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Today’s Learning Muscle

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1 Today’s Learning Muscle
Year 9 GCSE History Lesson November, November, 2018 Establishing Control Learning Gain: All learners will explore William’s efforts to secure control of England. Today we will: Today’s Learning Muscle Investigate the concept of submission Examine William’s strategies to establish & maintain control Explore the historical perspectives of people living in England in the first years of William’s rule

2 Fill in the blanks of your worksheet about William the Conqueror.
In 1066 A.D., after the ____________ of Edward the Confessor, king of ____________, a man by the name of ______________the Conqueror asserted his right to ___________ England. William was Edward’s cousin, and lived in Normandy, France. He was a vassal, or _______ to the king of France, and had many vassals, or lords under himself in Normandy. Using his influence, William gathered an ___________ of 6,000 soldiers, which he used to conquer England. After placing himself on the _______________, he rewarded his vassals from Normandy with the __________ of many of the English nobles. WILLIAM DEATH LANDS LORD THRONE RULE ARMY ENGLAND

3 Write down anything in GREEN.
After the Battle of Hastings, William was close to achieving his goal: becoming the King of England. To gain control of England, William needed the earls to surrender to him. This would show they were accepting him as the new king of England. However, no one came to surrender, so William decided to take his army and force their submission. Submission is another word for accepting the rule of another person. He gathered an army and began what is known as the March on London.

4 Write down anything in GREEN.
The March on London Marching from the south coast towards London, William’s armies destroyed homes and farms. This intimidated the locals and made them surrender quickly. At first, William avoided a direct attack on London – it was fortified by stone walls so would be difficult to force a surrender. Instead, William led his army west towards Berkhamstead. At Berkhamstead, William was met by Edgar Aethling and some powerful men from London. They submitted to William and offered him the crown. William was the new King of England, and promised to be a “gracious lord” to them in return.

5 Explain the historical significance of the March on London.

6 Group Task Using the information provided, summarise the main reasons why the earls submitted in 1066.

7 How did William reward his followers?
Multi-structural William had promised to reward his Norman followers when he became king. Why? How might he do this? Relational Why might William have also felt pressure to reward Anglo-Saxons for their loyalty? Extended - Abstract

8 I agree/disagree with the statement. I think this because …
“At his coronation, William made a good first impression on the people of England.” To what extent do you agree with the statement above, based on the information in Source A? I agree/disagree with the statement. I think this because … In Source A, it says… This suggests…

9 Plenary king coronation submission William the Conqueror reward
March on London earl Berkhamstead Battle of Hastings

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