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Welcome to UWE Bristol Professor Jane Harrington

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to UWE Bristol Professor Jane Harrington"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to UWE Bristol Professor Jane Harrington
Deputy Vice-Chancellor & Provost January 2018

2 UWE Bristol Strategy 2020 Advancing knowledge, inspiring people, transforming futures

3 Strategy 2020 ‘To be a university recognised for the success and impact of our professionally- recognised and practice-oriented programmes; our strong industry networks and connections; our agile ways of working; and our inclusive and global outlook and approach.’

4 University Structures – Faculties
4 Faculties : Business & Law (FBL) Bristol Business School, Law, Bristol Law School Environment & Technology (FET) Engineering, Design & Mathematics, Architecture & Built Environment, Geography & Environmental Management, Computer Science & Creative Technologies Health & Applied Sciences (HAS) Allied Health Professions, Health & Social Sciences, Nursing & Midwifery, Applied Sciences Arts, Creative Industries & Education (ACE) Art & Design, Arts & Cultural Industries, Film & Journalism, Education and Childhood Led by Executive Deans/PVCs Supported by Associate Deans, Academic Directors, Heads of Department 4 Faculties : Business & Law (FBL) Bristol Business School, Law, Bristol Institute of Legal Practice Environment & Technology (FET) Engineering, Design & Mathematics, Architecture & Built Environment, Geography & Environmental Management, Computer Science & Creative Technologies Health & Applied Sciences (HAS) Allied Health Professions, Health & Social Sciences, Nursing & Midwifery, Biological, Biomedical Analytical Sciences Arts, Creative Industries & Education (ACE) Art & Design, Arts & Cultural Industries, Film & Journalism, Education Led by Executive Deans/PVCs Supported by Associate Deans, Academic Directors, Heads of Department

5 How are we going to get there?
Outstanding Learning Ready and Able Graduates Research with Impact Strategic Partnerships, Connections and Networks Activities across our priorities are aimed at: Differentiation Making academic and support service performance outstanding Maintaining our position and student numbers Ensuring the University is in a stable position This involves: Major change programmes Enhancement and continuous improvement Business as usual Priorities Priorities People: Performance and Development Place: Estate, Infrastructure, Facilities Enablers Enablers

6 Professional Services
Centralised support Faculty facing Main Contacts : Academic Services Student Administration Team (papers, boards, visit arrangements) Learning & Teaching Enhancement Team – External Examining (contracts, reports) Professional Services Centralised support with faculty facing teams and individuals. Main Contacts : Student and Academic Services Student Administration Team - papers, coursework submission, field and award boards, visit arrangements Learning & Teaching Enhancement Team – external examining, accreditations, module and programme review, change and approval. Student Success Services Reading lists, academic skills support, Peer Assisted Learning, careers and Employability services and research support.

7 Quality Management & Enhancement Framework (QMEF)
Flexible and strategic risk based approach to developing UWE curriculum Covers curriculum design, improvement and review Develops shared understanding of what a UWE Degree “looks like” through shared guiding principles

8 Quality Management & Enhancement Framework (QMEF)
Continuous Improvement Tool Quality Management & Enhancement Framework (QMEF) Unifies and replaces previous data and programme reporting processes with three main elements: Programme data Reflections and actions (enhancement) Annual Programme Review (in development) As part of EF supports contemporary, targeted, presentation of, and response to, data on: Market Attractiveness (i.e. conversion rate) Graduate outcomes (DLHE data) Student satisfaction (feedback metrics) Cohort performance (i.e. good honours)

9 Quality Management & Enhancement Framework (QMEF)
Continuous Improvement Tool Quality Management & Enhancement Framework (QMEF) Web-based, open to all staff and accessible on all devices: available from the intranet homepage or Supported by Learning and Teaching Enhancement Team and Business Intelligence:

10 Practice-oriented learning
Informs types of programmes, facilities for learning, employer engagement (projects, masterclasses, co-designing curriculum). Innovative programme design: Team Entrepreneurship BBC – MA Wildlife Filmmaking

11 Showcasing student talent
Degree shows in ACE and FET – employers attend Various other ways of celebrating the talent of our students

12 Building connections Multiple ways of connecting our students with employers: Largest graduate recruitment fair in the south west with over 170 employers and 4,000 student attendees last year (2015). Goodlab SouthWest - brings together social entrepreneurs and Bristol universities Start-up Drinks Bristol networking event - over 700 attendees since 2014 Mentor network - extensive network of regional entrepreneurs mentoring our aspiring entrepreneurs

13 Ready and able graduates
Over 7,000 skilled graduates annually; half stay in the South West 1,000 Business, Finance and Communication specialists Over 1,000 Health Professionals Over 200 Computer Specialists Over 200 Engineers Over 500 Law Graduates Tim Carson, Director, E and EG Stratton “If this is the quality of student that the university of turning out, then it is a credit to all the staff and lecturers at UWE..” Consistently high in the employability of our graduates – continue to rise.

14 Research with impact Pee Power CAR

15 Community engagement Ebenezer Gate Pocket Park – worked with Bedminster Town Team to develop ideas for a small pocket of disused space on North Street, Bedminster – Master of Architecture students. UWE is one of the main providers of volunteers for the city - Multiple projects partly or fully funded by Bristol City Council/NHS Bristol/etc since 2008 - focusing on urban health and wellbeing mainly around 20mph limits, cycling and general activity - longitudinal survey studies of GB and Bristol on opinions and behaviour linked to 20mph limits; cycling - reports led to national impact: into the all party parliamentary enquiry into cycling; data on 20mph was used by Road Safety Minister in 2013 - locally the data has been used by the Council in both its 20mph and cycling (eg Cycling City marketing strategies etc). Rachel Fenton has been commissioned by Bristol City Council to roll out the Intervention Initiative for the community (work £10,000). This is part of a strategy to tackle domestic and sexual and domestic violence.

16 School and college partnership
Whole journey – very involved in the fabric of education in the region

17 Looking forwards… And there are a lot of developments planned for

18 Ambitious, innovative, connected, enabling, inclusive
Major activities University Enterprise Zone Faculty of Business and Law Science and engineering Degree apprenticeships 100% teaching accreditation Enhanced learning environments Leading-edge simulations and accreditations New business processes and systems Much more in strategic programme, faculty and professional service plans! Some of the major changes that we will see include: University Enterprise Zone Faculty of Business and Law Science and engineering Degree apprenticeships 100% teaching accreditation Enhanced learning environments Leading-edge simulations and accreditations New business processes and systems And much more… All of these activities are aimed at ensuring our culture is one that is ambitious, innovative, connected, enabling and inclusive – both in terms of what we do and how we do it. Ambitious, innovative, connected, enabling, inclusive

19 Welcome to UWE Bristol Professor Jane Harrington
Deputy Vice-Chancellor & Provost January 2018

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