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Chapter Annual Reports and Chapter Delegates

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1 Chapter Annual Reports and Chapter Delegates
Wednesday, Feb. 25, 2015 1:00pm EST Good afternoon, and welcome to AFCEA’s Chapter Training Webinar focusing on Chapter Annual Reports and Chapter Delegates. I’m Sean McGowan, Director, Member and Chapter Services I’d like to thank you all for taking time out of your day to participate in this session. Our goal is to make the Annual Reporting process as clear and simple for you as possible. We know that you are all volunteers and cannot thank you enough for all that you do for AFCEA. This presentation includes detailed screen shots from the AFCEA member portal, so there’s no need for you to log in to follow along. Sean McGowan Director, Member and Chapter Services

2 Introduction Annual Report & Chapter Delegates – On-line Submission Through Chapter Officer Tools ID = 8 Digit Membership Number Password = Last Name (default) The Chapter Annual Report form and delegate selection tool are available on-line, as part of the Chapter Officer Tools section of the AFCEA member portal. You can log in using your 8 digit AFCEA membership number and your password (which will be your last name, unless you’ve already logged in and changed it.) The annual report must be completed by midnight east coast time on March 15.

3 Portal Home If you have access to the Tools for your chapter, you’ll see it as a menu option to the left of your personal profile. If you don’t see the chapter tools in your profile, please contact us so we can set up access for you.

4 Annual Report Mandatory: Otherwise Not Eligible for
Chapter rebates Chapter awards Calendar Year Reporting Includes Chapter Delegates Selection One important thing to note – the chapter annual report is different from the Model Chapter of the Year program. I know this has been a source of confusion for chapters in the past because the suspense dates are close. The Model Chapter program is a great way for chapters to think strategically for the coming year by setting goals for membership, programs, scholarships, and more. But it is a totally voluntary awards program. The Annual Report is different– it is a mandatory governance requirement that all chapters must complete. It’s also a pre-requisite for chapters interested in receiving a rebate or being eligible to win a chapter award. There are two parts to the Annual Report process – the report itself, plus the selection of chapter delegates.

5 Annual Report (cont’d)
Events auto-populate from AFCEA calendar Manual entry not an option If events are not entered, submission will not be considered complete All calendar events for past report year and current year are included Entry for month that chapter leadership changes Chapter resume auto-pull from website Financial compliance statement Chapter training webinars viewed statement We’ll address the report form first, then discuss the delegate selection. The good news is that a lot of the information needed for the report pulls directly from the AFCEA website or from last year’s report. One big improvement we’ve made to the report in recent years is that all events pull directly from the AFCEA calendar. If your chapter has been adding events to the calendar all along, they’ll appear in the report and you won’t have to do any additional data entry. We’ve also included several yes/no questions about compliance with IRS and other government financial requirements, participation in training webinars such as this, and accuracy of the chapter focus information we have on file.

6 Annual Report (cont’d)
Now I’ll walk you through the Annual Report. In the Chapter Officer Tools menu, “Chapter Annual Report” is the 10th option from the top.

7 Annual Report (cont’d)
Once you’ve selected the report link, you’ll see links to “submit report” and “submit delegates” for the current year. In this case, you’re completing the report for calendar year 2014. You can complete these two tasks in any order you like, but for the purpose of this walk-through we’ll choose submit report first.

8 Annual Report (cont’d)
The first section of the report is an overview of the chapter officers we have on file. You can add new officers using the button at the bottom of the section, or edit information about existing officers by clicking on the “edit” button to the right of their name (the small pencil and paper icon). Next up is a chance for you to review the chapter focus we have on file for the chapter - this information appears on the chapter landing page on the AFCEA website and is a great resource for potential new members and chapter sponsors.

9 Annual Report (cont’d)
This next screen shows the form for adding an officer or editing existing officer information. Just a reminder – you have the ability to update this information at any time, not just as part of the annual reporting process. Simply select the “maintain chapter officers” link in the Chapter Officer Tools.

10 Annual Report (cont’d)
The next section captures chapter financial data. This information actually pulls directly from the previous year’s report, so its’ simply a matter of updating the income, expenses, and reserves numbers plus verifying that the account information remains the same. In this case, I removed the data that pulled from 2013. The yes/no question at the end refers to IRS tax filings for US chapters as well as other filing requirements for chapters outside the US. Remaining compliant with tax and financial requirements is obviously very important , especially here in the US to maintain non-profit status with the IRS. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions about your chapter’s current filing status.

11 Annual Report (cont’d)
Next up is information on chapter meetings and events. The “meetings” section refers to actual officer, excom, or board meetings versus traditional “events” such as luncheons or IT days. The events section below that pulls right from the AFCEA calendar. If you’ve already added all of your chapter’s 2014 events, you’re all set. If you haven’t , you can still add last year’s events before you finalize the report, and we’ll touch on that process at the end of the presentation. There are a few yes/no questions that follow, along with text blocks for information about chapter sponsors.

12 Annual Report (cont’d)
The next section covers chapter scholarship programs and is pretty simple. This is another area that pulls data from the 2013 report, so it’s simply a matter of making updates for 2014.

13 Annual Report (cont’d)
In addition to the information captured in the first part of this section, you also have the ability to provide more detail on programs in these text boxes.

14 Annual Report (cont’d)
The final section has a series of yes/no questions about attendance at chapter business meetings held in conjunction with major AFCEA international events, as well as participation in the individual awards program, among others.

15 Annual Report (cont’d)
There’s also an opportunity to add a chapter best practice, but this is not required. Finally, we are looking for information about continuing education opportunities at the chapter level. Offering pre-approved continuing education sessions at International events has been a tremendous success, especially in attracting government and military attendees. We would be happy to work with you to bring continuing education content to your events - please contact me offline after the webinar for more information.

16 Annual Report (cont’d)
That’s it for the report itself. We’ve added a “Save Progress” button this year – you and your fellow officers can log in as many times as necessary to complete the report. Simply save your progress after each session. We’ve added this tool based on feedback from last year. Many chapters task different officers to complete various sections of the report (for example, the treasurer may log in to complete the financial section and the VP for Education may handle the section on scholarships). Saving progress allows you to complete the report at your own pace, with input from more than one chapter officer. Once you’ve saved progress the first time, you’ll see a “Submit Final Report” button during your next visit – we’ll get back to that at the end of the presentation.

17 Chapter Delegates Part of Annual Report – Also Mandatory
Delegates represent their Chapters in the annual Spring on-line election of AFCEA International’s Board of Directors Number of delegates determined by the number of active members in each chapter, with a minimum of two Multiple individuals can cast one vote each or one or more designated representatives can cast all (or multiple) votes When you’ve finished (or saved progress) in the report, you’ll be taken to the delegate selection tool. You can also access this directly from the Annual Report landing page we saw at the beginning. Chapters must select delegates for the annual report to be considered complete. These delegates participate in the on-line election for AFCEA’s Board of Directors each spring. The good news is the actual voting only takes a few minutes – delegates are just voting to approve (or reject) the entire slate of officers – one yes or no question. You just want to make sure you let your delegates know they’ve been selected (people end up being surprised every year!) and that they will actually participate in the election. Each delegate will receive an with a voting link later this spring. I know this seems like a lot of extra work, but ensuring that chapter delegates participate in the election is really important for the governance of the association and we appreciate your help.

18 Chapter Delegates (cont’d)
Every chapter receives one delegate vote per 100 members, with a minimum of 2 delegate votes per chapter. You have several options on how to assign these votes. Many smaller chapters choose to assign one delegate vote per person – so if they are eligible for 2 votes based on chapter size, they’ll have 2 people casting one vote each. Larger chapters may not want to assign one vote per person. Central MD, our example here, has 18 delegate votes and may choose to distribute these to a small number of officers. It’s easier to ensure that one or two people vote than it is 18. The delegate selection tool defaults to assigning all votes per chapter to one individual. You can change this by manually adjusting the number of votes in the box next to your delegate’s name.

19 Chapter Delegates (cont’d)
Individuals must be an active AFCEA member and affiliated with your chapter in order to be selected as a delegate. The easiest way to find a specific person in this list is to do a search on last name. Smaller chapters can also use the last name index at the top of the screen. For this example, I’ve searched for the Central MD Chapter President, Quentin Smith. I’m going to divide the chapter’s 18 votes among 3 members of their leadership team, so 6 votes per person.

20 Chapter Delegates (cont’d)
To change the default setting, I simply change the votes from 18 to 6 in the box next to Quentin’s name and choose “select delegate.”

21 Chapter Delegates (cont’d)
At this point, the system recognizes that the chapter has assigned 6 votes and only has 12 votes left. The default setting of votes per person then changes automatically. From here, I can perform another last name search to find my next delegate.

22 Chapter Delegates (cont’d)
Once I’ve found my next officer, I can follow the same process as before - change the number of votes per delegate and hit select. In this case, I’ll again change the setting to give Susan 6 delegate votes. Once I hit select delegate, the system will again recognize that I’ve now assigned 12 votes and default to 6 remaining votes. For this example I chose to assign an equal number of votes per person, but you can assign these in any percentage you’d like. I could have given Quentin 1 vote, or all 18, or anything in between. Whatever works best for your chapter.

23 Chapter Delegates (cont’d)
Once you’ve assigned all of your votes, you can review your selections here. This will also be your view if you decide to go back in at a later time to update your delegate selection. You can remove one or all of your selections by clicking on the red X next to their name. At that point, you’ll have access to the selection tool again with the correct number of delegate votes available. Now you are done with delegate selection!

24 Finalizing the Annual Report
Going back to the report form now – As I mentioned earlier, once you’ve logged in for the first time and saved progress, you’ll see a “submit final report “ button during future visits. If you are continuing to make additions, just select save progress when you are done. When you’ve completed the entire report and it has been reviewed by the chapter president, you can select the “submit final report” option. Once you’ve made this selection you can’t go back into the report, so only choose this option when you are truly done. Remember – the report must be completed by midnight, March 15. At this point, you’re done until next year!

25 AFCEA Calendar Past Events Can Still Be Entered For 2014
Chapter Calendar Tools “Submit Calendar Event” Information Used on Print Calendar at International Events and in Weekly Digest s Before we finish, let’s quickly go back to the calendar. If you have events missing from the calendar, never fear! You can still go back to the Chapter Tools and add past events to the calendar. There is a separate “Chapter Calendar Tools” option available next to the chapter officer tools. I encourage you to get in the habit of adding events to the calendar as soon as you set a date and venue. Not only will it make the annual report easier next year, but we also use the calendar to help promote chapter events through the Weekly Digest , SIGNAL Connections, and print calendars at AFCEA events throughout the year.

26 Chapter Delegates (c Here’s a quick look at the calendar submission form – please contact me if you have any questions on this.

27 Questions ? Please feel free to contact us: Sean McGowan
Director, Member & Chapter Services (703) Member and Chapter Services Department (This address reaches me, Tina Jordan, Susan Emert, Matthew Vitek, and Chris Gogoel) I know this is a lot of information in a short amount of time, so please let me know if you have any questions. Again, please contact me with any questions about the annual report, delegates, or anything else you may need help with.

28 Thank You! Thank you all for taking the time to participate in this webinar. We’ve tried to make the annual report as quick and easy as possible, but I know it still takes some time to compile the financial and educational information and we truly appreciate your efforts. I’d like to thank Jim Griggs, Rachel Lilly, Chris Gogoel, and Susan Emert on our staff for their help putting on this webinar. Thank you again and have a great rest of the day.

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