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-AR Verbs Spanish II.

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Presentation on theme: "-AR Verbs Spanish II."— Presentation transcript:

1 -AR Verbs Spanish II

2 To help: ayudar

3 “just” + verb: acabar de + infinitive

4 To rent a video: alquilar un video

5 To camp: acampar

6 To ride a bike: montar en bicicleta

7 To dance: bailar

8 To celebrate: celebrar

9 To have dinner: cenar

10 To cook: cocinar

11 To buy: comprar

12 To answer:contestar

13 To converse: conversar

14 To have breakfast: desayunar

15 To look for, search: buscar

16 To sing: cantar

17 To walk: caminar, andar

18 To teach: enseÑar

19 To draw: dibujar

20 To listen to the radio / music: escuchar la radio /música

21 To study: estudiar

22 To ski: esquiar

23 To hope + verb: esperar + infinitive

24 To be: estar

25 To explain: explicar

26 To spend: gastar

27 To hate: odiar

28 To arrive: llegar

29 To take, to wear: llevar

30 To send an e-mail/text: maNdar un correo electrónico / un texto

31 To practice; practicar

32 To ride a horse: montar a caballo

33 To swim: nadar

34 To need + verb: necesitar + infinitive

35 To be pleasing (like): gustar

36 To ask: preguntar

37 To speak, talk: hablar

38 To invite: invitar

39 To pay: pagar

40 To prepare: preparar

41 To lend: prestar

42 To fish: pescar

43 To walk, stroll: pasear

44 To (in-line) skate: patinar (en línea)

45 To practice sports: practicar deportes

46 To give (gift): regalar

47 To haggle over, bargain: regatear

48 To return: regresar

49 To get a good grade: sacar una Buena nota

50 To take pictures: sacar / tomar fotos

51 To finish: terminar

52 To play (instrument): tocar

53 To take: tomar

54 To sunbathe: tomar el sol

55 To work: trabajar

56 To watch movies / TV: ver películas / la televisión

57 To travel: viajar

58 To visit: visitar

59 To use: usar

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