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Electronic Fishery Information Systems Solutions To Fisheries & Oceans Canadas Electronic Reporting Issues Prepared By: Ron Goruk: 250-713-1522 Carmen.

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Presentation on theme: "Electronic Fishery Information Systems Solutions To Fisheries & Oceans Canadas Electronic Reporting Issues Prepared By: Ron Goruk: 250-713-1522 Carmen."— Presentation transcript:

1 Electronic Fishery Information Systems Solutions To Fisheries & Oceans Canadas Electronic Reporting Issues Prepared By: Ron Goruk: 250-713-1522 Carmen McConnell: 250-713-7172 Portland May 3-4, 2011

2 Electronic Fishery Information Systems First Nations Electronic Reporting Database Started in year 2000 Licensing/permitting module, tracks individual catch Captures all Food, Social & Ceremonial (FSC) catch Tracks distribution Captures location, effort and other fishing information 34+ Nations have the database Data sent electronically to DFO Pacific Regions corporate database via e-mail 2011 – Software rebuilt using Visual Studio Net Training for 34 Nations, additional Nations coming on side Only means for FSC data to be entered into corporate database

3 Electronic Fishery Information Systems Recreational Electronic Logbook Started in year 2006 Recreational fishers not required to report catch 3 components to application On Water – Handheld device, individual fish by GPS Dockside – Touch screen, less location details Lodge – Imports data from other devices, reports 2010 – 10 Lodges, 35 Handhelds, 8 Tablet PCs 10 Handhelds in Olympia Data sent electronically to DFO Pacific Regions corporate database via e-mail DFO MS Exchange server 2011 – Dockside and On Water being built in HTML5 to accommodate new technologies Increase efforts to deploy software in Pacific Region

4 Electronic Fishery Information Systems On Water Component

5 Electronic Fishery Information Systems Dockside Component

6 Electronic Fishery Information Systems Desktop Component

7 Electronic Fishery Information Systems Commercial Electronic Logbook Started in year 2005 Design based on existing paper logbooks Incorporates input from fishers and DFO Staff Can include bio and other scientific data Captures catch and other fishing information at source Reduces data entry errors, deciphering Reduces data entry costs for DFO Standard E-Log components Start Trip (Provides estimate of effort) Cancel Trip, Pause Trip, Catch, End Trip, Landing (optional) Hardware setup (GPS, Satellite Modem/Telephone, USB Stick Communications Setup (Satellite Modem/Telephone, USB) Fisher Setup (E-Log I.D., VRN, FIN, E-Mail addresses) Landing (Optional)

8 Electronic Fishery Information Systems

9 Commercial Electronic Logbook – contd Forces fishers to report as per their license conditions Forces fishers to meet data and reporting standards Improves compliance Exception reports can track violations Vessel monitoring (hourly position reporting) Eliminates the purchase of paper logbooks and phone-in Various standard reports available in application Data received in real time or near real time if required

10 Electronic Fishery Information Systems Commercial Electronic Logbook – contd Transmission issues resolved Iridium and Orbcomm satellite modems Iridium and Globalstar satellite telephones Cellular telephone USB Internet device LAN – Local Area Network connection Data transmitted via comma delimited text Difficult to decipher if intercepted Most economical for fishers Data sent as a simple, small e-mail message to DFOs Microsoft Exchange server Message gets processed and sent to DFOs corporate catch database

11 Electronic Fishery Information Systems

12 Commercial Electronic Logbook – contd 5071 GE00006,"9470-2607-110755", "FOS-148220",26/7/2010,C 4,"4-15",12.5,11 B,0,1 C,28,0 A, 440,0 5071 – Start tag & I.D. for batch import processes - Catch Report Tag, Use other tags GE00006 – DFO E-Log I.D. for Fisher, unique 9470-2607-110755 – Unique reference number "FOS-148220 – Confirmation # from DB back to Fisher 4,"4-15",12.5,11 – Area, Sub-area, Hours fished, # Gillnet sets A,440,0</CA – Sockeye catch tag, 440 kept 0 released

13 Electronic Fishery Information Systems Commercial Electronic Logbook – contd Security issues resolved PRA (Preliminary Risk Assessment) being approved, ensures transmitted data is not a risk to Fisher or DFO DFO not responsible for fisher data until it reaches DFO Microsoft Exchange Server (behind firewall) DFO owns data once it reaches the exchange server E-Log I.D. issued to fishers, eliminates the need to send personal information E-Log I.D. and FIN (Fisher Identification Number) sent with catch and other fishing information E-Log I.D. and FIN linked to all personal and licensing information behind DFO firewall in DFOs corporate information system

14 Electronic Fishery Information Systems Commercial Electronic Logbook – contd Piloted Fisheries Net Fisheries (Gillnet & Seine) Pacific Salmon, Pacific Herring, Greenland Halibut Trawl Fisheries Atlantic Shrimp Pot Fisheries Pacific Prawn, Atlantic Lobster, Atlantic Snow Crab Hook and Line Fisheries Pacific Salmon (Troll), Tuna 2010 – 134 E-logs deployed Nationally Software available to fishers at no charge

15 Electronic Fishery Information Systems Commercial Electronic Logbook – contd DFO E-Log Modules Quota Tracking Tracks quota by species and area For the fisher only, data not sent At sea estimated catch gets updated once catch has been landed and validated Suggested to build this into an at sea transferring system Landing Captures landing information, including validated catch Applied when required Generates electronic or paper sales slip E-Mail Sends and receives small text messages, no attachments Ship to ship and ship to shore Favorite module!!

16 Electronic Fishery Information Systems Commercial Electronic Logbook – contd 2011 – Expansion in all fisheries and fleets 2011 – New Fisheries Red Sea Urchin Interest in developing E-Log module, Managers & Fishers Recommendation to make VMS mandatory, Abalone poaching issues Dungeness Crab Snow Crab 5 vessel pilot Greenland Halibut – Trawl (Gillnet – 2010) Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization (HAFO) Quebec Lobster fishery, 86 vessels

17 The End

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