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Expectations of Singers

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Presentation on theme: "Expectations of Singers"— Presentation transcript:

1 Preparing for Choral Presentation Preparing for choral concerts preparing to be a choir

2 Expectations of Singers
1. Appropriate Dress Code for performance is acquired and prepared. 2. Music is well practiced and performed during rehearsals. Need for Memorization on music will vary for performances. 3. Each student presents him or herself maturely on stage with appropriate singing posture and movements

3 Processing on the Risers
1. Assemble into concert formation facing the director 2. Walk to the stage with loose arms and performance mindset 3. Coming on the risers, step up to your level, and then walk across until you reach your area. 4. Face the audience and acknowledge them with a smile.

4 When on stage…. Your attention goes to the audience members and the director. NOT to your neighbors. Share the audience your warm smiles to let them know you appreciate their attendance. Follow the director and his/her cues or gestures After the last song, watch the director for the cue to bow together

5 Singing Posture Feet (Shoulder Width Apart) Knee’s Unlocked
Hands at your side Chest Up Shoulder’s Relaxed Tall Neck Eye’s forward (Follow the Director)

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