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Warm up #21 What are some advantages and disadvantages of using water resources?

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Presentation on theme: "Warm up #21 What are some advantages and disadvantages of using water resources?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm up #21 What are some advantages and disadvantages of using water resources?

2 Lesson 4: Air and water resources
Ch. 4 Energy Resources Lesson 4: Air and water resources

3 Essential questions Why is it important to manage air and water resources wisely? How can individuals help manage air and water resources wisely?

4 How often do you use water each day? Activity
In most places in the US, people are fortunate to have an adequate supply of clean water. When you turn on the faucet, do you think about the value of water as a resource? What are some times that you use water? What is the purpose of those times?

5 Importance of air and water
Oxygen helps the body provide energy for cells Water is needed for many life functions

6 air Air pollution produced when fossil fuels burn and natural events occur Photochemical smog – a brownish haze produced when nitrogen compounds and other pollutants in the air react in the presence of sunlight Acid precipitation – precipitation that has a pH less than 5.6 Natural events – forest fires and volcanic eruptions

7 water .9% of the total amount of water on Earth humans are able to use
Water used for drinking, farming, industry, electricity production, household activities, transportation, and recreation All of this affects the water after it’s used

8 Managing air and water resources
Clean Air Act passed in 1970 – limits amount of certain pollutants that can be released into the air Clean Water Act – reduction of water pollution Safe Drinking Water Act – legislates the protection of drinking water supplies Help to make sure your home is energy efficient, properly disposing of harmful chemicals, clean up litter from areas, conserve water

9 How much water can a leaky faucet waste? activity
You are competing for the job of environmental consultant at your school. One of the competition requirements is to complete an analysis of water waste from existing faucets. Catch water from a leaking faucet in a beaker for 30 min. Measure the amount of water lost. How much water would be lost in 1 hour, 1 day, 1 week, 1 month, and 1 year?

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