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Welcome To Lesson 13 From Essential Words For The TOEFL

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome To Lesson 13 From Essential Words For The TOEFL"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome To Lesson 13 From Essential Words For The TOEFL
In The Name Of Allah Welcome To Lesson 13 From Essential Words For The TOEFL

2 Favorable weather is crucial to a good harvest .

3 Meanings Crucial crucially (adj.) of great importance;
extremely necessary crucially (adv.)

4 Synonym Crucial Critical

5 Every dignitary in Washington was invited to the wedding.

6 usually associated with a high position in government
Meanings dignitary (n.) a very important person OR a famous person usually associated with a high position in government

7 Synonym dignitary celebrity

8 The criminal has eluded the police for months .

9 To escape in a tricky way
Meanings Elude (v.) To escape in a tricky way elusive (adj.) elusiveness (n.)

10 Synonym elude evade

11 It is evident that the clown isn’t feeling well.

12 usually because of some proof
Meanings Evident (adj.) Easy to see; usually because of some proof evidence (n.) evidently (adv.)

13 Synonym Evident apparent

14 Obviously the school cannot function without teachers.

15 Meanings obviously obvious (adv.) in a clear, easy to understand way

16 Synonym obviously evidently

17 They exhausted their energy in ten minutes .

18 Meanings exhaust exhaustively exhausting exhaustive exhausted
to use completely; very thorough to expend all energy; exhaustively exhausting (adv.) (adj.) exhaustive exhausted (adj.) (adj.) exhaustion (n.)

19 Synonym Exhaust deplete

20 The extensive snowfall caused problems throughout the city.

21 *to offer; to make longer = to extend
Meanings extensive (adj.) large in area or number *to offer; to make longer = to extend extensively *extend (adv.) (v.) *extension (n.)

22 Synonym Extensive comprehensive

23 She finds it difficult to face her problems.

24 to be in the presence of and oppose
Meanings face (v.) to be in the presence of and oppose

25 Synonym Face confront

26 Computers have many beneficial facets.

27 Meanings facet (n.) Element or component -faceted (adj.)

28 Synonym facet aspect

29 The honey bee workers were faithful, yet idolatrous to their queen.

30 a person or image that is loyally admired or respected
Meanings idol (n.) a person or image that is loyally admired or respected idolatry (n.) idolatrous (adj.)

31 Synonym idol hero

32 The summit of the mountain was inaccessible .

33 Something that cannot be reached or communicated with
Meanings inaccessible (adj.) Something that cannot be reached or communicated with inaccessibility (n.) inaccessibly (adv.)

34 Synonym inaccessible remote

35 The students were oblivious to the fact that the test would cover the entire chapter.

36 To be unaware of or forgetful
Meanings Oblivious (adj.) To be unaware of or forgetful obliviousness (n.) obliviously (adv.)

37 Synonym Oblivious ignorant

38 *He told some offensive jokes. = insulting
*They launched the land offensive in the middle of the night. Offensive= a planned military attack = (n.) *He told some offensive jokes. = insulting This meaning is what you have in your books.

39 Meanings Offensive offensiveness offensively (adj.) being unpleasant
e.g. Offensive smells Causing anger; rude; offensiveness (n.) offensively (adv.)

40 Synonym Offensive insulting

41 The weather forecast predicts rain and storms this afternoon.

42 In a way that foretells future events
Meanings PREDICTABLY (adv.) In a way that foretells future events predictable prediction (adj.) (n.) predict (v.)

43 Synonym PREDICTABLY expectedly

44 The weather is suitable for camping.

45 Meanings suitable suit suitably (adj.) Appropriate; correct;
convenient suit (v.) suitably (adv.)

46 Synonym suitable appropriate

47 The end  Prepared by najwa

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