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Announcements 1/23/12 Prayer SPS social.

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Presentation on theme: "Announcements 1/23/12 Prayer SPS social."— Presentation transcript:

1 Announcements 1/23/12 Prayer SPS social

2 Reading Quiz When a plane wave hits an interface between two different materials, which of the following wave properties will change from the incident to the transmitted wave: Amplitude Frequency Direction Two of the above None of the above

3 Reading Quiz The Fresnel coefficients r and t (not R and T):
Describe how much electric field is reflected and transmitted at an interface Describe how much intensity is reflected and transmitted at an interface Must add up to 1 More than one of the above None of the above

4 Boundary Conditions 1 2 (if H ~ B) (if m1 = m2)

5 Reading Quiz When a light ray hits an surface, the plane which contains the incoming, reflected, and transmitted beams, is called the “plane of _________”: incidence interface intersection reflection refraction

6 Reading Quiz To represent the two polarizations that are parallel and perpendicular to the place of incidence, we use the symbols: n and w p and q r and u s and p t and v

7 Reflection/transmission for normal incidence

8 Energy/power coefficients

9 At an angle! q1R 1 q2T 2 q1I y z (x into board)

10 s-polarization: full treatment (handout)
q1R 1 q2T 2 q1I y z (x into board)

11 Fresnel Equations, summary
If near perpendicular (1-D problem) For arbitrary angle with

12 Setting up HW problem P3.1

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