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And Immigration Restriction, 1920s Kathleen Banks Nutter, PhD Sophia Smith Collection Smith College.

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Presentation on theme: "And Immigration Restriction, 1920s Kathleen Banks Nutter, PhD Sophia Smith Collection Smith College."— Presentation transcript:

1 And Immigration Restriction, 1920s Kathleen Banks Nutter, PhD Sophia Smith Collection Smith College

2 Ku Klux Klans Auxiliary Ladies Association from 1923

3 Who joined?

4 And why?

5 Equal Opportunity Hatred? The Pope's Last Call By Elsie Thornton The Pope called the Devil up on the telephone one day, The girl at central listened to all they had to say.... The Devil said "Hello!" to the Pope, and Pope said "how are you? I'm running here a hell on earth, so tell me what to do." "What can I do"? the Devil said, "My dear old Popish Pal, If there's a thing I can do to help you, I surely will." The Pope said "Now listen and I will try to tell, The way that I am running here on earth a modern hell. I've planned for this for many years, and I've started out to kill All who refuse to bow, in submission to my will. My army went through Spain, shooting women and children down We tore up all their Bibles and killed all the Protestants we found. My dupes sneaked through their cities, killing both old and young, And those who escaped the sword, were taken out and hung.

6 Contd I started out for the U.S.A. with the aid of the poison cup, The Ku Klux, darn them, stopped us, and wouldn't take a sup. My K. of C.'s [Knights of Columbus] are devils. Why, you should see them fight; They go sneaking through the land, and kill hundreds in a night. I knew what you would tell, till a year or so ago, When the Ku Klux Klan warned me to go more slow. They say, Mr. Pope, we don't want to make you sore, So be sure to tell your K. of C.'s not to bother our schools any more....

7 Now that's why I called you, Satan, for I want advice from you, I know that you would tell me just what I ought to do." "My dear Old Father Pope, there's not much to tell, For the Ku Klux will make it hotter than I can for you in hell. I've been a mean old devil, but not half as mean as you. And the minute that you get here, I will give my job to you. I'll be ready for your coming, and I'll keep the fires all bright, And I'll have your room all ready when the Klan begins to fight. For the boys in white will get you, I have nothing more to tell; Hang up the phone and get your hat and meet me here in hell." Alabama KKK Newsletter, June 1926. p. 4. Box 16, Folder 11: Association Records, Ku Klux Klan, Alabama Department of Archives and History, Montgomery.

8 Rebel Brigade Knights of the Ku Klux Klan - Klan Women

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