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The Life of Christ Lesson 5 – From Judea to Galilee

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1 The Life of Christ Lesson 5 – From Judea to Galilee
Retiring to Galilee – Matthew 4:12, 17; Mark 1:14-15; Luke 3:19-20; Luke 4:14-15; John 4:1-54 Preaching in Capernaum – Matthew 4:13-16, ; 8:14-17; Mark 1:16-39; Luke 4:31-44; 5:1-11

2 The response from Sychar
John 4:39-42 The response from Sychar The result – “many more believed because of His word” (verse 41) We Must Have A Faith Of Our Own “… no longer because of what you said that we believe, for we have heard for ourselves and know that this One is indeed the Savior of the world” (verse 42)

3 Jesus’ 2nd Miracle Healing the nobleman’s son.

4 John 4:46-54 Jesus’ 2nd Miracle Jesus again came to Cana of Galilee. A “royal official” heard Jesus was there and traveled approximately 25 miles to “implore” Jesus to “come down and heal his son” who was “at the point of death.” “Come down before my child dies” (verse 49). He believed that Jesus needed to be where his son was.

5 Jesus’ 2nd Miracle Jesus statement:
John 4:46-54 Jesus’ 2nd Miracle Jesus statement: “Unless you … see signs and wonders, you … will not believe” Who? Signs and Wonders – the deeper truth versus the attention or focus to the physical side of the miracle – the “wow factor” (CS). Jesus condemned those who constantly sought for signs. Matthew 16:1-4; Luke 11:29

6 John 4:46-54 Jesus’ 2nd Miracle Jesus condemned those who constantly sought for signs. Matthew 16:1-4; Luke 11:29 Do we read of the Samaritans pestering Jesus for miraculous signs before they would believe?

7 Jesus’ 2nd Miracle Jesus’ instructions:
John 4:46-54 Jesus’ 2nd Miracle Jesus’ instructions: “Go on your way; your son lives.” The nobleman’s response: He “believed” and “started off.” His slaves met him and told him his son lived. He asked about when “he began to get better”. His slaves told him the specific hour the “fever left him.” Not gradual.

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