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L.O: SWBAT explain the theory of plate tectonics

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Presentation on theme: "L.O: SWBAT explain the theory of plate tectonics"— Presentation transcript:

1 L.O: SWBAT explain the theory of plate tectonics

2 Earth’s Lithosphere is broken into about 12 large tectonic (crustal) plates and about 24 smaller plates. Each plate consists of the crust and the upper, solid mantle: The Lithosphere These plates rest on the fluid layer of the mantle: The Asthenosphere

3 The plates move! The plate movement is why we have earthquakes & continental drift.

4 *Earthquakes, volcanoes, mountain ranges, continental drift & seafloor spreading all happen at the tectonic plate boundaries (where the plates meet)

5 What are the three ways plates can move?
Open to page 5.

6 3 types of Plate Boundaries 1)Convergent (2) Divergent (3) Transform

7 Convergent Convergent boundaries: Two plates are moving toward each other. Draw the symbol for convergent plate boundary Notice the side with the rectangle (top hat) stays on top.

8 3)Continent-Continent
Different types of convergent boundaries depend on which TYPE of crust is involved. 1)Ocean-ocean 2)Ocean-Continent 3)Continent-Continent

9 Oceanic-oceanic Type of Boundary Activity
One plate descends beneath the other in a process called SUBDUCTION. Formation Deep-sea trenches


11 Remember the NAZCA PLATE: It is right next to the south American plate
***Remember the NAZCA PLATE: It is right next to the south American plate. It is a famous subduction zone that they usually mention on the regents.

12 Oceanic-Continental Type of Boundary Activity
Oceanic crust subducts below the continental crust because it is more dense. Formation Volcanoes


14 Notice: the denser oceanic crust subducts under the less dense continental crust.

15 Continental -continental
Type of Boundary Continental -continental Activity Neither plate subducts. The forces deform and fold the crust. Formation Mountain Ranges


17 Mt. Everest

18 What is the name of the trench found at 50oN and 180o?

19 Divergent boundaries: 2 plates move apart or separate.
Draw the symbol for divergent plate boundary Found mostly on the sea floor where they form ocean ridges.

20 What plate boundary is found on the continent of Africa?

21 If a divergent plate boundary found on continental crust they form rift valleys.


23 3) Transform boundary: 2 plates slide past one another horizontally.
Draw the symbol for transform plate boundary

24 the famous transform plate boundary in the USA is
the famous transform plate boundary in the USA is *The San Andreas Fault in California . Transform plates=Earthquakes

25 The San Andreas Fault

26 The slice of California to the west of the fault is slowly moving north relative to the rest of California. Since motion along the fault is sideways and not vertical, Los Angeles will not crack off and fall into the ocean as popularly thought, but it will simply creep towards San Francisco at about 6 centimeters per year. In about ten million years, the two cities will be side by side.

27 This is page 5, Tectonic Plates. You are now responsible for it.

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