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Human Resources | C & B Operations | Concha Martinez/Rajani Koduganti

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1 Recognition in Nestlé Consolidation of Market Programs and Parameters of Best Practices
Human Resources | C & B Operations | Concha Martinez/Rajani Koduganti 29 November November 2018

2 Agenda Report Premise & Objective Executive Summary
Key Report Highlights and Recommendations Is there a direct link between top 5 Recognition Programs (RP) and Nestlé & I scores? Identifying top 5 Recognition Programs Findings Are Recognition programs in alignment with NCE? Conclusions

The What: Understand current state of recognition in the markets Gather quantifiable data points, analyze information & benchmark to build a strategic recognition framework The Why: Nestlé & I results indicate a need for recognition culture integrated with manager behaviors & employee progress Global recognition framework based on the employee and Nestlé Leadership Framework can impact recognition culture, manager behaviors positively Human Resources | C & B Operations | Concha Martinez/Rajani Koduganti 29 November November 2018

4 A Recognition Framework based on inputs from:
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY A Recognition Framework based on inputs from: Internal Recognition Guidelines (A Guide to Recognition – 2011) External Research TOD Center of Expertise and partnership NCE – Leadership Development Pillar Survey conducted across all markets Framework revolves around: Full integration of 4 elements of Recognition Address systemic capabilities Recognition as a powerful potential leverage for HR strategies Broad participation across all employees Human Resources | C & B Operations | Concha Martinez/Rajani Koduganti 29 November November 2018

5 Executive Summary – Strategic Recognition Framework……
Integration and Connection between 4 Elements: 2 Foundational and 2 Recognition Elements. Some elements included in current programs but not in an integrated & connected manner. Foundational Elements Personally Recognized – I know you/I see you/I value you Behaviors – routing core values connected with the Nestlé Leadership Framework Behaviors Recognition Elements Recognition of Efforts – connected with knowing the employee and core values/behaviors driving the efforts Recognition of Results – connected with knowing the employee and core values/behaviors driving the results

6 Executive Summary – Strategic Recognition Framework……
Address systemic capabilities Measurement – identify what & who is being recognized to coach effectively Connect recognition to KPI’s that deliver results for both business and HR (business results, turnover, engagement scores) Real time recognition Measure and understand culture Personalize recognition Ease of administration Establish and measure budget Human Resources | C & B Operations | Concha Martinez/Rajani Koduganti 29 November November 2018

7 Executive Summary – Strategic Recognition Framework……
Recognition as a potential input in strategic HR and Corporate Initiatives Leverage recognition to drive Corporate Business Principles and NLF Drive performance culture Increase Manager and Employee capabilities Capture NCE recognitions and share for duplication Crowd sourced information for personal evaluation Identify and duplicate high performing networks Effectively identify talent and capabilities Capture and duplicate innovation and best practice Human Resources | C & B Operations | Concha Martinez/Rajani Koduganti 29 November November 2018

8 Executive Summary – Strategic Recognition Framework……
Promote Broad Participation across all Employees Leverage peer to peer recognition Will help achieve desired cultural change in the long term Human Resources | C & B Operations | Concha Martinez/Rajani Koduganti 29 November November 2018

9 Key Report Highlights – Survey Methodology
Data collection template sent to 56 NiM C&B Managers across Zone AMS, AOA and EUR 98% response rate achieved 85% markets (42) have one or more recognition programs; 24% of markets have more than one recognition program. A total of 66 plans analyzed to review findings and learning Survey consisted of 39 questions grouped in to 12 different categories

10 Key Report Highlights and Recommendations (I)
Lack of clear understanding of NLF behaviors (Q3) Several different behaviors do not provide clear message to employees 6 NLF behaviors should be the foundation for RP Behaviors and Results not connected. Large no. of plans focus primarily only on results Establish connection between behaviors, efforts and results Define differences between recognition and reward

11 Key Report Highlights and Recommendations (II)
Having only HR own recognition programs is not adequate for program success.(Q2) Co-ownership between C&B + TOD along with the business Clear roles for C&B, TOD, business, Finance and Communications

12 Key Report Highlights and Recommendations (III)
Only half of the plans allow peer to peer nominations (Q6&7) All employees allowed to give and receive recognition to create an inclusive culture and reinforce Company values Varying award levels across markets (Q12) Allow differentiation through gradation of awards to recognize the size of the effort and impact for each recognition Who can nominate? Who can be nominated?

13 Key Report Highlights and Recommendations (IV)
Though most use non cash, some markets still use cash awards to recognize employees (Q18) Non-cash awards best impact intrinsic motivation and create positive memories associated to recognition

14 Key Report Highlights and Recommendations (V)
Prevalence of committees can slow down recognition processes (Q24) Ensure that approval is fast and timely and appropriately calibrated. Technology can provide simple solutions. Is there a committee that approves the award?

15 Key Report Highlights and Recommendations (VI)
Most plans do not use metrics to measure program success (Q36) Important to have real time metrics which can be supported by technology. Key metrics include: Recognitions per EE, per month Average spend per EE Who is giving/receiving recognition Corporate Culture Reasons for recognition: behaviors / efforts/ results

16 Key Report Highlights and Recommendations (VII)
Majority of plans do not budget for recognition separately (Q28) Budgets are a foundational element for RP and should have a cost allocation because of the value it generates Separate Budget to allow/ensure monitoring of plan spend

17 Key Report Highlights and Recommendations (VIII)
Plan identity is split equally between markets that have a non branded versus a branded name (Q1) Recommended to have a branded identity that brings character, life, and credibility to the program Human Resources | C & B Operations | Concha Martinez/Rajani Koduganti 29 November November 2018

18 Is there a direct link between top 5 RP and N & I scores?
Identifying Top 5 Recognition Programs and Key Elements Based on the criteria below: Clearly defined objectives that the program is driving Program accessibility for all employees; no restriction on eligibility Defined criteria for different levels of the program Non – cash awards Technology assisted strategic on-line program Top 5 programs (out of 66) in no specific order UK & Ireland – implemented in 2009 Canada – implemented in 2013 Oceania – implemented prior to 2011 India – implemented in 2013 NUSA – implemented in 2011

19 Is there a direct link between top 5 RP and N & I scores?
Findings A perceived good recognition plan may not guarantee a better ‘Nestlé & I’ scores on Manager Behavior, Co-operation, Respect & Treatment or ‘Reward & Recognition’ Some of these plans are relatively new which means it might take time for recognition initiatives to achieve desired results. Even the best programs are missing important parts Evidence of missing the core which is ‘I know you, I see you, I value you’ and the foundation of Manager behaviors - prove this true. Highest positive scores on the recognition question ‘I receive recognition when I do a good job’ are Canada and Oceania, but here the highest Manager Employee Relationship score is only 60%, indicating external but not internal engagement (Progress Principle – Harvard Review) Human Resources | C & B Operations | Concha Martinez/Rajani Koduganti 29 November November 2018

20 Are Recognition Programs in Alignment with NCE?
Findings Some functions / sites have passed the NCE gate but were not using country wide RP and have created their own RPs. NCE has resulted in embedding daily recognition in their activities through DOR’s, WOR’s and MOR’s meetings. Exceptional milestones are collectively celebrated to improve team work Recognition is not self-sustained in all locations. HR is dealing with periodical communications to keep the RP alive.

21 Integrated approach is needed between NCE and recognition practices.
Are Recognition Programs in Alignment with NCE?...... Conclusions Integrated approach is needed between NCE and recognition practices. Both should emphasize on desired manager’s behaviors. Both should have an integrated approach to behaviors, efforts and results

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