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Motion Graphs.

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1 Motion Graphs

2 Distance-Time Graphs Tom‘s Journey
Tom walked to the shop to buy some sweets. The shop was 600m away from his house and it took Tom 300s to walk there. It took him 240s to buy the sweets. It took him 400s to walk home. C B A Section A shows Tom walking at a steady speed. Section B shows Tom is not moving. Section C shows Tom is moving again at a steady speed but not as quickly as in section A.

3 Distance-Time Graph The graph also has the information needed to calculate the average speeds. A B C Distance (m) 600 Time (s) 300 240 400 Speed (m/s) =600/300 = 2 = 0 / 240 = 0 = 600/ 400 = 1.5

4 How to Read Distance-Time Graphs
Time (s) Distance (m) Time (s) Distance (m) Time (s) Distance (m)

5 Activity Complete Worksheet – Distance-Time Graphs (Robbie the Rabbit)

6 Speed-Time Graphs This shows the speed of a car travelling at a steady speed of 100km/hour. When something is travelling at a steady speed the Speed-Time Graph is horizontal.

7 Speed-Time Graphs Speed-time graphs are a record of how fast an object was moving at a given time. On a car, they would show what the speedometer was displaying. On a speed-time graph a horizontal line means the object is traveling at a constant speed. An upward tilting line means that the object is accelerating. A downward tilting line means that the object is decelerating.

8 Activity Plot a Speed-Time graph to show the speed of the roller-coaster over the first 34s of its journey. Split the graph into 4 sections and describe each section in a sentence.

9 Homework Page 97

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