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CRYPTOGRAPHY קריפטוגרפיה Thu 15:45-18:15.

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Presentation on theme: "CRYPTOGRAPHY קריפטוגרפיה Thu 15:45-18:15."— Presentation transcript:

1 CRYPTOGRAPHY קריפטוגרפיה Thu 15:45-18:15

2 TexPoint fonts used in EMF.
Read the TexPoint manual before you delete this box.: AAAAA

3 The Crypto “Race of Arms” (3761 BC - 1976)
“Secure” System+ “Secure” System “Secure” System++ “Break” “Break++” “Break+” Traditional crypto: 8 attack 9defense Modern crypto: 9 defense 8attack

4 How is This possible? Rely on computational intractability.
“problems that computers cannot solve” PROVE that “break” -> “solve hard problem” For example, FACTORING: Given: N = PQ Find: P,Q What are the factors of 15? What are the factors of 1763? (hint: 41,43)

5 Basis of EVERY electronic transaction on the web!
What are the factors of ? RSA-2048 (617 digits, $200K) Basis of EVERY electronic transaction on the web!

6 Alice and Bob – A Love Tale

7 Alice and Bob – A Love Tale
Protocols Zero-knowledge proofs Secure computation Encryption Authentication Digital signatures

8 Is it a Hard Course? No Harder than Algorithms/Complexity. Basic math.
Rich in (beautiful) concepts.

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