. Tell students they will not need to use all of the materials. Break students into groups and tell them you want them to come up with a test to determine the “best” paper towel. Students use their science notebooks/journals to record all investigation information. Students must come up with the following: Their testable question Their hypothesis Their independent/manipulated variable What they plan to measure and how (dependent/responding variable)? List of materials they think they will need. Office of Academics and Transformation Department of Science

12 Office of Academics and Transformation Department of Science
Problem Statement Which brand of paper towels _______________, ______________, or ______________ is the most absorbent? Office of Academics and Transformation Department of Science

13 Office of Academics and Transformation Department of Science
Variables Test (manipulated/independent) Variable: Brands of paper towels, ________, _________, and ____________ Outcome (responding/dependent) Variable Amount of water absorbed in milliliters Constant/Control Variables: Office of Academics and Transformation Department of Science

14 Office of Academics and Transformation Department of Science
Hypothesis: If ___________,____________, and ______________ brands of paper towels are tested then _________ is the most absorbent? Office of Academics and Transformation Department of Science

15 Finalize the Investigation
Write your procedures or the steps you will follow in your experiment. Each procedure step needs to be numbered. Each step needs to begin with a verb. Check procedures to insure that all variables are kept the same (constant) except the one you are testing (independent/manipulated). Complete the Constant variables. List and collect the materials needed for the experiment. Create data tables. Explore: Students work in their assigned groups to set up their experimental design (variables, procedures, materials) Walk around them and offer assistance as needed, checking to make sure their hypothesis and experimental design is complete with materials listed in their notebooks. If a student group needs additional help with the procedures, the following may be offered for students as a start: To test absorbency: Roll a measured piece of towel (14x14cm)and dip into a graduated cylinder (50mLcapapcity) with a specific amount of water (30 mL) for 10 seconds. Remove and read the amount of water left in the graduated cylinder. Find the difference (amount absorbed) To test strength: Secure a measured piece of towel (16x16cm) with a rubber band over a “deli” plastic container. Pour a measured amount of water (5mL) to wet the towel. Pennies or marbles can be added one at a time, until the towel breaks. Then count the number of pennies or marbles the towel held. The number of pennies or marbles can be converted to grams. Or they can go online for additional ideas for paper towel tests. Office of Academics and Transformation Department of Science

16 Office of Academics and Transformation Department of Science
Procedures (sample) Measure and cut three pieces of paper towel 14x14cm for brand ____________. Repeat step 1 for each brand of paper towel. Pour 30 mL of water into a 50 mL graduated cylinder. Roll one 14 cm x13cm piece of ______________ brand towel and dip into the graduated cylinder with 30 mL of water and hold for 10 seconds. Remove the rolled piece of paper towel. Read the amount of water left in the graduated cylinder. Find the difference from 30 mL (amount absorbed). Record the tested paper towel brand amount of water absorbed on the data chart. Repeat steps 3 – 7 for the second brand of paper towels. Repeat steps 3 – 7 for the third brand of paper towels. Repeat steps 3 – 9 for two more trials. . Office of Academics and Transformation Department of Science

17 Office of Academics and Transformation Department of Science
Materials 3 paper towels brands measuring cups graduated cylinder water metric ruler timer scissors tray Office of Academics and Transformation Department of Science

18 Conduct the Experiment
Start the experiment to test your hypothesis. Observe and record the quantitative data (numbers or measurements) collected during the experiment on a data table. Repeat the experiment three or more times to confirm results. Graph your data from all trials. (Dry Mix) Restate your data in a narrative form as the Results. Explore cont. Students then conduct their investigation and collect/record data in their notebooks. Give each group a large presentation size sticky note to present their groups’ data (evidence) to the class. Office of Academics and Transformation Department of Science

19 Data ______________________ Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 Average Paper
Towel Brand Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 Average Add the title to the data chart:

20 Office of Academics and Transformation Department of Science
Data Office of Academics and Transformation Department of Science

21 Office of Academics and Transformation Department of Science
Drawing Conclusions What was investigated? (Describe the problem statement.) Restate your hypothesis, and tell if it was supported(true) or not supported (false). What were the major findings? (Explain your results.) Look at everything that may have affected your results. What possible explanation can you offer for your findings? Explore and Explain/Evaluate: Students analyze their results and draw conclusions. Office of Academics and Transformation Department of Science

22 Office of Academics and Transformation Department of Science
Making Applications What recommendations do you have for further study and for improving the experiment? Explain what you learned from your experiment that could be applied in real life. List any new questions that your experiment lead you to ask that could be tested in a new investigation. Students explain and evaluate their group’s work. Students go back to their groups to review and refine their inquiry and can consider the following: Did they do at least three trials? Were control variables included? What things were held constant for all paper towels (ply number, same sample size, procedures for wetting the towels) What new question(s) could be investigated? Office of Academics and Transformation Department of Science

23 Abstract and Bibliography
Describe your purpose and hypothesis. Briefly describe your procedure. Describe and explain your results and also state if your hypothesis was supported or not by the results. Give possible reasons. Explain your conclusion. List your bibliography. Students explain. Teacher evaluates. Office of Academics and Transformation Department of Science

24 Communicate Your Inquiry
You can use a large chart paper to present your data. You can use the science fair blank template to create a Power Point presentation. You can duplicate your Power Point presentation and display on a Science Fair Project Board. Students Explain: Each student group reports on what they did for their inquiry and what evidence they have to support their hypothesis for the best paper towel. Teacher Evaluates. Elaborate: Teacher (Science Fair Committee) needs to set guidelines for the school site science fair which include a Science Fair contract, Project Proposal form, Project Timeline of four to six weeks. See for the Elementary Science, Mathematics, Engineering, and Inventions Fair Handbook resource. Check Weekly Briefings for District science fair project due date and the District Elementary Science Fair date. Teacher presents Science Fair project guidelines and resources to students. Students share guidelines with parents and research a topic to identify a testable question. Once their testable question has been approved, students work on their project following the due dates on the school Science Fair Student Checklist. Top two school winners enter project in the District Elementary Science Fair. Office of Academics and Transformation Department of Science

25 Sample Board

26 Music Makes It Memorable: "Scientific Method"
Did you like working like a scientist? How did you do? Evaluate: Use the song to reflect on the whole scientific method inquiry Office of Academics and Transformation Department of Science

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