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Code Inspection for Healthier Homes

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1 Code Inspection for Healthier Homes
Introduce yourself: Describe your background as it relates to HHS, healthy homes, code inspection, training, the local community, etc. Describe classroom logistics: Review the day’s agenda. Tell students how breaks, including lunch, will be handled. Make sure students know where the restrooms are located. Invite students to stretch in the back of the room as needed. Explain how questions will be handled. If using notecards, explain students can write questions and comments on the cards and put them on the trainer’s table during breaks or at end of the day. Have students introduce themselves (if class size allows): In addition to their names, students might identify the organization they work for and their role within that organization. (With smaller groups it may be possible to add an ice-breaker question such as “What is one fun fact that no one in this room knows about you.” Version 2.2

2 National Healthy Homes Training Center & Network
Brings together public health and housing practitioners Forum for exchanging information on new research and best practices.   Briefly describe the role of the Training Center. Funded through a contract with the U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development , and with support from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control & Prevention

3 Goals and Objectives Understand Key Concepts
Understand Housing Code Basics Understand Code Requirements Understand Landlord/ Tenant Laws and Issues Explain the connection between health and housing. Describe the evolution of housing codes. Assess your local code inspection program & practices. Brainstorm ways to help residents address identified hazards. Identify two interior and two exterior housing problems that are common today. Describe the scope of residents’ and landlords’ ability to invoke change. Describe the importance of a holistic approach. Define and compare the IPMC and NHHS. Name all healthy housing principles; identify 3 hazards related to each. Describe goals, then click to reveal each set of corresponding objectives. NOTE: When discussing the last goal, “Understand Landlord/Tenant Laws and Issues,” point out that legal aid may not be an option in every jurisdiction, so there could be other agencies that can provide legal resources. Identify two ways an inspection is initiated and two inspection approaches. Conduct a virtual code inspection. Describe the legal aid referral process.

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